Perfect Europe

Perfect Europe thread!
Haven't seen one in a long time.
Rate my map and I will rate yours!

With names

I'm not OK with this.
The forth Reich is too small.


0/10 fuck off slider

here you go

not complete, rate so far

>Iceland is part of le empire
Fuck off, being under Danes was slowly killing our language and culture. Add to that the starvation they caused, bitch fix your map and give us the Faroe islands

England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall recognized independently whilst still being the United Kingdom.


fuck off gyppo

>enlarging Germany
>destroying Belarus


i made some blobs


Claiming land for countries that have 0 right or claim to it

>"there's no such thing as a perfect Eur-"



>Germany doesnt have Bohemia/Czechia
>Netherlands is not part of Germany
>Finland is not part of Scandinavia/Kalmar
>Baltics are not part of Germany
>France has all Switzerland
>s*rbia still Exists
>Ukraine is not part of Poland


>le epick portugalicia
This meme needs to die. Portugal belongs to Galicia, not the other way around.

For some reason this actually calms me



Perfect Europe incoming.

I'm OK with this.

Finlanf has St. Petersburg?

I rate 10/10 pretty nice :^)

I'm ok with this ONLY if we genocide Russians, or deport them.

Havent looked at all of it but give germany more of their claimed/rightful land.

Looks pretty cool but is incomplete, some countries like Germany dont have their claimed land (sudeten)

>Svea Rike
oh fuck yes my cock hungers

Why not.

St. Petersburgians are ethnically indistinguishable from Finns if their families have lived there for centuries. We can always re-educate them into learning High Finnic culture. They will gladly adopt it over their orcish slavic ways.

Why does Denmark own baltics?

doesent, ran out of colours, joined land has lines connecting it

There are no more Germans in Sudeten.




Istria, dalmatia, corsica, savoy, nizza.

>that Poland
No. Just fucking no. If you're that shit at holding clay you don't deserve it.

Reveal your country, cowardly subhuman.
Congrats, you just guaranteed 4 civil wars and 3 countries to ally themselves with Germany so you get annexed.
Russia will annex you and we will laugh because you're not in NATO.

Wew lad

debate this


>united balkan-eastern europe
How many world wars would come from this?

best map

you forgot Transylvania



are you mentally challanged? Hungarians are neither in the Balkans nor are Slavs. also, what happened to Switzerland?

It's Utopian view. There are no niggers in Europe, there is continental peace, no poverty yet hard work is rewarding. No continental governement but an altruistic aristocracy for the order and loose clubs for shared interests.
Europe loosely has unified, cultural differences are based on hobbies and interests.

Long live imperialism!

N-No bully for the ottomanboo-ism please...

if you really want that, exclude Romania (except Transylvania and the City-state of Bucharest) and Serbia from that place.

Show your flag, inhuman hungarian turk.
You are illegal immigrants from Kazakhstan, you don't belong in Europe, you're not european.

You are the rapefugees of the 10th century.

>a dat pamant romanesc, unde majoritatea sunt romani, care, de drept juridic, este al Romaniei, la bozgori
sinucide-te, esti o mizerie

Sunt 50/50 acolo, majoritatea județelor ălea au majoritate maghiară. Ție îți place că hoholii au teritorii, cum ar fi Herța, unde majoritatea sunt români în schimb recent li s-a luat dreptul la educație în limba maternă? Empatizează, la fel se simt și maghiarii.

Thiers is smiling in his grave


Why have you slaughtered Germany this much?

Europe 2050

>tfw imagining the Empire of Charles allying with Byzantium, Asturia, and the Georgians to BTFO the Muslim hordes

Blue is European Union
Red is Nordic Pact
Pink is Visegrad Commonwealth

Faci o echivalenta falsa intr-e doua lucruri ce nu au termen de comparatie.
Dupa logica ta, Londra apartine Pakistanului pentru ca englezii sunt minoritari sau 50/50

Maghiarii de acolo sunt imigranti mutati in secolul al 13-lea si 14-lea la granita.
Romanii din acele zone ori au fost maghiarizati, ori au fost mutati in alte parti ale granitei Ungariei pentru ca au suferit pierderi masive, raiduri si oameni au plecat.
Romanii nu au avut niciodata drepturi in timpul regatului, au fost iobagi, "serfs", nobilimea romana a plecat, a fost omorata sau s-a asimilat noii nobilimi ungare.

