Why didn't Hittler send the order to exterminate all the kikes when he noticed he was losing the war?

Why didn't Hittler send the order to exterminate all the kikes when he noticed he was losing the war?

How the world would be if that happened?

Hitler didn't believe he would lose the war til the very end

Now we are stuck with kikes forever.

Germans pride themselves on the quality of their work. They refused to kill the Jews in a timely fashion because they wanted all of them to suffer as much as possible.
This is why they kept records of the torture inflicted on every single Jew and their deteriorating mental states. They wouldn't gas them until their minds were so shattered that they were sure further torture would have no effect.
It's a testament to German effectiveness and efficiency that they still managed to kill 6 million in this manner.

unfortunately, to hitler's discredit the 6M number is probably made up. I'm guessing no more than a 6th of that actually died, and there were more of everyone else that died, so they were the very least affected.

and yet people still reeeee when someone says the word jew


Hittler was a puppet of the house of windsor

Gonna need a source on that

Obviously, Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews, he wanted them to go to Palestine, per the agreement with the Rothschilds.

IF you're really red pilled, I'd point out that Hitler was a Rothschild so Stalin had to treat him with kid gloves when Germany fell or he would have died a most horrible death.

Even if Hitler was a rogue Rothschild, he was still a Rothschild.

The Allies were cruelly and indiscriminately bombing the Zyklon B supply lines, depriving the prisoners in the camps of the insecticide that they needed.

is that fergie?

No. They both answered to Lord Rothschild who was the head of the Rothschild family.



>Why didn't Hittler send the order to exterminate all the kikes when he noticed he was losing

That's literally what he did


Gonna dig deeper.

> German effectiveness
> Don't just fucking get it over with


He was literally and ironically too nice. And the world would be much nicer if he had

After the Turk ottoman empire colapsed Isreal was built and somefag paid Hitler to exterminate jews so the jews go to Isreal since its their "home country" and by Isreal becoming populated they made more shekels and jews were brainwashed to become money stealing kikes.
This is the uncesnsored history

Nice try schlomo

Hitler didn't give a fuck about race shit. He cared about conquering the world. The Jews were a useful political tool once, and a slave labour force during the war, which Germany could not afford to squander.