Daily reminder that people of color are still slaves in this country

Daily reminder that people of color are still slaves in this country.

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>still slaves

Oh, if only that were true.

Daily reminder also that western culture (our technology, fashion, a lot of our art, and government) has pretty much dominated the entire fucking planet. Name a single country where the rulers and vast majority of the people don't wear a suits, ties, dresses, jeans, flip flops etc. Name a single country that doesn't use cars, computers, or phones. Name a single country that doesn't use some form or socialism or some form of democracy.

Pretty much the only countries I can think of that don't totally qualify are in the middle east with Sharia government and the different kinds of dress. But that's it. Realize that for a second. Our culture, which has it's most basic roots in technology (which of these two cultures uses fire, aqueducts, gunpowder, writing), is absolutely fucking everywhere.

only because they vote democrat

>muh mass incarceration

the vast majority of people imprisoned are there for violent, serious crimes that they actually committed. non-violent drug crime is a MINISCULE proportion of the black prison population.

since when do coloreds work

it's not my fault they keep voting democrat


who taught her how to read?

>literally admits blacks can't stop braking the law
oh wow

screwed indeed

>by B. Deutsch

daily reminder you're a cuck

>non-violent drug crime is a MINISCULE proportion of the black prison population

and almost always the latest in a string of arrests and incarcerations

Saudi Arabia Mynamar Africa, by western you mean (((western)))


>female slave
>able to read

these liberals are fucking retarded

>They'll complain even if you end slavery
may as well just do what we want, they're always gonna complain


>hundreds of thousands of whites have literally just died to free you
>get all uppity because the law allows punishment for crimes

Emancipation was a mistake

Suggestion: Don't commit crimes

dont commit crimes?

is that so fucking hard?


I sincerely wish they were at this point.
Fucking leave the US if you hate us so much.


you are a fucking retard, reinforcing liberal bullshit using fear tactics to push your adgenda, "people of color" wtf does that mean? is white not a color? am I not a person? fuck you

Suggestion: Stop raping your cousins, you wiener schnitzel fuck

There you go

Also, if you're in prison for drug related offenses, couldn't you have like... not participated in destroying your own community with drug trafficking and subsequently been imprisoned for it?

Or is it racist to suggest that not participating in the drug trade is your responsibility as a law abiding citizen?

Basically this:

>Fucking leave the US if you hate us so much
>Implying this is a white country


Fucking perfect.

>500000 Americans died so somebody could make this comic 150 years later


>inb4 I'm a criminal, prison time for niggers is ' slavery'

Women have 5 times the Gap between men and Women as between Blacks And Whites

> (OP)
Gunpowder was invented by the chinks trying to create a potion of immortality

>EVERYONE is a person of color
>dumb nigger


>Daily reminder also that western culture (our technology, fashion, a lot of our art, and government) has pretty much dominated the entire fucking planet.

You know what, i'm fucking sick of this copypasta shit, everytime someone makes a joke about white people some stormfag unironically gets mad and has to post a declamation proclamation about how whites spearheaded western progress. While most of it is true, and niggers / spics do fuck shit up, faggots fail to realize whites are still in power and are still fucking themselves.

And these same faggots swear their neet / weeb as is on equal footing with the founding fathers and romanesque philosophers. Yes, whites did establish the pillars of humanity, but those whites have absolutely nothing in common with dull, soft null males or beta neckbeards that resent women because they wont fuck them and think white women owe them their pussies and they don't have to earn it. Like, me and a bunch of spics are absolutely aware of our faults yet white people conveniently ignore their own faults and that everything happening today is their own fault, their ansestors gave them the freedom to pave their own path but its always "the jews" and not their own fault.

lol delusional crap
also cringeworthy

Nice blog post
Stay mad you filthy nigger lover

don't commit crimes

What fiction
> Nigger reading


Didn't white people also invent gun powder separately? Or did the silk road bring gunpowder to Europe?

Why are you sitting my dick for blog posting but not the fag? What, you want everyone to agree with you or some shit?

should say "HOL UP" in the second panel

the difference between a hard working black and bigfoot is bigfoot has been spotted

"we are still slaves"

Yet their dream is to come here from all over the world and live with the white man.

Stop committing crimes.

>Given hard earned (Majority White) Taxpayer money for existing
>Somehow this means they're still enslaved to the White Man
What did (you) mean by this?

>muh non-violent drug offenses
Jesus christ I wish niggers would stop it with this shit. We're not locking up millions of niggers because they got caught with an eighth of weed in their pockets. There is NOBODY in federal prison for simple possession. We lock up traffickers in maximum security, and for good reason, these people are peddling poison for profits exceeding hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. They are the reason your communities continue to be fucked up and continue to be completely mismanaged.
>but white people use drugs just as often
Yeah but we don't kill each other for it at anywhere near the rate you do. And our drugs are crafted by multinational corporations with safety controls and are traded mostly within the boundaries of the law. We're not freebasing or making crack in some fucking rowhouse.

The majority of drug charges in prison come after repeated offenses of major amounts of schedule 1 drugs being trafficked. And liberals want to just throw these people back into society, hell plenty of people on the left feel they should have free reign to continue distributing massive amounts of heroin on the streets. They even idolize black drug dealers like Rick Ross as "entrepreneurs" - it's a fucking broken, shitty culture that continues to just bitch and whine and moan about the actions of other communities without ever taking a fucking look in the goddamned mirror.

> People of color
No, just niggers.

