Nazis UFO Project

ITT I will post a lot of hints showing that the Nazis build flying Saucers, including wittnessreports released by the FBI, a CIA report including a picture resembling closely the alleged Haunebu II flying saucer, as well as Newspaper article dating back to WW2.

For starters, early UFO sightings go back to the end of WW2
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft.

This here was releast from Chilean Navy stating they basically have no idea what it is.

In some cases entire cities saw the UFO.

And they have been reported to simply turn of nukes

pic related is a german POW that talks about an aircraft whichs description fits a flying saucer, started from a german facillity. its page 91 of Part 12 of 16/view

Other urls found in this thread: Part 12 of 16/view with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt"John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg47OFg5nWAhXDCcAKHQizBTU4ChDoAQhBMAQ"John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ2qf_gpnWAhVGB8AKHVtuAA4Q6AEIZTAJ"John St. Clair"

At the end of WW2 a UFO sightingswave started
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down.
and news articles wrote about them bein a new Nazi Air Weapon (will post pics through out the thread)
Furthermore the Keksburg acorn (also will post pics later) which resembles the german "glocke" (bell) was seen 20 years after the war, and 7 years after war the Adamskiphotograph was made resembling the alleged Haunebu II (pic related)

NYT article about the new secret air weapon
if you have a few shekels left you can read it here at the original source

forgot pic


>hidden location
hollow earth mate. at least if related to the nazis

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Also Hitler sent people to the northpole, the southpole and tibet, which are all locations where its rumored to have entrances to the inner earth.

i think the hollow earth and Agartha are real for sure.

well, the nazis project at least didnt stop after ww2.
there is the adamski photograph from 7 years after the war resembling the haunebu II, pic in Kecksburg acorn from 65 also seems to be connected to the nazi bell (pic related)

Mengele is another sign that germans projects continued: for example fled to brazil and continued his research there apparently. the village in which he took cover has the highest birthrate of twins in the world, and now look how they all look (pic related)

an user mentioned he read that german scientists from project paperclip were still communicating with each other and people outside the argentina where many nazis fled to is San Carlos de Bariloche. this place had a lot of germans and even a plastic surgery clinic which could be used to distort peoples appearence so they arent tracked down easily and can lead a normal live. georg anton pöch is rumord to be hitlers new personality.
the nazis from paperclip that were put into secret agencies could have covered for both, the communication, and the creation of new personalities.

pic related is page 88 of Part 12 of 16/view

showing a phenomena seen at UFO sightings in america which a POW wittnessed in germany before. another connection to post war nazi activity.

so where are they? i heared some rumors about greenland, also possible that they just have some cells among finance and governments, but i like to think they retreated to hollow earth/antarctica, even more so with this new stuff about warm caves in antarctica

Pic related are instructions on how to get to Agartha/Hollowearth via Submarine and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it)

This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get published after his death. with Mr. Wilhelm Landig_djvu.txt
A transscipt of the interview for the non-german anons

Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

maybe they are gone/dead already now though. who knows?

picture made by the essa 3 sattelite, and here you find it on the nasa website

god damn OP you're blowing my mind

trying my best


from the same patch of files as

>a lot of hints
why do you need hints?
it's common knowledge that they were experimenting with gravity drives.

you're a fucking idiot.

You might want to look into "plasma cosmology"/"electric universe theory"
It explains the astrophysics without "dark matter & energy", "big bang" & other nonsense and postulates hollow planets:

Did you really think that you chased us off John? Delete this thread now, there will be no more warnings soon.

> floating silver balls

That sums up this whole thread rather well

Kys shill

i did a bit, and its indeed interesting. for example:
usually hollowearth collapse under its own mass and gravity but there is something called the hutchison effect
The Hutchison effect is is effecting matter, from what i got from it, through electro magnetic vibrations, and deforms metal, and lets objects levitate, even ones that arent magnetic or metallic. the inner sun, said to exist inside the earth, could cause this effect naturally and kind of lock the earths crust in its position around it. inside the earth an user mentioned the gravitational force would be uniform into all directions and thus basically nonexistant. however that hutchison effect might as well effect humans and hold them on the inner side of the surface

Now according to mainstream science the inner sun would be far too small to get the fusion started. however what if stars, or at least our sun isnt what we are told it is
when it really is some giant ball of plasma, what is that UFO doing there? i doubt the plasma it can take would be hot long enough to be usefull as energysource or for heating, so what is it doing there? this could hint towards the nature of our sun being something else than we are told.
furthermore faking the physics behind it wouldnt be too difficult. You give the scientist the assumption that our planet as well as the others are just solid balls, and our sun is a giant ball of plasma, and they figure out the (((physics))) behind it out themselves and formulate wrong laws based on wrong assumptions.
who gives the information about all the star and planets and what they are? its NASA and a handfull of other spaceagencies which all are shady as fuck. they would just have to give some wrong sourceinformation while everyone who works on different assumptions will be called a lunatic even though their assumptions are just as baseless.
have to look a bit into this guy, reputation, credibillity and so on. but according to him all heavenly bodies/planets and sun of our solar system are hollow.

proof is relative. what for one is proof is for another one just a coincidence. so i rather just describe my findings as hints than proof and let people decide for themselves if it is proof

Book "Friends from Sonora".

