What is your opion on Western women traveling to Iran on their own...

What is your opion on Western women traveling to Iran on their own? Dutch media recently reported on a girl who went hichhiking in Iran by herself. What a fucking idiot, luckily the Iranian authorities picked her up and put her on a bus.

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Well, it's stupid. Just stay away from those backward hellholes. And if you don't, it's your own fault when something bad happens.

I think if they want to commit suicide, they should be allowed to do it in their own country.

don't hit on me you silly guys ;)



The Iranian police put their ass on the bus LOL.

>backward hellhole

You mean because they're not cucked like your pathetic country?

Better than going to Saudi Arabia I guess.

Idiots removing themselves from the gene poll, I like that.

I assume they just work for government agencies who want to snoop around, because who would be insane enough to actually waltz in there of their own free will.

Are they playing out their fantasies?

Imagine being manic and deluded enough to virtue signal so hard you wager your life.

>“Iranians respect international visitors and welcome them,” she says, adding that most people actually ignored her and men did not shout out to her. “When I entered the city of Van in Turkey, the catcalls started. At that moment I told myself: Welcome back to the real world.”

Iranians confirmed for polite betas
Turks confirmed for horny alphas


I'm fine with it: genes causing mental diseases are better of the gene pool.


pick one

didn't work out too well, non of them got raped.

those numerals, they should try somewhere like Somalia.

Turks are pretty alpha Nygel. They have run the Middle East for about a 1000 years.

The smug face says it all

Iran is fine. The people there are nice and not aggressive and violent like arabs or turks. They literally have weird ass social practices similiar to chinks.


>Taarof or Tarof (Persian: تعارف) is an Iranian form of civility emphasizing both deference and social rank. It encompasses a range of social behaviors; one example of taarof could be described as posing false invitations and promising future services or deeds to primarily strangers or distant relatives and expecting them not to take the offer and keep declining it. However, the closer two people get in a relationship, the less taarof appears in their behavior towards one another.

Iran is safer than your shithole though.

wait, so that biker guy was being very rude by accepting to eat all their food?


Alright Mehemt, whatever you say. Turks were nothing before the Persians civilised them, even the Mughals in your picture show that.

The Turk is the eternal cuck.

>What is your opion on Western women traveli-


theyre so beta they cant handle evolution in their own classrooms anymore

It's natural selection taking its course.

Iran is ok compared to most of Asia but hitchhiking through any non first world country is retarded attention seeking

>Golden Horde


Of all the places a woman could go to get raped and killed in the middle east, Iran is not the worst.

Chinks have the same, first you have to refuse, second time you have to accept or else it will be rude.


Over the years I've heard countless stories of young people backpacking or hitchhiking through arab nations. Most get raped, robbed or killed.

But they've been taught only white people are evil, so they are so very trusting.

any pics of the crimescene?

Who knows, they are just idiots

Of course they weren't civilized, they were barbaric warriors that took over. You just proved my point.

Interesting custom.

Iran seems like the least risky of the muslim Nations to hitchhike in, but still risky nonetheless.

Usually arab nations or turkey stuff like this happens. Iranians love the west and americans, they just hate the kike worshipping government, rightfully so.

iran is a relatively civilized place despite the american propaganda
youd be safer there than in turkey

A woman made it through Egypt unscathed.

Just like gamblers libtards only look at their successes.

So barbaric and alpha that they absorbed the culture, language and customs of the superior Persians. And the religion of the Arabs which they keep to this day.
At least Persians have their own, unique and very Persian version of Islam.

Yep, not having a culture is the epitome of Alpha.

you're actually defending some filthy muslim shithole? retard.

How is somebody that cute an SJW?

I guess you swamp Germans are the most Alpha guys in Europe then.

You don't travel to a Muslim country as a single woman unless you're actively looking to be captured and sold into slavery/marriage. Those retarded cunts deserve what they get. Raped.


the turks that run the empire where pretty much white

Iran is probably one of the better Muslim/Middle Eastern countries, and the most civilized, but it's still a shithole compared to almost any Western country -- and it's mostly because of Islam. Iran would literally have been a Western powerhouse of the Muslims didn't revolt in the 70's.

