What was wrong with segregation?

Boo hoo I have to use a different water fountain and sit on a different part of the bus
The US was in it's prime under segregation and I see nothing wrong in the Separate but Equal doctrine if it is followed fairly (it would actually be probably in favor of minorities, knowing today's political climate).

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It's the same clean municipal water supply. I see no problem with separate but equal.

Look at the dent in the colored water fountain.

Even back then the colored people didn't treat their own belongings with respect, instead damaging and denting shit like usual.

The problem is that they never put as much resources into the black's side, like schools. Black schools back then sucked like they do now. If they had simply put more money into those schools then maybe SbE wouldn't have been overturned.

some white jock probably kicked it before screaming nigger and feeling superior because he's on the high school varsity team

>putting black people on the back of the bus

I never got this. It's more safe there unlike in the front if the bus crashes. Also, it's more comfy at the back when no one is staring at you. Were Americans so fat and lazy even in those days that they just didn't want walk through the whole bus?

>Black schools back then sucked like they do now. If they had simply put more money into those schools then maybe SbE wouldn't have been overturned.

Almost this. Separate but equal would have been a lot harder to overturn if the facilities in question were actually equal.

When you put something in the back you can forget about it.
If you put it in the front, you have to constantly see it and being reminded its there.

Problem with segregation is that it wasn't harsh enough. Lincon was a mistake.

Funny thing is, they had that before and people hated it.

They then merged it together, ie. everyone using one thing or going to one school, now we get blacks only clubs, womens only club and shit like that.

It's like they hated white people so much, they even subverted their order and took it over to do it under their own domain.

And that ruined white civilization by self guilt.

It was so good leftists are trying to bring it back!

That's bs. I see the same photos you have, it's always a classroom with little niglets with a dirty floor and an unused broom in the background.

Books? Check.
Teacher? Check.
Desks? Check.

Any home schooled kid is objectively at a disadvantage in "resources", yet they excel.

My dad went to school during that time when they did the whole switcharoo between black students being shipped to white schools and vise versa. The textbooks were out of date and all torn up, not to mention they didn't have any remotely good teachers teaching there. Black schools really sucked back then.

>promotes societal divisions that would ultimately prove disastrous to the country (as it is we've got a lesser version, mostly caused by ghetto culture, and even that's fucking things up pretty badly)
>Government literally decided separate but equal doesn't work.
>Increases costs, because you need to at least two of many things in any given location

there was also a rear door for the blacks to use.

Segregation was their biggest missed opportunity if you ask me. They were arguably better off in 1950s jim crow than today.

The more common meme of water fountains is this one. Do you like this separate and unequal?

That was before the whole welfare state we have now. "Surprisingly" giving blacks free money didn't work.



All that stuff doesn't mean you get an equal education, you're an idiot if you think that was equal.

Because the reality was that in most cases, things weren't "separate but equal" like in your pic.

Facilities available to colored people were on average far inferior to those available to whites, which was ultimately what made the Supreme Court reverse its opinion on segregation and declare it unconstitutional.

I was stating in reference to the Plessy v. Ferguson case and the reason it was eventually overturned. Had they been given equal access to resources then segregation may not have been abolished as early as it was.

There schools are still shit
A lot of school facilities are based off property taxes.
Nogs have never excelled at making money or maintaining nice property

Also schools are still very segregated. The difference is whites now use property prices, zoning and HOA's to keep them out.
Once the black population in a school exceeds 10% the whites flee the neighborhood, property values plummet.
Raising a white child in a neighborhood and school that is more than 10% black is child abuse.
Black should go to different schools which have different cirriculum and are ran like prisons to train obedience and order.
30% of blacks cant even make it to graduation even though their schools are dumbed down and the teachers cut them a lot of slack grading.

