Redpill me on the Modafinil jew

I have been taking modafinil for almost 1,5 months now and have only seen increases in almost all fields. I lost weight and gained muscles, I have applied for a Uni and am making progress with my own business. Surely there has to be some negative side to this drug

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There always is, with every single drug on earth. That's one thing i've learned, there are no free rides. Even stuff like heartburn medicine will eventually fuck you.

Enjoy it now, because you'll definitely pay for it later.

It's better than caffeine OP, or alcohol, or bacon, red meat in general, sugar etc etc etc.

So yeah, go ahead, I only take it periodically (ie one month out of the year)

>trying to explain my question with an anecdote.
I know, that is exactly why I am asking what the side effects are. I checked online, and found relatively mild side effects, that sincerely seem pretty much meaningless compared tot the positive effects it has

How does one acquire modafinil?

Took it for a few months straight at uni last year. The main downside for me was that it made me have to piss every 30 minutes and dried out my skin a shitload. I had 8am classes every day so I would take it when I woke up at 6 and feel great for the morning but then crash pretty hard later in the day as well. Other than that though I didn't really notice any other downsides. Took it for a good 4 months and stopped cold turkey with no withdrawal or side effects.

Well my Dutch friend, I will tell you.
I buy it from here

cool, thanks nederbroeder

No problem. It can be expensive if you want to take it regularly, but I highly encourage trying it.

what does it do? Make you more welcoming of refugees or something ?

>permanently altering your brain chemistry instead of practicing self discipline to achieve the same results

It's about pros vs cons. Modafinil will have side affects after years of use however so will being a NEET who sits around and does nothing all day. If it actually makes you a productive member of society vs untermensch than go for it.

It makes you more alert and awake. Fighter pilots take it to fly long periods of time without having to sleep. Recent studies indicate that it also improves cognitive functions. An added interesting side effect is that it stimulates dopamine receptors in the same way that your sex drive does, rendering you easier to build motivation to do something. The most perplexing thing is, even though studies have indicated that these effects are indeed present, they have still no clue as to why it works

OP is a medical companie's shill

fucking druggie degenarate

You can order it anywhere online since it's schedule 4. I get mine from duckdose.

Mine is already fucked from a decade of heavy methylphenidate use during childhood (40mg of Ritalin a day).
Don't think I have anything to lose.

>to achieve the same results
So basically permanently altering your brain chemistry vs permanently altering your brain chemistry.

I think you need some modafinil.

where can I get without prescription

Exactly this, I have no clue how they can give that shit to children. It literally feels like taking bad amphetamine drugs without any of the positive side effects beside being able to sit and concentrate. Made me feel like shit

I have been taking it for about the same amount of time. The only side effect i find is my pee stinks and my sweat is a bit ripe. I think it is great stuff

Sorry man, my supplier only does the Netherlands for all I know

Using technology to replace strenuous work is pretty much what civilization is all about.

Do you start a fire with flint every time you want to cook something, or do you just turn on the stove?

I don't know about any modafinil but that's a cool looking drug
Would take 100s a day for sho

Afinil Express is a good place to buy online

clearpill me on modafinil

>are there really no downsides
>will it actually help my gains
>will it actually help my motivation
>will it be disqualifying on drug tests
>will I get arrested for having it

how're you getting it?


So it's like nofap without the constant erections

>I dont know to be honest
>Yes definitely
>Yes definitely
>Not as far as I know
>No it is not illegal

*disclaimer: Answers are given with knowledge of the laws of The Netherlands

Yes, it does make you feel more welcoming to refugees and God knows what else. That's why it's being advertised on Sup Forums.

Everytime someone wants to sell you a performance drug remember this: no company or lab in the world wants you to be perfectly healthy let alone smarter.

It is given to people with narcolepsy to stay awake, and is only recently trialed for cognitive performance enhancement. Your comment reeks of conspiracy bias

Modafinil was great for me to lose weight, but I gained it all back when I stopped taking it, even with a change in diet and exercise

I can tell you that. Long time user. Used it for 5 years now.
Too much and tolerance will occur, but that is with all drugs.
If you use it for a long time, language processing starts to fail. E.g. if someone says something to you, it is as if you cannot parse it correctly.
Another side effect is too much focus, you will start to overlook things and become slightly manic.
Also you will not get enough sleep. While you don't feel this, it will bite you in the long term. Especially cognitive. And I found it can give weird rashes.

That being said, when used in moderation, this won't happen.


Where can I get hexen? I want to be a hexen junkie like Styxx.

I had a script for it, but then I lost it.

Oh well. It's not like I'm interested in my work anyway.

What are the differences between the 4 types

I used to take small doses in uni. Really helped me get through the grind. I wouldnt take it on the weekends and would only use it if I really felt I needed some chemical help.

This. It's expensive and I don't want to piss my money away

>modafinil abuse turns Hilldog into a siezure-wracked mess just in time for the election
>trick Sup Forums into using it

maybe they think it's some kind of poetic justice

Real NZT stack:
- 600mcg n-acetyl Semax
- 400mcg n-acetyl Selank
- 600mg fluoromodafinil
- 250 to 500mg phenibut

Don't drink, don't smoke, drink a gallon of water a day, lift 4 days a week, adopt keto diet.