Do you now understand that this isn't an anime episode John?


Great material OP, thanks for making this thread

lol where do they get this shit from?

according to plasma cosmology, gravity is just electromagnetic attraction
every atom forms a slight dipole, a positive one to the centre of mass, a negative one to the other direction.
inside hollow earth, there would be attraction towards the crust, so you are standing upside down

>inner sun
with the electrical universe, suns (and other bodies) don't generate energy but attract and focus it.
They are basically plugged into the "cosmic grid"

The moon would be hollow too, making a formidable space base

Plasma cosmology really makes so much sense and puts together so many pieces of the puzzle

There is an even earlier and better Antarctica map

>The moon would be hollow too, making a formidable space base
>They all worked well, with one exception, and were really producing useful data. One unexpected result came from the seismic experiment recording the impact of Intrepid on the surface after we had jettisoned it. The entire Moon rang like a gong, vibrating and resonating for almost on hour after the impact.

by the way, i have a discord server for antarctica nazis, hollow earth and nazi UFO stuff:
discord gg/AKphUX

but remember there is somwhere this faggot that now tries to spook me by calling me my discord nick, and who knows how many real spooks joined. so dont post stuff you would mind if someone knows it about you.

Viktor Schauberger helped design the powerplant.

I know you're joking, but you have no idea how serious these schizophrenics take comments like that.

It never ceases to amaze me that the nazis invented working flying saucers yet couldn't make the panther tank go anywhere near it's full speed with out it breaking down.

In fact, you'd think that the engines powering these things would be perfect for the extremely heavy tanks they were producing.

^ This is the type of shit the spooks do on the web. They call everyone schitzo and shit.

Some data:

Important postI am now going to break the rules and give you a final warning and advice read this please. The truth is, your Discord server has been compromised since a while back, we have alredy gathered current residing locations from the poeple who are constantly active on that server. Please take this message seriously and delete both of your servers now, you are very young bright young man with a bright future, don't ruin that natural gift and discard all the related work you are doing now.

Schauberger turns up frequently it seems when looking into the UFO stuff. pic related are what some suggest how the UFOs fly.
however i believe they combine a multitude of phenomena.

hey seem to work with electromagnetism from what i got. possibly even gravity shielding which would explain the UFO being able to fly maneuvers that would usually crush the pilot through the g forces which gets negated by the lack of mass through the gravity shielding.
here it talks about some guy claiming to managed to create gravity shielding resulting in a loss of 2% of the weight, which isnt much but if it works at all it only needs some finetuning to be valuable

from the guys wikipedia article
>In a BBC news item, it was alleged that researchers at Boeing were funding a project called GRASP (Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion) which would attempt to construct a gravity shielding device based on rotating superconductors,[8] but a subsequent Popular Mechanics news item stated that Boeing had denied funding GRASP with company money, although Boeing acknowledged that it could not comment on "black projects".[9] It is alleged that the GRASP proposal was presented to Boeing and Boeing chose not to fund it.[10]
why specifically mention the blackproject instead of just saying "we dont do it?"

this gravity shielding however makes me think of the supposed schumann levitator in pic related which you find on some of the UFO plans and is essantially the same as the gravity shielding, except that you switch the superconducting ceramic disc against an alluminium disc. combine those 2 and you might get some interaction enhancing the effects of both


Some government agent you are, not even literate

Go away dickhead

aldi schönen sachen

Please, do not
Encourage them.

This kind of false information hurts them.

>they fell for the discord meme

threads were getting deleted here, and i wanted to keep gathering info. in the beginning some people said i should make one but didnt want to. but then they started deleting related threads so i felt its the only way to get some people together to keep looking. and while the server is probably survailed, as everythingis on the internet, it doesnt even really matter because you shouldnt be stupid enough to post incriminating or personal stuff you cant afford others to know on there, as everywhere on the internet.


They're making a list of conspuracy theorists and dissenters, from various discord servers in USA/Canada/Europe. If you're in the list when they finally get around to it you're dead fucko. This is God giving you a final warning, get the hell out of Dodge.

i dont have to be on discord to get on a list. they are more likely to grab IPs from here of those people. and wether they get mine from discord or Sup Forums is pretty irrelevant.

Might be because this is a politics board, not a supernatural or conspiracy theory board, like /x/ is.

I heard the Nazi bell was most likely a breeder reactor for their nuclear weapons research. This is where the red merkury idea came from.

well, we discuss history here all the time, nazi history specifically. nazis building UFOs is part of that, as well as UFOs in general being a political issue since its not only about ayys but national security as well. unknown airvehicles intruding your airspace is a serious matter and discussing the origin of those helps defining how much of a threat those are.
the fact barely anyone knows about nazi UFOs while back then they seemed to be part of common knowledge is another political issue showing just how effective (((they))) can shape the narrative about anything. same goes about the issue of wether or not the earth is hollow or solid. not to forget this also includes project paperclip.

there are more than one connections to politics, and deleting those threads is either very closeminded or trying to silence it. can very well be both.

