Realistically when do you guys think the shit will hit the fan ?

Realistically when do you guys think the shit will hit the fan ?

When will the demographic change be so severe that white europeans will wake up and revolt ?

All depends on the economy

>be me
>work beside lefty liberal guy
>he's good guy but ridiculously liberal
>stays with parents
>decides to got to the council for a flat
>finds out as he is a (fucking)white male in her 20s he has no riight to a house
>see literal just off the boat refos getting nice flats in the city
>he almost turns full Race War
>kek internally

Basically liberalism is a disease of the wealthy, once there is no more easy times then you see a big change


>funny isn't it?

Never. If you dropped a frog in boiling water it would jump out. But if you drop a frog in comfortable temperate water and slowly heat it - it will boil alive

when the financial system collapses

>If you dropped a frog in boiling water it would jump out. But if you drop a frog in comfortable temperate water and slowly heat it - it will boil alive

Doers this really happen? Or is it just a hip may may

When the 'have a little, wants more' group fucks off with the PR and optica BS


>once there is no more easy times then you see a big change

I've always said this. People on Sup Forums clamor about day of the rope or race war or happenings though most of these people are fat shits scarfing down doritos from home repeating the same thing all year. But nothing will happen until you hit everyone hard at the daily living level. When times get hard for food, housing or whatever the we are all equal charade is over.

They seem cool dudes

you are just overreacting

>They seem cool dudes

Based on what?

Whites may wake up before the shit totally hits the fan.

You're starting to see things change already. Trump's election and now European nations are refusing "refugees". Also, reddit is becoming more like Sup Forums every day.

Based in the same assumptions that Sup Forums makes to deduce that black guys are criminals

We'll become like Brazil
A rich upper class will live in white neighbourhoods. Carnivals and festivals will be had for a few days each year celebrating the diversity, where the mixed race lower classes will meet with and dance for the richer whites, before both groups go back to their own separated neighbourhoods.

Remember, the coming mixed race lower class are not the enemy of the elite. They are the workers and the consumers, until they can all be replaced by robots.


>Trump's election and now European nations are refusing "refugees".
The survival of rightwing parties in Eastern Europe isn't assured. There is tremendous pressure against them from the West.
The important elections in Europe are now the ones that take place in Eastern Europe. The ones in Western Europe are essentially pointless insofar as the ethnic survival of Western Europe is concerned, with rare exceptions like Hofer in Austria.

Euros seem to have chosen to go quietly into that last good night.

That's why all redpilled whites need to move to Eastern Europe ASAP and become voters.

Most major economies in the west are going to collapse soon under the force of social security and baby boomer retirements.

As soon as life stops being comfortable for the general populace, shit hits the fan and it happens fast.

I'm estimating WW3 to be right around 2030-2040 right when demographics change to a white minority and most middle class jobs are lost to automation and globalism.

If it is prolonged it's going to happen around 2060 when the last of the boomer's wealth has been spent through millennials.

It depends on how fast and hard the next financial crisis hits.

>social security and baby boomer retirements

More than half of baby boomers are already receiving SS. If there's been no collapse by now, why will there be one in the coming years?

But in america they are. They are like our gipsies.

They have. It's just too late so they're just masturbating to porn.

>redpilled western whites and slavs flock to eastern europe
>browns take control of the advanced western countries (technology, nukes etc)
>steamroll the slavs
>europe now islamic

This is at least what happens if we lose.

It's already started

After it's too late.


Because when boomers leave their jobs, those jobs suddenly disappear from the US economy entirely.

The US economy is already stumbling trying to afford the boomers and healthcare and is only doing so through Mexican slave labor, which will later come at a much greater cost like African slave labor.

Canada is set to go into a recession as well and we're pumping so many immigrants for cheap labor and to push up housing that we're going to be a majority immigrant country by 2037. All third world brown immigrants.

The whole situation is fucked up. It's like we're in 1930s Germany with an economically controlling Jewish upper class (2% of total population accounting for 56% of richest 1%), a morally and culturally decaying population (look at what Berlin was like before Nazism, it was essentially a giant brothel) and a dying middle class being choked out by inflation and globalism.

try it out, you faggot

No it wont.

