Redpill me on Lebensraum. Would Hitler really kill the slavs and take their land or is it more jewish propaganda?

Redpill me on Lebensraum. Would Hitler really kill the slavs and take their land or is it more jewish propaganda?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Table_Talk

It would be naive to believe millions of Germans would die just to " liberate " the slavs from bolshevism.

The plan was to use them as slavelabor.

First of all, he had no interest in using Scandinavia as Lebensraum. Secondly, No. He would have just deported them at worst. I know he wanted to use Poland and Ukraine, but it probably would have stopped there.

That map is bullshit.

Denmark, Norway and Sweden would have become independant states with pro-german goverments.

Finland would probably have been given karelia and murmansk.

Nah their military strength had to be crushed,Stalin would invade Europe for sure if given more time to prepare.It wasn't about Lebensraum or liberating slavs just a inevitable conflict. But what would happen after the victory is my question

Yeah, it has been said that if Hitler didn't attack, Stalin would have attacked 3 weeks later.

This would be the most beautiful thing ever.

The word "slave" comes from the word "slav"

Scandinavia was supposed to incorporated into the Reich as aryans,not living space

A good chunk of them, yes. The rest would be used as serfs to the German colonoalists.
Basically the same thing that Stalin would have implemented if he didnlt die: absoulute germanization/russification. All other cultures and languages were to be eradicated.

No, they would have just been puppet states. Hitler understood that the Scandinavians were not Germans and assimilating them would have been pointless.

The only evidence of the plan for Slavs was Jewish lies from the USSR that, when questioned about the evidence, accidentally "lost" the forged evidence used to support their claims.

Man we really are in a shitty timeline.

I don't think the Slavs would be genocided but they would be pushed north east while Germans took the fertile areas of Poland/Ukraine and Russian oil fields in the south.

He probably would if he could, germans try that on regular basis it's like clockwork really.
Its not that much of a problem to kick them back.
Whats happening now however is much worse,merkel scares me more then hitler ever would.

That's because of a few slavs that were slaves. Just a historical curiosity, since slaves were common everywhere.
The word slav itself doesn't mean slave. Has nothing to do with it. Not sure what sort of nonsense you're trying to imply amerimutt.

>everything I don't like is a Jewish lie

This is Slavs fault. If Soviet Union didn't collapse then the E.U would remain weak since Germany would still be divided and not the beating heart of the modern E.U as we know it that can enforce policy over Europe.

Can't remember slavs ever voting for communism

The thing is, the moment the Soviet Union began to actually ironically serve right wing interests - it collapses.

Yes. Hitler was a cuck

this one understands
Norway, Denmark etc would have independence, but work as puppet states
most anthropologists in the time (in England too) believed Scandinavia to be the homeland of the Aryans
so removing them for living space would make no sense

Well, some Slavic tribes were conquering other Slavic tribes and were selling them on the Mediterranean markets during long period of time.
The same did nigger tribes in Africa.

Why didn't Slavs get unified under one nation like Bismark did for Germans


because muh tracksuits

i wish that a qt aryan grill would enslave me


Do slavs have different preferences for how many inches should be between the white stripes on the track suits and thus could never agree on an official uniform?


meme answer:

I don't know if Hitler really hated Slavs that much. He often made up shit to justify getting help from Slovakia, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Too huge territory to manage. We are already the biggest fuckin country in the world and even though we are called federation, all the power goes from the center, except for several regions where there are own kings. And the supreme bull of the country pays them for their loyalty.
East, South and West Slavs differs a lot in culture. Not to mention that some of the South Slavs are not actually Slavs at all, they use Slavic languages, but ethnically they are one of us.
We can't manage our conflict among each Slav group (East, South, West) and you are saying to hold them all tight so that there would be yet another Inter-Slavic conflict.

I don't know why, but he even prefered arabs and niggers to slavs. Maybe he himself was half-slav rape baby, like a lot of austrians are, and that's why he hated them so much.

arabs and niggers are white, slavs aren't.

Dont forget that most of slavic super states need to be forced because freedom > state. I even dont know any1 who obey 100% of law. xD

Yes, he was exterminating civilian population during the war.

Also he destroyed 90% of all infrastructure and buildings on occupied territories

> I even dont know any1 who obey 100% of law.
Like it's not common among any other nations.

>Niggers are white
You heard it here first! Stay tuned in to leaf news for more developments!

it seems my superiority has led to some controversy

Dont forget about eternal enemy of wh*te people, jewish trickster who live to trick them.

The geographic region where Slavs live is enormous compared to the Germany.

I think that Nazis actually just wanted to clean the Slavlands from jews,shitskins,gypsies and other genetically stained people.

