What bothers you most about todays political situation in your country?

What bothers you most about todays political situation in your country?

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What bothers me every day, all the fucking niggers.

the endless lying.

Yeah, don't fucking complain its your fault.

At least you guys are taking most of the burden now.

The masses being easily led in all directions. Few people are genuinely questioning or open minded. Most stick with their own narrative, even includes a lot on Sup Forums

Are there even any white farmers left in your country?

The shitskins, the politicians that brought them here, the lack of free speech.

Marine Le Pen is a whore

The question should be, what doesn't bother me.

apathy to corruption and evil

Of course, otherwise I would have probably starved by now.

The fucking natives riding the waves of white guilt.

Some schools in Winnipeg now have to make announcements before O Canada saying "this school resides on Treaty 1 territory and the Metis homeland" or some bullshit like that.

Fuck them.


Pretty much every political party in my country is a PC shit show.

The cognitive dissonance. I wouldn't be have as pissed off if there was a consistent principle. But it's all just nonsense.

Muslim shit

The white traitors who are dooming us.

non whites, mucking up the works

any nigger

>Leftists have control of my state and always will
>they raise minimum wage time and time again because nobody knows basic economy
>rent and the cost of living keeps rising
>nobody can afford to live in the state anymore
>instead of realizing they messed up they blame it all on Trump and then continue to make things worse
>Meanwhile Antifa and college kids start protesting and rioting every time someone with a differing opinion shows up

Royalist and military pretend to be democracy
the worse is westerners believe them because they want money

You mean illegal immigrants.

There's no hope anymore. No innovation. No new ideas.

Just pre-packaged, opinion poll fuckheads with no desire to help the nation
Just cunts wanting a legacy. Cunts who sell us out to their mates and foreign corporations.

Just cunts man. There's no hope anymore

this so much

>What bothers you most about todays political situation in your country?

The fact that I am now old enough (pushing thirties) to see that despite all the changes, nothing actually changes.. Also the fact that certain things are going to get much worse before they even have a chance of getting better.

The only REAL and significant change I've seen happen between my early youth in the 90s and right now, is that freedom of expression and especially the freedom to shock, once so deeply ingrained in Dutch culture and arts, is dead. There are things people cannot or will not say anymore.. In the best case scenario this is because they are rational beings that fear for their employability. In the worst case scenario, because they know it might get them killed in todays Europe.

Fucking socialists.

Lmao Thaibro, nobody actually believes your king and militairy are a democracy. They just don't give a shit as long as we can come for holidays to get shitfaced and fuck trannies for pennies...


I've ended up listening to Dutch sob-songs. Thousands of Dutch soldiers died during the last war and we've lost our independence to the German and his non-culture. Literally nothing left to fight for here anymore since it's all progressive German now.

that the people aren't really being empowered
rather just played like a fiddle and led like sheep.

Nailed it, from this pretty much every other problem stems.


The apathy of the people

Literally every single thing about it



How soft and weak we've become, all of us.

That everyone is a leftie and thirsty for pussy

Underrepresented and no representation.
>vote Brexit
>Remainfag in charge of negotiations
>media continue to fearmonger shit on Brexit
>and make Leave voters look like a small minority of lower class rebels
If we had a Leave voter run the negotiations from the start, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess. Remainfags are the reason things are going tits up. They have literally no confidence in their own country and those fuckers are somehow in charge. This is why we're getting fucked by foreigners in the negotiations. Despite this, they still blame Brexit for their woes. Fuck them.

Lack of vision

apathy dosnt exist because empathy dosnt exist.

OP here, forgot to put mine n:

>cant have an opinion that is even slightly conservative or in some places, liberal without getting a shitstorm of people buzzwording you to death

This. I know how to keep my power level in check and can pretend to just be just a center right conservative, but even that isn't enough at my university. There's no organised group that is even slightly conservative. And while teachers mostly keep their politics in check, student union is everywhere, and students wil look at you in shock if you even dare to hypothetically question the narrative.

That they call it a victory when the amount of immigrants in jobs has risen from 20 to 30% and tell it like it is a huge victory and a big boon for the economy, while my grandmother can sit in a soggy diaper for hours on end and not got washed for weeks and the goverment wants to lower taxes on stock trading and expensive cars

bending over and taking it without lube from the EU. Our national politics have pretty much been taken over by the EU, which is why coalition talks are mainly about niche subjects such as multiple parenthood, assisten suicide etc. Nobody is talking about the ECB ruining our pensions and other thinks i actually give a fuck about.

And the laws against hate speech make it impossible to say anything but the ever changing media narrative (in public)

the manufactured divide and conquer mindfuckery

Brown people

Consider that you are high functioning autistic and you can't prevent yourself from saying what you think at all times to realise how fucked it is

People who unironically think if you follow your nation with different ethnicities, it would make you're country diverse.

Trips of sad truth

Only war leads to real change.

the polarization

Our elites copy every stupid and suicidal policy from the 1st world that get people complaining here and we don't even have enough wealth and civilization to afford it in the first place.
It's maddening.

The retarded obsession with growth for growth's sake.

Endless population growth is a sacred crow in this country. Both the left and right unironically want to see Australia be a country of 40 million people by 2050 with Sydney Melbourne to be cities of 10 million each. Meanwhile house and energy prices are the highest in the developed world, infrastructure is stuck in the 80s and full-time jobs are shrinking. It's insane and bordering on treason.

Even when children are being raped nobody cares as long as they're okay.

People who lost an election are leading their brainwashed masses with the most insane stupidity it's almost impressive.

The fact that my country buys euros in bulk in order for the EU to stay alive a bit longer.
Just let them die, they brought it upon themselves.