More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement (see paragraph 83). But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity (see paragraph 41). That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal. [35] Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal. The leftist wants equal opportunities for minorities. When that is attained he insists on statistical equality of achievement by minorities. And as long as anyone harbors in some corner of his mind a negative attitude toward some minority, the leftist has to re-educated him. And ethnic minorities are not enough; no one can be allowed to have a negative attitude toward homosexuals, disabled people, fat people, old people, ugly people, and on and on and on.

Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.

You didn't address the elephant in the room. Why then are home schooled kids faring better today when these 1950s segregated schools werewith multiple times the resources and no teacher? Arent these schools better than any 1890's school? I think you have a false assumption of egalitarianism being true. These niglets will always fare worse than any white class when left to an unrestricted pace. Why not just let them have their own society, it'll be what they make it.

No americans didn't start to put on weight until the 1980's and it wasn't noticeable until the 1990's

Lincoln wanted to send the Nogs to Liberia, until you Confederate fags assassinated him

that's because blacks destroy everything they get their hands on. Pictures like the one you posted were resultant from nigs breaking their water fountain and it being replaced by a budgeted one,

the rear of a bus is a bumpier ride
>so many elitists on this board

Its now obvious that you are a cuck/socialist/nigger apologist.

What about having niggers paying their own schools and being governed by their own?

>"I see nothing wrong in the Separate but Equal doctrine if it is followed fairly."

Anyways, do you think it wouldn't be followed fairly today? "Minorities" already have money thrown at them from every direction

Segregation is making a comeback. Blacks are advocating segregation.

Its called "cultural appropriation" though, and only blacks can play that card, but who knows it might catch on and we can call using computers, TV, supermarkets and electricity "cultural appropriation"

What have I said that makes me apologist to the actions of blacks? I literally said was that the solution that the government brought fucked up the black community more than it already was. And how does saying that having bigger government and a welfare state ruined the black community more make me a socialist? Your argument makes no sense.

The result would be exactly what you'd see in Africa.

> same clean municipal water supply
A majority black county will still have shit schools no matter how nice the building teachers and resources are. Theres a key component to the problem you aren't ing: niggers.

Because it was a worthless half-measure. Either have them or around or don't, don't implement a worthless policy to pretend they're kept out.

That's what they have now and their schools are complete shit.
In Michigan the nogs were so idiotic they bankrupted their cities and the governor sent in Emergency Managers to dethrone their mayors and city council to fix things and set budgets right.

>The US was in it's prime under segregation and I see nothing wrong in the Separate but Equal doctrine if it is followed fairly

How was America in it's prime? What the hell man? Segregation didn't change the other problems going on back then. We could have a whole discussion about why that era isn't America's prime without even talking about nigs

I'm sure others have different reasons for why they think it's America's prime. I'd say we haven't reached our prime. Things gets better every year in many areas. Sure, other things get worse, but I don't have polio.

Today will be 500 years ago to someone in the future. I don't wanna say "prime" about a country that is still alive! Or it's "peak". Fuck the 1940s I would be much happier if we could make the 2010s less shitty before it ends.

Lol setting them up for self genocide?

You're fucking sneaky. I like you.

I couldn't care less. That's their responsibility.

No. Their schools are mostly funded by white Americans, and the same shit happens in Portugal too. Niggers pay almost no taxes.

Other user has a good idea:

Could have been that

Some black woman could've been raped up against it

A black dude could've literally just kicked the damn thing

Or perhaps the one on the right is newer, and the one on the left isn't replaced often because it's low priority (coloreds)

I bet the water was shit, and you definitely can assume that Halsey-Taylor didn't have their shit tested for lead or anything like that. Both whites and coloreds were drinking a liquid jew I bet


Do you want a white ethno-state? Go build one!
Do you want a black ethno-state? Buy some land and make it happen!
Do you want to keep multiculralism? Found your own multicultural community!
Do you want an "insert X social principle here" state? The world is your oyster!