Basically a hardcore eugenic experiment, he wanted to kill off/ exile weak parts of Slavic nations and elevate us to Ubermensch.
We would probably be seen as second class citizens first, but eventually become better trough genetic selection.

Poland is 99% white now, the plan was partially carried away trough the holocaust.
Our IQ is on par with the rest our Europe, same with height and skin color.

Imagine what would happen if he actually succeded.
Europe would be full of 7 feet tall blonde superhumans.

lebenslaum is a meme started by commies after the war, if you remove the northern bits it's literally the iron courtain as far as as central europe is concerned

>Would Hitler really kill the slavs and take their land
Yes. If you actually lived among them, you would have no problem with it either. Romania would be a much better country were it not full of Romanians and gypsies.

Romanians aren't slavs retard

Russian jews are pretty common these days, Hitler knew that and tried to get rid of them

>mfw a Romanian thinks Romanians are slavs and a burger corrects him

Lol nice bait, but will reply to you because some idiots may believe in this nonsense.

Slav comes from either "cлoвo" or "cлaвa" which mean letter & glory

You have no idea what you're talking about. Romania is the intersection of slavland, greekland, and germanland. Moldovans are very much slavs genetically. Transylvanians are closely related to west slavs. Wallachians are very similar to the other Balkan peoples.

Romania succeeded at what the west is struggling with right now: induce amnesia to the different peoples living on its territory, where every one (except the bozgors and some dudes in Dobrogea) thinks they're a part of the same Romanian people.

>Elevate us to ubermensch
Now this IS actually true. There are official documents which somebody posted from Himmler to Hitler (With his seal confirming he read and approved of these plans) describing what to do with Poles (These documents were created in 1939 after the fall of Poland) All German officials agreed that all Poles in the newly annexed regions to Germany must be expelled to the Generalgovournement. As to what happens to the Poles in the Generalgovournement itself, Himmler suggested selecting children or entire families who could apply to be tested for select Aryan qualities and resettled in Germany (Or just educated if you came alone as a child) Once the Polish child's education was complete, he would travel back to Poland to become a leader or intellectual of his people. Himmler suggested that insults suck as 'Polack' be banned in Germany to help the new Poles feel welcome. Those that didn't show aptitude would remain in Poland as laborers or farmers (Basically low class people) to be ruled over by the returning Ubermensch Poles. So yes, genetically speaking Poland would probably be much genetically stronger if Himmler had his way.

>a hungarian appears
I can tell bc of the constant "if only" I hear from you bozgors on everything,fucking invaders kys

Like, fucking traveling the place you would be amazed how different people look in the various regions of the country.

Pic very much related: a painting done by Theodor Aman commemorating the union of Moldova and Wallachia. Notice anything?

those fuckers seized whole country and were the ones doing mass genocide in the USSR (30% of NKVD agents were jews)

yeah my dick getting hard. Also the brown girl has stereotypically greek facial features with the long straight nose and aestethic face

>Would Hitler really kill the slavs
No, the Slavs would be relocated and forced into labor.

i dont believe in that mentality either but as a lefty i can tell you that the russian propensity to forge things was what finally made the puzzle of the holohoax click for me, don't underestimate russia. something about that regime goes beyond just your average jewery. they fought against the american banker jews, and in general probably planned the destruction of fascism and hitler before fully even gaining control of russia.

>hurr durr ești bozgor
Marș în morții mâ-tii de subom. Nu sunt ungur.
Ești un jegos needucat. Pune mâna pe carte sau taci dreacu' din gură. Parcă văd că ești un protocronist spălat pe creier.

>muh Dacii uber alles

Also Germany kidnapped thousands of fair skinned, blue-eyed, blond Polish children to raise them in Germany and make them German citizens.

This alone proves that they did not mind people with Slavic backround, as long as they are 'aryan' material.

Current (((history))) tries to tell us that Lebensraum was a plan to eradicate/exile slavs, and let German move in.

All lies. Poland was so fucked up by Hitler because we were supposed to capitulate instead of fighting, look at other Slav countries which avoided fighting, they were not as destroyed.

Germans took our actions as offense, and so they went all "Ok, if this is what you want, then fine" and proceeded to fuck us up.

Stupid blind pollack pride.

Da mă tembelule. Asta zic. Românii nu au legături de sânge unii cu altții. Sudul nu e ca estul, estul nu e ca vestul etc.
Ăsta e un lucru clar evident, nu trebuie decât să îți deschizi ochii.
Dar deh, propaganda naționalistă de pe vremea lu Cană a prins rădăcini adânci.

