Tfw James DaNose has a gf and you don't

>tfw James DaNose has a gf and you don't

I don't because I want to control the world first.

Controlling the plumbing at your local McDonalds is not a real job, user.

He is rich and smart, his looks doesn't matter for a girl who thinks about future.

Is this photoshopped?

The future of divorcing him and taking his shit.


There is objectively nothing wrong with women gold-digging if they don't exploit their partner (i.e. using his resources while cheating or not doing anything for him in return). Women naturally seek those who can provide. Gold-digging is much more ethical and less shallow than being with someone for looks, despite anti-gold-digging propaganda.




Guys, he's Italian, not Jewish.

Leave him alone.

His salary must have been pretty high to convince her to overlook that thing on his face.

Wait until he gets all those sweet money from suing Google. He's be dating Tay Tay in a month!


how's he rich lmao he's a wage slave tier google employee did you see his shitty apartment in the molyneux interview?

shitty apartment in the bay area could still be 4k a month

are you retarded or a virgin? that "thing on his face" is an absolute clit clobberer.

Don't you just want to punch that at a perfect 90ยบ angle? Just shear the thing off his fucking face?

That is a Jew if I ever saw one.

>No shortage of gold-diggers and Goldbergs have lots of gold.

i suppose he does a good nose job