2 - 5 years. Genetic realism will become a thing and widely accepted. People will finally see we are separate subspecies. One more intelligent and advanced than the other. You can't let wild animals live amongst your people.

Germans are still occupied by the ZOG army of the USA to enforce diversity and jewish banking.

Black americans act in a different way than african ones here. Guess they don´t have the numbers here to create guettos so they tend to mix with white people, which tend to lower they "chimpometer"
Anyways, as people´ve already apointed, niggers there act as gipsies here.
>Attacking people in groups
>Usually carrying knives/guns

10 years: 75 percent probability

No thats real. Thats why there were still jews in pre-WW2 germany even though they were getting totally opressed. Their oppression happened slowly.

it wont. you guys dont see or maybe a few of you do, how this is like some weird silent immigration warfare / genocide of white people or whatever. The non white population wont do shit to trigger white people, they dont need to do anything, the Jew is already helping them gain all your resources and money to start families and businesses or whatever to replace white people silently so that shit wont hit the fan at all

We had a war. Millions died. I believe hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting on the side of communism and then you forced Germany to take Turks and take diversity lesons

In europe they generally mix in with whites and adopt our culture because there arent enough of them. It will happen if we keep letting those rapefugees in tho

White yuropeens have been trying to annihilate themselves since the Protestant Deformation in the 1500s. They figured out that they couldn't do it to themselves even with something as insanely efficient as Nazism, so now they've outsourced the job to the Muslims.

Wait until you get enough where they congregate together like American nogs and destroy your cities as they multiply like cancer.

once white liberals no longer have a safe white neighborhood to live in.

Wtf is the council?

Shit will never hit the fan.
Westcucks are too pussy for anythibg

I never really wanted to have kids, but now I feel it's my white duty to have as many as possible. However, I foresee them coming of age in 20 years when whites are a minority and all my children marry minorities while I'm just 'racist ole grandpa.'

lol it never occured to me how malevolent '''the council'' sounds

>Realistically when do you guys think the shit will hit the fan ?
~2050, when the Singularity happens.

this but nowhere is safe, even china will dissipate into the new world

>In europe they generally mix in with whites >adopt our culture
>arent enough of them

buhaha essence of leftist westcuck scum there!
prepare your anus in name of adopting culture, did you already send mom to local park for breeding party with mudslim?


Statistically, they are.

Revolt with WHAT ? Pitchforks ? Euros are done. They would have to fight not only government like in Ukraine/Maidan scenario but also about 50% strong, organized and extreme violent muslim/african population.

The best revolt is non violent Gandi-like revolution.

What could work ? 100% unity of white population and euro-general strike. If white people stop working 100% and all simply go on welfare - shit will hit the fan, corporations and banks are loosing billions of every day whites would not work and if there is no money there is also no money for police and military. Then military and police may take side with the native population.

That would work very well. And you have your chance only now before robots era will happen - after that, people hold no more cards against buisness and elite and you may all get de-populated.

It's a meme, frogs aren't as dumb as liberals

Probably when it's too late


Black Americans cause less crime than Europe blacks. Time to wake up

This. They all will be de-populated.

>robots era

This will actually be great for whites, though.

Once muds are no longer needed for low-skilled labor and governments must pay a basic income to their whole populace, the focus will turn towards decreasing the population and improving the quality of the people who are allowed in the country. Eugenics programs will start.

>steamroll the slavs

I think it's like section 8 housing for bongs.

Wait, do they give away apartaments for free in britain?


Same sort of experience, had an argument with my brother once about immigration, he's pro immigration but now his wife and daughter can't get a council place (they keep dragging out the register process) and have to live with his wife's parents. Meanwhile foreigners are literally taking over all the housing. His opinion is shifting.

Why don't we just KILL all white people?

As an American I can assure you the people fighting were not fighting for what happened. The allies did not fight for what is happening now. If the dead could speak Germans British French and Americans would not fight against each other. Its a tragedy Europeans are our cousins and I love you guys if the day comes I hope we can fight together. Not as Americans British or German but as White brothers. None of us wanted this future. We were lied to and forced to fight each other.