I'd get murdered eventually for not wearing a helmet while riding a bike.

>$700 fine, don't pay it
>they start taking your property
>you run out of stuff
>they forcibly take you to jail for not wearing a helmet
>you resist

No one listens to others' perspective. This results in no progress being made in terms of argument or debate. It's a problem that both the right and left are guilty of.

Tried to have a conversation with my sister about the gay marriage plebiscite and which vote is the best choice. Any time I tried to raise points for "no" she always refused to listen and offered nothing to the conversation. "You vote no if you really want to" is all she would say.

Alternatively, a friend of mine is a classic Sup Forums shitposter and only yells about kikes and the "leftist cucks". Whenever I try to engage in political discussion further (often at least slightly challenging his current beliefs), he tunes out completely. Fuck you, Harold. You know who you are.

The only time anyone communicates back and attempts to engage with me is when they're overly passionate about whatever it is and just keep yelling back common, worn-out arguments they picked up from Facebook and reddit.

And finally, there are the people who are so tired of no one listening to them that they don't even care anymore. Any attempt to speak with them about politics or social issues of any kind results in redirection to edgy memes vaguely related to said issue.

I'm not even that passionate about politics atm. I just want someone to speak with me about the shit that matters. Someone to listen to my perspective and share their own so we can come to a satisfactory conclusion on what the best path to follow is. Someone. Anyone.

Because there is no room for debate here and there is no middle ground. Moral relativism is Jewish Talmudic inspired cultural Marxism. All the pilpul in the world won't turn a man's rectum into a birth canal. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and nature will not be fooled.

My point is that there's no room for debate anywhere. Nothing of substance. The Socratic Method is dead in this world and it pisses me off.

The strong sense of delusion, as if tribalism and territory no longer matter.
The self-hating traitors.

In my country there now exists in practice separate legislation for muslims and non-muslims

>Be doctor to help people
>Go to be a doctor in a detention centre for rapefugees
>Report torture to the media
>Go to prison

I hate rapefugees but fuck me if I have MY FUCKING RIGHTS taken away.

Women being in charge of immigration and foreign aid. Just women being in charge of anything to do with politics, love women, just don't think they are suited to the roles they currently play politically. If a woman got into a position of power and didnt fuck things up id be willing to change my mind.

>woman becomes defence minister
>men can no longer join Australian army
Not kidding.

>What bothers you most about todays political situation in your country?
Peronists still exist.

that they're letting niggers in

Psychopath levels of dishonesty is considered smart and acceptable.
It's wrong and has bad consequences

and also severely limited freedom of speech

The endless, unrelenting stream of lies and bullshit that saturate all of the news. There is something borderline demonic about the way all these well-mannered people are deceived to blathering on with cliché's and emotional pleads. It's like our soul is getting fucked with and the only way to deal with it is to shut it out completely. I've given up on the idea that it's possible to immunize yourself with arguments and clear thinking. It's just demonic.

Commie scum running free, and destryoing history and culture while the Government encourages children to become fags and trans.

How happy people of my generation are to commit cultural suicide through pathological altruism without ever once stopping to look at numbers, trends, history, or statistics. Feeling virtuous is all that matters.

No one doing anything to cut down on immigration which is fucking this small population country up like crazy

The fact that our political system has become sensationalized. People don't care about logic and reason anymore and will vote for whoever yells witty sarcasm the loudest. Presidential debates are the worst example, all of them were nothing but two autists screaming at each other to determint the future of the USA. The 2016 election made me truly ashamed of my country.

uhm no sweety

the jews

Literally everything

The fact that Islam isn't considered a terrorist group is incredibly distressing to me

out of interest, what is going on in your country?

The Jews.
Even if they really aren't a subversive force, the way everyone, even so called conservatives panic when you suggest they might be is disgusting.

I hate how anyone is willing to believe anything as long as it shields them from feeling anything negative about the world. "Don't let hate guide your decision-making" is essentially code for: "don't be rational, be irrational and allow the shitskins to swarm all over your land"

That the government is so large and integrated into our lives that it is now inescapable and people treat it like sportsball, if the sport was Murderball.
"Oh fug, you want to build an 8 story apartment building on the main road in this primarily single family home neighborhood? So what you are really saying is you want to let in drug dealers and prostitution to the neighborhood, you fucking psycho!!!"
"Oh fug, you want to let recreational drugs like marijuana and cocaine be legal? You want to kill all minorities, don't you?!"
"Oh fug, the check engine light is on in your car! You want to destroy planet Earth and end all life on it!!"


No one in power really cares about ideology, morality, etc... they just want to be famous/rich/powerful or some sort of combination of the three. This was fine if the public isn't apathetic towards their politicians, because they still have to be somewhat in line or be voted out or worse. Now, no one really cares - they pretend they do - so the whole system is fucked.

Some fucking faggot that gets idolized by right wing retards shifted the entire debate about immigration to people arriving illegally on boats. Whoopee fucko you stopped 200 cunts a year while ignoring thousands of visa overstayers and actively importing literally 100k+ per annum. All but our most rabid right wing parties are even discussing reducing legal immigration while our children can't get jobs or afford houses, our hospitals, roads and infrastructure is literally as good as it was in the fucking 90s, and no one gives a flying fuck about this cultural suicide.

Worst part is you get a lot of people agreeing with you that this is unsustainable and that all those problems (if not directly created by immigration) are violently exacerbated by it. But the moment you suggest maybe not importing and adding 2-4% of your ENTIRE FUCKING POPULATION EVERY YEAR.

I'm no nazi, but i can really, really empathize with even the right wing parties of your society being left of you. It's maddening.

100% this.