My parents were integrated their junior years in 69. Mom said that before, biggest issue was whether a student was chewing gum. Now there were niggers cutting white kids with razors and getting away with it. It sounds like being in a prison with naive teachers as prison guards. We pay politicians to do this to us.

Most angry fact is that these kikes KNEW this shit was going to happen. You don't think these satanic kikes and their goy collaborators knew little white girls were going to be raped by niggers?

White man reading this--wake up and burn these kikes out! Muslims do it and nobody crosses them. The System is trying to tell you how to behave. It teaches us that violence works.

What about giving them the entire state of Georgia (or where ever they are most numerous), buiding a wall around it, call it "the black republic of Lequeashaland" (or some pro-black name), give them passports and citizenship to this new country, all blacks in America move there, the country fails and becomes a rogue nation, and the USA can re-take the territory through conquest (again) and effectively (and legally) "cull" the population and make them your bitches again.

You could do it start to finish in 10 years

well duh. That is why the white parents flee. The negroes fuck up the schools.

Lincoln fucked up. He should have dictated that any black born after said date was no longer a slave. He should have let the slaves stay slaves until remaining slaves were beyond fertile age then freed them.
And Fining any slave owner who allowed a slave a to have a child. And that child would be free not a slave.

It could have been solved.

We already gave them Liberia. How many more places do we need to give them?

We must secure the existence of all peoples!
All people should be allowed to form their own communities and run them as they see fit!
White, black, asian, whatever the case may be!

We're never going to get much more advanced than this. The MultiCulti lefty politics you loved have all but guaranteed this much.

Anarcho-capitalism won't ever be implemented on Earth in the future. Space will probably be Ancap, but that's still decades off at the very least.

right , but it has to be in North America. So its a "threat". Liberia is no threat all the way over there

The zig experiment is over, user. Competing ethnic groups are fighting over the carcass, and some whites are sorda figuring out that they might have ethnic interests.

i think the leftists don't get it that whites weren't allowed to use colored stuff just like blacks weren't allowed to use whites stuffs.


Because it wasn't necessary, especially since the DHUD wasn't a thing yet

It's the only third position you can promote in America that is actually compatible with American values.
Your ethnostate dream for America is just that, a dream.

>pipe coming from the chiller
How is that unequal?

wages and administrative cost may be payed by the state but the teaching conditions are on the locals.

>It's the only third position you can promote in America that is actually compatible with American values.
"American values". You mean the values of 19th century White America. Guess what, those values aren't standard today and they will be even less so in the future as whites become a despised minority. As for the "ethnostate" in America, I agree with you. There will never be a white ethnostate in North America.

Just saying, there is no future for whites or ancaps(lol same thing, almost all ancaps are white) outside of Eastern Europe and perhaps space at this point.

i for one like sitting at the back of the bus to identify threats and stare at women's asses as they walk down the isle to get off.

All it takes for my system to exist is for whites to flock to their own communities
How to you manage on preventing that?

Why not reconquer them, puppet the government and place oursmartest americanized niggers in charge to main tain control as we steadily take over africa. Wouldnt American niggers be ok with getting shipped back to Africa if they had a cushy despot government job?

It'd be better than this:

Seems fair enough.

>All it takes for my system to exist is for whites to flock to their own communities
So your system is basically white flight? We already have that. The government happens to be the entity that intends to destroy those communities.

>How to you manage on preventing that?
I'm not preventing it at all. I live in one of the white flight refuges like most other White Americans. It doesn't stop the government from bringing minorities in on section 8 a decade or two down the line though to "remedy the crisis of segregation". After all, white people living in towns that are mostly white is "racist".

>he thinks the liberals will let us explore space when that money could go to gibs for worthless niggers
>he thinks humanity has a future at all and that we won't be nuked to shit the moment Trump calls Ung a square-headed moron on Twitter

>what is ethnic nationalism

There are rational arguments for keeping the races physically separate. I'm not saying I agree with them, but they exist.