Yes the council has a legal duty to offer homes to certain (((vulnerable))) groups. It also has a stock of houses to rent but there is a waiting list

Naturally the black and browns have priority

There is so much stupidity in this post you actually sound mentally challenged

what a retarded pic

why does Sup Forums want to give the americans no credit for actually winning the war, but shoulders them with all the blame for it instead of the USSR or the British (who were the ones scheming to bring the Americans in it in the first place)?

dumb fucking cucks

>finds out as he is a (fucking)white male in her 20s he has no riight to a house
>white male in her

> you need to attend a council meeting just to rent an apartment in Britain

>His opinion is shifting

And that is the worrying thing, it takes direct negative experience to even start to get through to the liberal cucks.

>they literally cannot think rationally of the consequences of their actions

Ok nigger

TPTB have figured out how to conquer countries and genocide an entire race without firing a shot. Liberals are worse then standing armies, they blend in, they undermine, subvert and advocate their own country and race's destruction from within. Russia is the only hope left for "whites". I hope I'm wrong.

Honestly I would prefer to see ISIS roast the liberals alive.

You are delusional if you thing western Europeans will leave their comfy gated communities, avocado toasts and coffee served by Muhammad to live here.


Go to any city in the UK and you'll see areas as bad if not worse than that

>you're not a cuck like me!? You're stupid!
>t. emasculated no-balls libshit
neck yourself bong

nirgends ein Grab
niemals der Tod
dies der Verdammnis Schreckgebot

showing your culture to one of the greatest athlete in the world is now a problem KYS or leave your room u faggot cuck

>Russia the only hope for anything

Oh God...

You're probably gonna laugh at me, but in Turkey, there's this belief that at some point, Germans are going to get so angry that they won't tolerate anything.
They'll go batshit crazy and they'll start fucking shit up. Just like WW1 and WW2.
Of course, they're really cucked right now but they have the capability to save Europe.

Stay poor, Eastern Europe. It's the only thing keeping the race alive.

the west Euro you have in mind is blue pilled cattle, they can stay behind and get removed from the genepool for all I care
I make my own coffee

No difference from Poland.

>calling me a faggot


Almost nigga, we don't put carpets on our walls unlike those ruskie weirdos.

I don't think it will be organized, more like a white Jihad.

Thoe shoes though, what the actual fuck.

There's this belief in the far right as well. It's probably accurate.

Keep your women out of politics. That's the real reason.

>We'll become like Brazil
more like south africa

It's what would happen in any other time, but nowadays with the technology we have I don't know how hard it will be.

Btw you guys know you'd be the first to go right ?

i'll hit dem niggas with a fan anytime

>The whole situation is fucked up. It's like we're in 1930s Germany with an economically controlling Jewish upper class (2% of total population accounting for 56% of richest 1%), a morally and culturally decaying population (look at what Berlin was like before Nazism, it was essentially a giant brothel) and a dying middle class being choked out by inflation and globalism.
Yes, except this time the goyims won't be able to rise up like in WW2. All the resources is in their pockets, and they will control everything from the enforcers to the lawmakers.


It's going to be interesting because it could happen across europe all at once. I predict it will when the global collapse destroys all tolerance and civility.

at least they're adopting the local dress and culture, rather than trying to replace it

based on this and their height/features, it wouldn't surprise me if these guys were Americans rather than African immigrants

No, it's not. It's on par with We Wuz Kangz and Shiet blacks believe in US.
The most nazi-minded people live in USA I have no doubt.
Think of it that when every american child knows about constitution and freedom and whatever, that every german kid knows about how evil and bad their are, holocaust etc. It's the main thing in their school (btw program established by US occupation, they didn't learn that stuff that much in Eastern Germany).

Frog in the pot syndrome. The temperatures being increased far too slowly for us to jump the fuck out.

never. That would require that masculine white men to have not been eradicated by war and colonialism. Most of the whites that remain are cowardly, obese, stupid, or some combination of the above.

post your physique before you (You) me, faggot