La Reconquista

Hey Sup Forums, how the hell are we going to save Spain (and all of the Iberian Peninsula really) from being overrun by Muslims again?

Where are the Spanish nationalists trying to protect the country?

You would think out of all the world's countries Spain would be the one to try to keep Muslims out.

If you're in Spain, what do you do? How do we sort this shit out?

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We are too busing getting free gibs from the EU and enjoying the awesome weather and food.

Get out of the EU and kick all the muzzies out.

>So blue pilled his moor Huey skin almost becomes like ice man
Nigger we are all alone and isolated. Kill the Moslems like you pretend your ancestors did (you are a moor kek).

Literally that simple, violence is last option though.

There's no political party that even has leaving the EU as a main running point

Nah, my family comes from the very north of Spain. No muzzie blood in me, all the mixed Spaniards are mostly in the south.

But I wouldn't mind exterminating the muzzies.

>go to spain to visit some relatives

>met a guy named "matamoros"

>he is a muslim

Spain needs a populist party and huge ideological revolution. The far-left has eaten up the brains of our youth.

hahahahahahaha fuuuuuuuck, must've gotten cucked somewhere down the line by a dirty muzzie

Yeah, and in the last elections communist almost won. Like years, Spain has a lot of self loathing due to Franco's fascist regime.

Real right wing parties are not a think I expect anytime soon in Spain.

>Like Germany*

I have no idea why I wrote ''years'' instead of ''Germany''.

Spain was much better under Franco even though he wasn't perfect, now it's a poor, degenerate country full of communists. It's sad


That's the legacy he left behind. Spain was always been of divided people, it was to be expected Vasques and Catalans were never going to treat kindly the memory of someone who oppressed their land, people and culture.

Thus, real right wing political parties are probably not going to happen.

The only way to save Spain is Balkanize it and people will reclaim their lands.

If that doesn't Happen, there is a party called vox that's basically the exact opposite of the website, except the party isn't hard eurosceptic

nice try mr.goldberg

Show flag Jew :)

In the /esp/ discord we're making an anti-Islamic document and we'll release it when it is finished and there's a big terror attack like Barcelona's.

The entirity of Spain was held under muslim control? Are you fucking stupid? Are you a history brainlet? Spain was under Muslim occupation for 0-2 years. Theres debate Asturias was ever conquered at all. Covadonga means nothing to you

The first step to making Iberia great again is weakening the eternal Castilian.

Whats going on papi, when will you reconquer South America and establish the most glorious monarchy of all time. The anglospheres time is up, Its time for a new era, a new millennium under God and a Spanish monarchy which stretches all over the world. Together we can kill all muslims niggers and jews.

Portugal isn't being overrun at the moment, but it's not for lack of trying. António Costa has attempted to bring refugees but has found them unwilling, so Portugal got lucky.

And that's where the real problem is. If you want to get rid of the Islamic threat you have to get rid of EU rats like Costa, scum like BE, and the masses of idiot leftists who spit on the memory and glory of our ancestors.

I suspect the situation in Spain is exactly the same.

>Industrialize the country
>Ban socialism
>Recontinue the nuclear arming project
>Ban unnecessary garbage in our education such as the study of gender
>Nationalize the banks
>Ban regionalist garbage movements and execute each member because of treason
>Give lyrics to our anthem
>Teach everyone that Spain's history isn't the Franco era
>Teach kids conservative and traditional values while also teaching them that the country must also progress
>Ban feminist movements
>Stop having unnecessary garbage taxes such as the autonomy or sun tax
>Encourage maternity and fertility, give a free house for those families who have 6 kids or more while giving them some money as well
>Low taxes

>give a free house for those families who have 6 kids or more while giving them some money as well
Without ethnic cleasing this is only going to be abused by inmigrants and gypsies.

With ethnic cleansing of course.

Spain has alredy fallen. There's no recovery. Whatever we do we will never get our Spain back.

It's like being the only two people left on Earth, both male, and talking about repopulating the planet.

We can try to move to the least bad scenario but whatever we do Spain will never be the same.
Not trying to be defeatist, but if you look at how the country and mentality has radically changed in a decade you can realize that we're rolling down hill alredy.

the infighting fucked us hard in 711 and guess what is happening again.

Spein needs a benign but strong ruler or we become our worst enemies. Spain is not suited for any totalitarianism (we enjoy freedom that's it, and we are very culturally diverse) but still need a theoretical iron fist.

I suggest fixing Castile. It's fucking abandoned, no one fucking lives there and those who do are old people.
t. Live in Soria, the region still stuck in the 1800s

I was thinking about moving there since I work from home but I ended up in a lonely town around Toledo that's super cheap. Wouldn't mind moving there to be honest. I went once to visit a friend and seemed really nice. Living around old people is much better, at least for me, these days.

Also anywhere on Galicia seems nice as well.

No Spaniard has a pair of balls anymore.

They'll be chained to the EU til the bitter end.

Living in the Iberian Laponia is really lonely. You barely get to see a single soul here, it's like living in a ghost town.

There is actually less North African DNA in the Iberian population now than before the Moors were even a thing

>so Portugal got lucky.

yes we are so lucky, we have more than 1 million of not natives that came from our old colonies in afric, specially in Lisbon, how lucky are we?

Leave the fucking Euro for a start.

>UK, among top 3 economies of the world, can easily go out of the EU without suffering that much
>Spain, top 14 economies after a low blow, might get actually killed after leaving the EU
We are not ready yet

Make Spain free of Muslims and Jews again.


Shit I read wrong, sorry. But yeah, I agree, life was more comfy with our old currency.