>Moldovans are very much slavs genetically.
at least you sould say tatar ,slavs arrived late in that area,we were neigheours with based tengris for many centuries,they're still kicking it around in Bugeac afaik
>slavland, greekland, and germanland
again,I can see your colors. Slavland maybe ,greek as in bizantine of course in the culture and religion. But germans didn't really play a part in Transilvania until maybe the 18th century,they were jew tier traders before that,esp in the middle ages always fucking things up like rooting for the muzzies. Only after saxon and swabian settlers arrived after the ottomans were expelled did they aquire the decent rep they have today.

3 years*

Read Hitler's Tabletalks.
>"Hitler's Table Talk" (German: Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier) is the title given to a series of World War II monologues delivered by Adolf Hitler, which were transcribed from 1941 to 1944. Hitler's remarks were recorded by Heinrich Heim, Henry Picker, and Martin Bormann, and later published by different editors, under different titles, in three different languages.'s_Table_Talk
You can download it here:

Hitler is pretty openly discussing genocide of the slavs in this book.

A zis cineva de daci? Cultura dacica a disparut(si a ramas mai mult in traditiile pagane,unice in Europa cu exceptia zonei baltice)

Hitler wasn't stupid, he knew Russians and other Slavs were somewhat inferior(Few less IQ Points), but he wasn't to stupid to not know that they had worthy Slavic,Viking,German,Celtic and Gothic blood, he fucking allied withn the Romanians and Italians, even Bulgaria and Croatia.

His Goal was to exterminate Inferiors and Bastards and purify the remaining Slavs, to make them a class in the new Cast System.

He said coloniasation would and could only begin after over 30 Million Russians died, which historically happened with 30 Million deaths and if Hitler purged ramaining Red Soldiers and Commies this would have been achieved.

That's something I've always wondered: why would the USSR (ruled by jews) be at war with the US (also ruled by jew bankers)?

Scandinavia wouldn't have been incorporated into the reich though.

Hitler knew that scandinavians wern't germans but still aryans, and therefor deserved autonomy in the new order.

He wanted the same for england btw

Indeed. This Lebensborn program was more of a testing stage to see how raising Poles in German host families would look like. If Hitler won the war, these actions would have become more voluntary than forced or coerced and as the steps that would have been taken afterwards I've already mentioned in my previous post.
>Capitulate instead of fight
Well I think the issue is that countries like Bulgaria and Croatia allied with Germany whereas Poland fought against it. If Poland allied with Germany then naturally there would have been no need to invade or damage it. Additionally, Hitler did offer to pay for all damages done to Poland as part of a peace deal a few days after invading (This was denied obviously by the western allies) but you can assume that much like the allies and the Marshall Plan, Hitler would have had his own plan to restore the damage done to Europe and bring all European nations back on their feet.

avem aceeasi genetica ,exceptie facand poate oltenia. Uiti ca dupa unire lumea s-a amestecat. Dar pana atunci sistemul obstesc de organizare a segregat la nivel de asezare "incuscririle" . Sa nu uitam ca BOR interzice casatoriile intre veri.
Cum e la Universitatea Soros? Primesti cate un banut de cioco de fiecare data cand sustii regionalizarea? Cum e, Ardealu e fruntea domnle, Ardealu da banu si luati mana ca noi suntem aia ca nemti ca ue=zeu etc etc.REalitatea e in poza jidan bozgor ce esti.
Sunt din Constanta(al doilea contribuitor la buget si nu primim "nika" inapoi),dintr-o familie veche de romani debrogeni si stiu ce inseamna traditii si rezistenta culturala ,avem in familie de multe generatii. Ceasca nu a adus\luat nimic

>germans didn't really play a part in Transilvania until maybe the 18th century,
Germans had been in Transylvania since the 13th century. Also, many of the hungarians (or hungarian speakers) living in Transylvania now are actually assimilated germans.

At their peak population, Germans were over a third of the population of Transylvania. That's how they managed to negotiate special rights/partial autonomy in the region.
And I specifically mentioned west slavs, i.e. czechs, slovaks etc
>at least you sould say tatar
Tatars too.
And Cumans too, in the south.
There are plenty of asian-looking people in Romania.

>slav means glory
>slav isn't derived from the Byzantine Greek word for slave, sclavus.

The idea that Scandinavia would have been directly incorporated into the Reich (As well as the Netherlands, Belgium and France (But only towards HRE lands circa... let's say 1400's or something like that) is based on hearsay that Hitler would have wanted these Germanic nations to gradually feel more Aryan than anything else and therefore feel eased into merging with Germany to form not just a Greater German Reich, but a Greater Germanic Reich. It's a meme idea but one that still circulates nonetheless.

you're retarded

The Generalgovournment was eventually going to be annexed and all Poles expelled

The Generalgovournment was eventually going to be annexed and all Poles expelled.