Doar pentru ca s-a mutat cineva pe proprietatea ta si spun ca e a lor, asta nu inseamna ca este legal adevarat.
> Ție îți place că hoholii au teritorii, cum ar fi Herța
Acelea sunt de drept ale Romaniei, fiind smulse ilegal si fara ca Romania sa consemneze, cum a fost cu Basarabia.
> unde majoritatea sunt români în schimb recent li s-a luat dreptul la educație în limba maternă?
Tuturor etniile din Ucraina i s-a luat, nu doar lor.
>Empatizează, la fel se simt și maghiarii.
Empatizez cu acei romani pe care tu, in capul tau, ii dai afara unei tari straine in care nu au ce cauta, nu au drepturi, nu sunt respectati si nici vazuti ca oameni.
Locul acelor oameni si al acelui pamant, este de drept, in Romania, indiferent cine sta in el.

Ungurii in Romania au CELE mai multe drepturi ca minoritate, NICAERI in Europe nu exista asa ceva cum e la noi.
Sa te ia dracu cand compari situatia romanilor din Ucraina cu cei din Romania, ungurii de aici primesc loc in Parlament pe criterii etnice, ROMANII din Ucraina nu primesc nici carti in scoli.


Nu sunt 50/50 Romani/Maghiari in Transylvania de Nord. Mai mult ceva de genu 30% Unguri.

Okay let's agree in english for all the people watching this thread to understand the debate as well. So Romanians had not been documented to inhabit those places until the 9th century while Hungarians are there since the 9th century as well, Huns were the first to reach the pannonian basin which stops into the Carpathians.

Hungary is a much older country than Romania (compare 1000 with 1859), and they have done more for Europe than us, you have to agree although it is harsh. "Ukraine" exists since 1991 meanwhile they take all the rights from the Romanians. If Hungary did the same, they had a justification, it was a real country, but "Ukraine" has no right to take the rights of the romanian minority. I am sure Romanians would be treated nicely in Hungary as they are nowadays (there are few villages near to the border with Arad which have Romanian majority or almost a majority and there isn't any unrest).

I am glad that Hungarians have rights in Romania, because these lands have been forcefully taken from them through a wretched treaty. 900 years of history shattered because of being on the wrong side in a war.

Why do you RoIniggers insist of trying to take northern ireland, they're just not that into you m8.

You're a hungarian pretending to be a romanian speaking for other romanians, which is sad.


I agree, the same people should be in the same nation

I am a moldavian.

I tried my best. I don't know too much about the balkan disputes though.

If germany has a good leader i am okay please take over my country

Terrible idea

1/10 because you got me with the first reply but then I realized you're a hungarian LARPing as a romanian.

In ziua in care Putin si Orban va dau ordinul sa va rasculati, in ziua aia noi va punem jos.
Niciodata bozgorul nu va avea teritorii, autonomie sau alte prostii pe pamant romanesc.

Cand veti trada NATO, bozgorul va fi pus jos de Romania, Slovacia, Austria, America, Polonia si Franta.
Tara voastra va fi sub ocupatie militara permanenta cum e Ciprul si Georgia si veti pierde alte "teritorii".

Don't put us with bul*aria pls

I thought you were a non-country. Where should you be put in your opinion?

not gonna bother explaining but next time you make a map just delete us from the map entirely

The enemies of Europe(France) deserve no pity

While you're getting a 10/10 for autonomous Terra Scania I don't really get why the Norwegians get Bohuslän, it's less Norway than Oslo is Sweden

Australio-German Union

we inhuman hungarian turks are lightyears ahead of you gypsies
> illegal immigrants
> don't belong to Europe
> not European
> refugees
i know these asinine "arguments" work for your mentally retarded people, but you realize literally EVERYBODY here is above your IQ
> Romanians always killing off their smart Romanians, out of fear
Jesus Christ Radu, wait for 300 years before speaking
> uses ethnic map to prove there are no Hungarians in Transylvania
wew lad
wtf now i love moldavians

you are a CIA nigger
you sucked Turk dick
then you sucked Jew dick
then you sucked Russian dick
now you suck CIA dick
kill yourself please

Made one with flags some time ago.

Polish brother, best brother!

> No Belgium



triggered much, fucko ?

Each nation donning their own organic forms of fascism.

give slovenia to austria and unite ireland and it will be perfect

>Muh greek lands
Stop with gruevisam and srboizam that created this fake identity upon us.