No, seriously, basically every other non-white minority have much closer-to-representative incarceration rates. For SOME fucking reason the dindus just can't stop stabbing people, tipping over convenience stores, stealing cars, and shooting "snitches."

The 13th Amendment's "loophole" was created so no one could claim in court incarceration was a form of slavery, not that we intended to use incarceration AS A FORM OF slavery, Jesus fuck.

You are in debt slavery

Like, i don't get it. Didn't interracial marriages and civil rights just happen in 1967? I mean it seems like a long time but in a histrionic sense its kinda just happened yesterday. Also whites had more time to establish so it only makes sense for them to make more? And i know Asians will be brought up, but Asian immigrants come form cultures that enable them to be more successful in the US then cultural habits of spics and nigs. Also Asians make up maybe 5% of the population.

basically any white ethnicity

What don't you get? Why blacks cost the gov't over 3 quarters of a million?


Daily reminder that niggers will always be slaves to nature because they're inferior to everyone else and even in a country like America where they live far better lives than they could hope for in their own countries they will always complain

Black people can't stop breaking the law though. Just watch em.

Are you retarded? JUST fucking told you.

>Daily reminder that people of color are still slaves

Well, duh. Why do you think the democrat party still exists?

Uhhh dude we're all slaves - open your eyes.

>>implying slaves were allowed to read

That bitch doesn't look like Alexandre Dumas to me...

1967 is closer to women getting the vote and prohibition than it is to today. Its history man.

why don't they go to canada

> the "slaves weren't allowed to read" meme
It depends on the slave-owner. It wasn't explicitly forbidden, but most knew better than to let darkies read or write. It's also true most every slave was intended for low-skilled hard manual labor and simply didn't need to be literate, so why bother educating them?

I've read it, there's no mention that aims niggers specifically. Makes sense in fact to use the prisoners as labor force after all

I've noticed this way of thinking among a lot of niggers. They seem to think robbery, violence and looting is just a part of life for young black men, and that it's just a natural phase they go through.

paco mad

Slaves usually work I believe

>>my western civilization
>>implying judeo-Christianity wasn't responsible for the Dark Ages while the Chinese were doing Calculus.

Please read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" and stop being such a white trash faggot. I'm embarrassed to share a skin tone with you.

What's to understand? The black community was better off before 67, more families, more business owners, more success. After 67, they bought the commie lie hook line and sinker, and rejected all the hallmarks of success, like safe community, strong families, etc. And rejected all that because Dass Whitey Sheeit!
Bullshit. How did they expect to make them good docile Christians if they couldn't read the bible and didn't have black preachers?

...maybe they shouldn't commit crimes?

Really makes you think.

They were taught by circuit-riding white preachers. Preachers who knew better than to clap they hands and say "throw ovv dem chains." Underground Railroad types liked to pose as these preachers so they might have unrestricted time with their "flock" and feed them information about escaping to the North.

>implying judeo-Christianity wasn't responsible for the Dark Ages
They weren't though. That was 100% Jews inviting Muslims in to destroy the west from AD 700-1492.

>what could possibly stop that?!

Not committing crimes

So paco is mad but the white cuck i replied to isn't?

Like, i swear im not trying to shit post, but are you saying blacks where better off as slaves and with racism? And didn't whites socially engineer blacks, like distributing drugs in black neighborhoods and keeping niggers dependant on the government for votes as well as the Willie Lynch papers?

>muh guns germs and steel
Fucking Jewish propaganda. Which is it, kikes, either Whites are awesome but did terrible things, or they're unexceptional and any paragon power in their position would have done the same.

Blacks are the only group who are in state or federal prison primarily because of violent crime. Makes me wonder how long before your kind argue;

>murder and rape being illegal is racist

So what we should pay criminals 7.25 an hour to make license plates?

>Didn't white people also invent gun powder separately? Or did the silk road bring gunpowder to Europe?
The Chinese invented gunpowder but just made snazzy fireworks out of it. Mongols brought it to Europe and the white man - already a dab hand at the art of mass slaughter - turned gunpowder useful.

>punishing crime is now immoral
>but only if the criminals are black


>78 replies
>nobody points out that the author is a fat kike
Sup Forums, Im disappointed

>>implying that the Jewish faith isn't a component of western civilization
>>ignoring the great division across the European continent fueled by the Roman Catholic church

Europe and the UAE have more in common than most of you would like to admit.

>stupid Niggers thinking black people are the only race in prison. No wonder whites gave the nickname "niggers"; it fucking suits them.

Still not as stupid as fucking canada; country is filled with rapefugee sympathizers and cross dressing prostitute looking 8 year olds walking around at midnight.

Thanks for taking America's illegal immigrants. I heard some muslim kids are already strangling Canadian children in schools with chains and threatening to kill the teacher. Canada wants to segregate classrooms now. I hope they dont. Learn some more tolerance while your leader swallows more of soros's cum


Post this on r/funny

And soon they will all be deported or dead. What's your point?

Statistically that is exactly what he is saying. Kind of like how average life expectancy and social stability for blacks was better under south African apartheid.

They simply can not manage themselves and must be managed.

Daily reminder that Barry Deutsch is an obese jewish homophile.


easy, stop committing crimes you dumb nogs.

Niggers were happier and healthier as slaves and under segregation than they are today.

>im sick of the truth
>everyone here marked anonymous is a loser
stop projecting your white guilt fag


replace patreon with ben garrison and add his signature

Yeah, right, dad...

>dark ages
nice meme

Which has kept them enslaved. Checkmate.