>the middle east
>not a complete shithole
why are you even trying

Which one? Those empires span nearly 2000 years of history and didn't contribute much to human development.

1. She got raped and killed by a roach
2. It could literally happen in the US too

No, Iran would have been a Western powerhouse if the (((USA))) hadn't destroyed their democracy.


to be fair there's probably less scum arabs there than here in the randstad

Iran is very safe. I'd say it is the safest muslim country for a single woman.

>filthy muslim shithole
Well you're soon to be one so easy with the remarks.

>What is your opion on Western women

Pretty fucking low

I agree... but the nail in the coffin was still the Muslim revolution in the 70's. Iran was secular up until that point, now it's essentially an Islam theocratic dictatorship run by devil worshiping pedophile lovers.

You should lay off of the Zionist propaganda, you don't think it's a coincidence that Iran is so demonised and is the only country standing up to Israel?
The Revolution in 79 was the belated reaction to the destruction of Iran in 53, it only took so long because the Shah was so brutally efficient at carrying out America and Israel's wishes.

But I agree, the Mullahs are scum.

Iran is relatively safe if you follow the rules (as to not get jailed/executed) and stay away from rural and poor areas.

Usually main cities are relatively safe, but if you try to go to small towns across the borders, especially the one next to iraq or afghanistan/pakistan, you do so at your own risk and peril.

Assuming she's not completely fucking stupid (which may well be the case), that's pretty brave desu. If you get raped/killed it's your own fault, but if you're aware of those risks and then still decide to travel then fair play to you.

Iran is actually safe to hitch-hike in some locales; many women have hiked in Iran and called it safe, and I had compiled sources on this before:

For example, there are a lot of solo female travelers in Iran:


“I felt much safer in Iran as a solo woman than I have in plenty of other places.”



"So, that’s more or less my experience with solo female travel in Iran. I really enjoyed it, felt very safe for all the time and can only recommend it to everyone! If you think of visiting Iran now is the time to go as the country and especially its politics is changing and soon might become just another tourist destination. And you don’t want to miss the real Iran!"

A female traveling solo in Saudi Arabia would most likely get raped!

More examples:
"While the angry mobs might well exist, I never encountered them. And neither has any traveler that I’ve heard of. Instead, similar to all travelers, American and European alike, I was taken away by how friendly, welcoming, and hospitable the Iranians are. Many people I talked to wanted to visit the US. This just shows that Iran is another case in point not to too hastily equate the people with its government’s views."


Of course, hitch-hiking in Baluchistan or Ahvaz provinces is dangerous because even ethnic Persians and other Iranians avoid those fucking places.

shut up, you fucking mongoloid. the root of the problem lies there, so any 'remarks' I make about that filth are justified.

The USA and UK initially backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:





Archived it for you

>theguardian com/world/2016/jun/10/ayatollah-khomeini-jimmy-carter-administration-iran-revolution
>nytimes com/interactive/2012/04/07/world/middleeast/iran-timeline.html

You're blaming Iran for your country being conquered by Moroccans, Algerians and Turks?

>completely fucking stupid
All females of the species are completely fucking stupid when not under direct supervision of a male.

There are no algerians here. There are iranians, however. And I'm talking about the muslim world in general anyway. Every one of those countries are hellholes with subhumans living in it.

Iranian Americans are some of the most accomplished diasporas in STEM. There are many physicists, engineers, and so forth of Iranian Americans:


Iranian Americans are pretty well-accomplished in USA and Silicon Valley is known to have a lot of them.


Yeah you're right, only a few thousand.

But most of the Iranians living in Europe at the moment are highly educated, liberal and fled the Islamic revolution. Not really the same category of locust eating Arabs.