Eu nu vorbesc de economie băi Gică. Ce pula mea îmi dai link aici cu banii de buget? Mă doare în cur de buget.
Eu-s oltean, apropo. Dar am bătut bine țara în lung și-n lat. Ce amestec s-a făcut, s-a făcut puțin, și în mare parte recent. Cel mai mult vezi asta prin București, că acolo s-au adunat mulți de peste tot.

În rest, dacă țara asta e plină de oameni cu sânge comun, eu am u pulă pe frunte. Ce studii am văzut îmi confirmă ce mi-au văzut și ochii. De exemplu variatatea de haplogrupuri din România.

>Cum e la Universitatea Soros?
Habar nu am, eu am terminat la București.
(Dar mă așteptam la o replică din asta. Prea tipică.)

Hitler's opinion on the slavs was mature. Those that thought of Germany as friends, Hitler thought of as friends. Those that thought Germany an enemy, Hitler took as enemies.

>Hitler gives independence to slavic nations
>Hitler doesn't conscript or bomb the Czechs
>Hitler enlists Russians, Ukrainians, Croats and other slav volunteers into his army
>Hitler treated friendly slavs the same way he treated Aryans, with utmost respect that is

For the sake of the white race, stop this "slavs are untermenschen" bullshit

>or is it more jewish propaganda?
Gee, that's a tough one.

Poles, Belarussians, Russians were already being mass murdered by Germans during the war.

Slaven (slavic for slav) is person who speaks slavic language (since slovo is letter); Niemac (Njemac) is slavic for German since germans can't speak slavic (nijem means mute)

has nothing to do with latin/greek

don't question it you communist banker jew

what kind of retarded .jpegs are you reading?

Theres a series called connections and the day the universe changed. I cant claim I'm a super smart thinker or anything, I consider myself your typical self doubting dyke, but if you want to hear me out.

A lot of the stuff that series said was that despite later rejecting evolution, a lot of marxism was informed by the ideas of darwin in the same way hitlers ideas where, instead what was evolving wasnt a people but the way society would change, and the key word, total victory, the anti supernatural element, I believe the jewish influence on the russian agenda must have been there, but the revolutionary blood was still socialist in nature, not purely a fraud, sure communism never "worked", but neither did fascism or capitalism alone. Its ideologies however, did work, in that it made a strong and terifying world power. The socialist regime sought the elimination of the old, evolution fortold their success in the fact that the fitter stronger creature survived, its actions where not quite like hitlers, whos ideas of creating a racial superpower focused on where he was rather than expanding out across ethnic boundries just yet, The Communist idologies though demanded this, it was survival of the fittest for the new ideology manifest destiny, to destroy the unfit and cancerous old societies and monarchs, and replace them with a new evolved society. just like species anhilate one another, they anhillated other kinds of government, supernatural elements being discarded meant equality and no room for princes and kings, and most importantly, the goal of evolution was focused on the idea of evolution reaching a true potential and evolving into a perfect society, strife made redundant by equality and reason. I dont know how much of that bullshit stalin and his cabnet bought, but they definately intended to betray any allies they ever made, by jewish fraud, hook or crook, they destroyed all culture to be reborn into a more perfect communism.

>Why didn't Slavs get unified under one nation like Bismark did for Germans
Slavs aren't like Germans. More fitting comparison is Germanic people. Like uniting British people with Germans.

There are too many cultural differences and historical grudges for this to happen and culturally East, West and South Slavs are quite distinct from each other.

You could have smaller groups forming some confederations like Yugoslavia, Visegrad or East Slavs uniting under Russia.

>assimilated germans.
even for you that's low.

You honestly don't know any history otherr than the post-modern race ethnicity mixed with some superficial late 18th century stuff. Liek you could have said early maghiar influences and cuman influences but the US styled neo-marxist teachers that are grooming you don't care/know about anything before the 17-18th century esp in Central and Eastern europe. It's a trick you can use to spot the Soros uni graduates. FIY other politicians talk like this, most of the UDMR one's alde and Geoana .
Stop being a fuckup, and stop destroying what you don't undertand,we have to expand to the Tisa by 2050
I know a jew who talks like you,putting down any and every euro nation as far as ethnicity we wuz etc, but getting veery defensive when you question the fake state of israel and jewery's claim to it.


Why would Soros, a jew, be against the state of Israel, a jewish state? Because he sees it as an obstacle to globalism.