However, if both races are already in the same room, what is the rational reason to require them to use different fountains right next to each other? I could see different toilets, or different water fountains in different parts of the lobby.

But when they're adjacent, the only reason to split them is "eww, filthy coloured/black people use this one". As if they carry race-specific germs or something. It's irrational.

>let us explore space
They held us off for decades but thankfully, Elon Musk is putting some of those tax subsidies he gets to work on building reusable rockets. There's also Jeff Bezos who's putting $1 billion per year into Blue Origin with the goal of "millions of people living and working in space".

Find an actual photo from the era showing that, not a modern (((mockup))).

does not count, because the nigger fountain is clearly connected to the water chiller

>It doesn't stop the government from bringing minorities in on section 8
Trump already ended this you blackpilled faggot.
Again, all it takes is for you to chose who you associate with and who you don't.
Also attack welfare, burn the society safety net as a non-ethnic state should never ever have welfare for people who we don't get along with and it's mostly towards people who despise us anyways.

I'm just saying, after the failure of cancerville we cannot afford to wage the future of all of us on one single ideology.

Oops, niggers want gibs and the stupid among you voted them your money. You died of dysentery. And niggers.

comparing Liberia with Rhodesia makes me sad, man

>American values
The absolute state of you.


All good things must come to an end.

The white fountain is a complete, all-in-one, professional solution. The coloured one is a crudely attached afterthought.

I'm sorry that you generation never got to experience them.

You cannot have gibs in a libertarian state.
Stop posting you newfag, lurk moar.

>both fountains dispense the same cold water


>same clean municipal water supply
>same luxuriously chilled temp

It was great. Even SJWs agree.

yea unless you were on the other side of the rope being forced to eat your own dick.
separate sure, but equal? gtfo

Yep, they want gibs and you're a racist for not handing. It over. Your women are sympathetic and vote. I accept your surrender. You may keep your sidearm.


Segregated city states actually make a lot more sense. You get all the benefits of segregation without needing 2 of everything. You also don't have to contend with the issue of the impossibility of actually making both equal.

The future the alt-right should be pushing ethno-city-states, and give cities more control over how they run things. Far easier to implement than an actual ethno-state while having most of the benefits.

>still no answer on beating back niggers

You're yet another utopian faggot. History is littered with them.

segregation is a hoax.
the older generations were told they had to pretend it was real or the future would be nazi germany again.

i was there.

I already posted the answer

Cities are naturally segregated. Whites and asians usually stay away from the side of the tracks of the googles. That's why in Atlanta you have $5000 houses and $500000 houses relatively close to each other.

What they never tell u about segregation is that they gave colored people all their own stuff to use. Not because blacks were inferior but because they bitched and moaned about sharing with whites. Now it got twisted into inferior nonsense so we remover their blacks only stuff to show equality. Now they wanted segregation and safe spaces.

do you people really believe that there aren't powers strong enough to come and fuck you in the arse in your dream society?

What's to stop that now? The powers that be fuck us all in the arse everyday friend.

You would have to make two of everything

It`s a waste of fucking finance

they are under our control at least to some extent.

No they aren't. Control is consolidated into the hands of a select few.
Push all control to the most local level possible, and scatter these points of control across the world. Make it impossible to seize this much control again, at least for a short while. No different than what happened after the last time a massive empire collapsed.

alternatively ancapman says
>Ill hire white/black people because i like them more
there is no reason that they will necessarily do what generates the most profit.

Black people like segregation now.


I would rather drink from the black one. The turn-handle means you can control the water flow.

this is true, a lot of people make an error assuming that profits is the ultimate motivator

these local-level points offer no resistance to full state armies or corporations. Not taking into account all issues with public goods, there's no reason why the companies providing security wouldn't establish all power to themselves; the potential payoffs are much more massive than any free market incentives

The african savages created hellholes in their areas that was blamed on yt by cucks and jews.