Can we all stop fucking around and find the video of her getting raped? Its probably on facebook somewhere start friending arabs until you see it

Burger education

Yes, but they're still muslims and don't belong here.


this shit gets me rock solid plz bring more

And you asswipes don't belong the ME. Netherlands invests a lot in Dubai, which is even worse than Iran. Why don't you ever confront your hypocrisies? Why do you talk like a nigger?

They wouldn't be there if the West left them alone.

There isn't a social underclass Dutch population in any of those shit countries and the people that do live there are not trying to force their way of life on people.

for some reason i never thought about nor give a shit to think about it now

>There isn't a social underclass Dutch population
We're talking in circles. 1) You agreed Iranians are well-accomplished diaspora who contribute to STEM, 2) now you call them social underclass. Do you even have an education?

>do live there are not trying to force their way of life on people.
Those are Sunni who are brainwashed by Wahhabism who are trying to impose their way onto you. Most terrorist attacks come from Sunni who are brainwashed by Wahhabism, which Saudi Arabia finances mosques and spread hate literature about.

>Force their way of life on people


>Turks confirmed for horny alphas

>When I entered the city of Van in Turkey,
Probably Kurds / Turkish Kurds

>What is your opion on Western women traveling to Iran on their own?

I don't give the slightest fuck desu.

> Dutch media recently reported on a girl who went hichhiking in Iran by herself. What a fucking idiot, luckily the Iranian authorities picked her up and put her on a bus.

I still don't give even one fuck.

>on their own

Top kek. They're doing all kinds of unspeakable things for Imams and local royalty

>Turks confirmed for horny alphas

>When I entered the city of Van in Turkey,
Probably Kurds / Turkish Kurds

only in the ghettos

I don't give a shit about your 'diaspora'. they're sandniggers that don't belong here. Besides, I only said they're not as bad as other sandniggers.

>At least Persians have their own, unique and very Persian version of Islam.
shia islam is an iraqi arab sect that persians didn't adopt till after 1000 years of being sunnis

If libtards want to experience "Islamic culture" first-hand, let them. Just don't expect me to pay for any medical or funeral costs.

For so long I thought that Kurds were the ''good'' ones. Mainly because ''suspiciously cheap kurdish barbershops'' are a thing here.

Kurds are complete niggers though, am I right? Actually talked to one and he was a hardcore islamist.

>I only said they're not as bad as other sandniggers.
That's because we're not sandniggers, you uneducated snow nigger cur. Go back into your goddamn mudhut while we do the math for you, dolichocephalic headed knuckle-head. I bet you think your culture is defined by Christianity too because you are a fucking idiot.

I probably know European cultural heritage better than you, which is pathetic. You're not European, your soul is more like a kike.

Despite all the "death to America" shit, Iranians are actually human, unlike Arabs or Indians. It's our (((government))) that indoctrines everyone into thinking Iranians are generic durka durka jihad terrorists

Nigga that's not how you convince Europeans that Iranians aren't like the Turks or Arabs.

>That's because we're not sandniggers
that's not something you get to decide, subhuman.

girls get into trouble and wait for a white knight on a horse to rescue them. they are children in the head.

You nihilistic "men" are the reason why white women are doing this dumb shit in the first place

No faggot, it can easily happen anywhere. Who the fuck hitch hikes in the ghettos.

No one gets to decide that. You have to look at statistics. Statistically, Iranians are accomplished in STEM unlike Gulf Arabs. Gulf Arab diplomats go to European countries, abduct your women, and then do heinous stuff like shit on them and flee with diplomatic amnesty. Do you ever hear Iranians do this kind of shit? The ONLY instance I read of an Iranian refugee doing something bad was an Iranian-Armenian degenerate who raped, but I don't see it occur in significant numbers and degenerates exist in all races. Take yourself, for instance, you are a degenerate.

I no longer have patience for these knuckle-heads who ignore all evidence to the contrary. I used to spend a lot of time debating them, but I have lost my patience. Even Hitler would prefer me over them, I know this 100%.

No leaf. It literally only happens around shitty parts. Who the fuck hitch hikes at all?

>not giving roasties attention anymore
>they're wiling to go to rape central to get her fix
>our fault