>the jews will only admit a lie if it serves to advance a greater lie

In the same way they will sabotage one plan in order to advance a greater plan

The jews aren't working together perse, so much as they have a certain agreed upon set of ideas and then they each do their own thing while following those ideas

The way the jews operate makes a lot more sense once you've been around jews for a significant amount of time. For me a dated a jewish girl , and one striking thing was that one time her mom complained that another jew was not helping her son get some sort of piano placement. She was literally complaining that a jew was not being nepotistic. My girlfriend at the time also got in the habit of pointing out everybody who was a jew to me, as their is nothing jews like more than talking about jewishness.

Having that experience, it isn't hard to imagine that a highly nepotistic and tribal people, but also fairly intelligent, would be able to slowly gain control of major institutions. The final peice of the puzzle is understanding that there are some jews at the top who use other jews obsession with being jewish and jewishness to advance their agendas, but these agendas are not necessarily inline with each other, and they depend on which high level jew is pushing them.

Nvm just saw that you are a burger

This looks interesting. What's the source called? Additionally, the practices of Himmler and his correspondence to Hitler would seem to contradict this policy. Who is Hans Frank getting this information from?

carul cu prosti s-a rasturnat la Craiova in Oltenia. cei mai prosti tarani tiganizati din toate Romania. Oltenii ar trebui eradicati

The others killed natives to create their empires.
Germany started 2 major wars that killed 10s of millions of Europeans because they couldn't get their own empire.

>ITT: Daddy Hitler, notice me pls!!!

I laugh every time I see you non-Germans arguing over whether Hitler did this or that wrobg, or how he viewed you as muh Aryan as if he's some sort if God. It's pretty pathetic 2bh, especially the Polish and Romanian anons doing it.

Fuck Germans. The only people who should care about Germany are Germans. Grow a spine and stop bending over. Stand up for your own people.

>Annexed to Germany
There has been indication that the incorporation of the Nordic States into a Greater Germanic Reich (Albeit autonomously preserving their own unique cultural practices and languages) actually does hold water but Finland? Finland is not Germanic to start of with and no indication was ever made by Hitler to violate Finland's sovereignty. In fact it was widely assumed that the entirety of Karelia would be annexed to Finland to form Greater Finland.

exact, esti o natie aparte. Cuibul infractorilor din Romania,raiul scursurilor. Macar nu te mai caca pe realizarile altora. Hai,marsh in afara si fa-ne de ras ,romule.

What do kikes have to do with the different ethnicities that fnow speak Romanian? You're as brainwashed as Americans who won't believe their lying eyes when it comes to whites and niggers and other similar shit.

Like I said: all it takes to make note of it is a simple trek through the country. No Soros University education required. I wouldn't attend that fat bastard's university anyway.

Your cognitive dissoance is showing. This country is full of morons like you, who even call assimilated gypsies Romanian brothers without batting an eye. Because
>muh myths about muh Roman and Dacian blood

Deci ești de acord cu mine până la urmă.
E bine.

>nu e în stare nici măcar să-și scrie limba cum trebuie
Du-te și spânzură-te măi handicapat intelectual ce ești.
Irosești oxigenul degeaba.

That's pretty much what would have happened with Generalplan Ost.

part of it is why i dismiss cultural marxism that pol refers to when criticizing the left and the jews. While no doubt that its possible that some tactics from russia continue to bite to this day, Cultural marxism doesn't have the effect needed by the stalinist interpretation, which destroyed culture down to the meal time. ethnic food eradicated and replaced, lies forced to be spoken to not be taken away. it is like comparing having your culture degraded and having it stolen from you. Stalin did what we did to the native americans killed, moved, and degraded, and then stole away all that made them unique, was this motivated by jewish views of the goy and gentiles? perhaps, but I don't think their banker rivals would have been considered. The soviet regime was staunchly athiest, it could have been a way to deprive the goy of their own god, but I also wouldnt put it past the political fanaticism to reach the hype that their leaders truly did think they embodied an existance of equal, but some are more equal than others.

their goal could never be completed as they are now though. even with rapefugees rushing in european culture is thriving compared to the times under russian rule. I would not be surprised if that legacy is why so much of EU can be convinced to allow it. it cant have seemed that bad compared to soviet rule.

It definately seems like the mark of the banker side of this fight, the current state of things. maybe the collapse was because some of the jews gave up, they where bought off, or maybe it was something else. what matters is an influx of hooligans who dont obey the law and want to replace things with their own worthless culture wont be any more easy to subvert, compare the behavior of the slav under communist rule, and then imagine the behavior of achmed, alah ahkbar would be the least of their worried i'd guess.

But its all conjecture.

The plan was to send as many Germans as possible to the East in order to cleanse the slavic DNA