>discord gg/AKphUX
Hey I'm on the server, says I can't talk. :\ User: LovingLife



History is not the same as this supernatural conspiracy shit.

Disinfo agent in action

>airvehicles are supernatural now

You of course have some kind of source for all this?

posted newsarticle talking about it, wittnessreports released by the FBI, photograph mentioned in a CIA report resembling the nazi UFO closely, the keckburgacorn which resembles the glocke/bell, wiki article talking about how UFO sightings started during the end of WW2.
quite a lot sources i would say

bitte hör auf, denke an deine Mutter"John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg47OFg5nWAhXDCcAKHQizBTU4ChDoAQhBMAQ"John St. Clair"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ2qf_gpnWAhVGB8AKHVtuAA4Q6AEIZTAJ"John St. Clair"

>cant deal with reality so i better say its just conspiracy that doesnt belong in this board


pic related made by the USS Trepang in 1971 in arctic waters.
northpole is rumored to have an opening to the inner earth too


what is the story to that pic? any relevant plane? is it the air force 1?
semi related then

I don't know all that much about it to be honest, just a pic that I found while browsing the chinz. Seems like it's some type military force acting as an escort.

too bad.

UFOs dosen't exist it's a distraction

>x doesnt exist because i say so
provide some evidence for your claims mate

It's a distraction from flat earth

>demand evidence
>recieve another baseless claim without any evidence
oppinion discarded


pic related are allegedly descriptions on the workings of the glocke
an user mentioned it could be a scalar device that draws out energy from the ether. cant tell obviously, but maybe one of you can.
was transporting mercury, allegedly to japan. interesting about it is that mercury is mentioned in some ancient script as some kind of fuel for ancient machines. (would have to look into that to be honest, but heard about this a few times now)
however another thing about mercury is that its mentioned in pic related.



those are just optical illusions goy
>Declassified research (subject to a Freedom of Information request) from the UK Ministry of Defence report UAP in the UK Air Defence Region,[7] code named Project Condign and released to the public in 2006, draws several conclusions as to the origin of "black triangle" UFO sightings. Their researchers conclude that most, if not all, "black triangle" UFOs are formations of electrical plasma, the interaction of which creates mysterious energy fields that both refract light and produce vivid hallucinations in witnesses that are in close proximity. Further it suggests that "the majority, if not all, of the hitherto unexplained reports may well be due to atmospheric gaseous electrically charged buoyant plasmas" [8] which emit charged fields with the capability of inducing vivid hallucinations and psychological effects in witnesses and are "capable of being transported at enormous speeds under the influence and balance of electrical charges in the atmosphere." The researchers note that plasmas may be formed by more than one set of weather and electrically charged conditions, while "at least some" events are likely to be triggered by meteor re-entry in scenarios where meteors neither burn up completely nor impact, but rather break up in the atmosphere to form such a charged plasma. These plasma formations are also theorized to have the effect of refracting light between themselves, producing the appearance of a black polygonal shape with the lights at the corners caused by self-generated plasma coloration (similar to the Aurora Borealis).[2]


Oh hi Sven! So i see you also spam porn on the new server by creating alternative accounts? Don't think everyone is a brainlet here

swamp gas was upgraded to gaseous plasma now?

seems like it







Ufos? Yes definitely.
Nazis ufos? No.

then refute the newspaper article, wittnessreport released by the FBI as well as the coincidence of a new UFO sightingswave starting at the end of WW2


Witness in Germany happens to see ufo. No mention of markings etc to denote its nationality.
>it's a ufo
Also try reading some of the thousands of ufo landing and occupant reports out there. Goose stepping nazi pilots are very rare

Not really. Never heard of the "Nordics"?

the description of the wittness is "circular in shape, 75-100 yards in diameter and 14 feet high. it rose vertically"
how is that not a UFO/flying saucer?
also you act like there arent reports about seemingly aryan men in flying saucers

hindu vedas mention it

hindu stuff seems to be full of ancient technology

There is so much disinfo there you can't tell if something is real or not. I mean you can find documents on success of remote viewing program there.

how do you know the remote viewing stuff isnt actually real?
also wasnt that from the CIA?

Ant people were Annunaki wearing survival suit for being on the surface. Though original stories of annunaki make them out as being very tall? Like 15+feet?


Why did Adamski fake some of his shit, like the pterodactyl picture?

yeah, as i said, they seem to be different people. but its still something that caught my eye and thought it deserved to be shared.

about pic related. i saw that schlomo later in another thread where he said he asked his rabbi about it, and he basically said its nonesense and seemed to not want to talk about it sounding to me like he tried to (((shut it down)))