>ordering third-world manufactured drugs whose primary off-label use is to be a better goy at work and school

And how do you contribute to society? What is the worth of your existence? In reality, contributing to society is not a bad thing, get off of your keyboard and stop being so dense

>mfw the sources for both 150mg options are India

What is the worth of your existence? You're asking the question. Lead by example.

What does all that shit do

Meditate for 20 minutes a day

Drugs work but they arent a permanent solution

You can't order schedule 4, or even 5s, they are SCHEDULED.

It's either not real, or you're taking a risk.

It makes you a better goyim by frying your hypothalamus.

everytime i drink heavily, the next morning ill wake up and have an urge to jerkoff constantly. is that normal?

Two different suppliers, two different products.

Modafinil is the one everyone goes nuts over, and most people pick Modalert over Modvigil since it has slightly higher reviews from users.

Armodafinil is basically synthesized Modafinil, and is recommended for people who had bad luck with either Mod- products.

>Ted knew.
Read his book you fantastic goyim. You are only setting us all up for doooom

That's because it's illegal to buy and sell scheduled drugs. It's not illegal to sell in india, but it is illegal to buy it from there despite what these autists will tell you.

Maybe I was a little bit hyperbolic on the first part of my post but the second part is undeniable.

I was given anfetamines in the army for 3 months and alredy had permanent effects on me. Suddenly Sup Forums knows of a super drug open to the public that's completely innocuous and boosts your daily performance and focus? Sounds legit.

The problem with Modofinil is that it weakens your liver. Could be a non-issue if you do not drink but if you do, you run a high risk of contracting alcoholic-hepititis.

I respect your ability to critically look at your own comments, and am fully aware of the shit quality amphetamines that society pushes on children. I myself was prescribed with Methylfendidate and felt shit for years because of it. That's exactly why I was looking for alternatives. Also mind that it is not open to public access, and is only legally obtained through a prescription form a neurological dokter. You can buy it online though, and research is pretty positive on it.

Post pubmed studies or retract. Thanks.

I would be down to try this if only because I am legitimately struggling in my professional+personal life
>inb4 "DUDE just work out LMAO"

Turns you into Joe Rogan.

Think that's adrafinil and not modafinil as your live convert adrafinil into modafinil.

Funny that you mention this. I started drinking less, not because of this, but rather a more focused lifestyle. Instead of drinking I prefer waking up early and going to the gym. I have more of the day to enjoy this way.

Anyone know where to get legit boner pills? Stopped watching porn but still have probably getting hard

Sup Forums

I don't know, so you try it, start doing good, then what? You take it forever? It's a trap.

You're right, my bad. Got the two mixed up.

>It's illegal to order without a prescription in the US
Nevermind, fuck this meme pill. Also comes from India.

How does it work on your brain, that's what i'm interested in. Maybe it increases the neurological activity in the left and logical part of the brain, how would that affects the right "subconscious" part of the brain, undermine it? I really like my intuitive thinking powers.

Congratulations, you have experienced the placebo effect.

dopamine reuptake inhibitor. helps with narcolepsy, attentiveness, alertness and shit
i've noticed this. when i was drinking heavily my brain seemingly became much more responsive, and addicted to fapping. i believe in part this was because i was using alcohol to stymie anxiety and fapping functioned in much the same way. they were both to deal with a creeping anxiety disorder

>will I get arrested for having it
It's a prescription drug, so it's technically illegal to order online. If you keep a fuckton of it around, you may be charged with intent to distribute.

It increases dopamine levels by blocking the mechanism by which excess dopamine is removed from the synapses.

I'm a truck driver and have been using it four days a week for three years. As far as I can tell it's not addicting at all. I've not noticed any side affects and one of the unexpected benefits was it seems to suppress your appetite a little bit. Nothing crazy, just takes the edge off.

bad thing is i feel horrible after i cum and have to sleep it off

It is an anti-narcoleptic. Keeps your brain awake and moving smoothly.

You are describing marijuana, not modafinil/armodafinil

Not denying that possibility. I do however feel different personality wise, something which is not a documented side effect, and thus not something my body can conjure with placebo. We will see, I am happy with the current results and am looking forward how it will effect me in the future.

I'm sure the actual pill has effects.
These online distributors are coming from India though, so it is just water with some sweet flavored poo sprinkled

Marijuana is not a dopamine reuptake inhibitor you fucking clown.

I'm a very intuitive person. I get brainfog from drinking coffee. I suspect Modafinil would work in the same way. I can work longer and hold focus, but thinking creatively and processing becomes harder.

>brainfog from drinking coffee
They really need to replace the captcha with an IQ test.

DUDE just work out LMAO

>land of the free

I don't know your diet, but many doesn't notice it because they have constant brainfog.

Lol come on.

A leaf. Go educate yourself on weed you fool.


The idea is that it gives you the boost you need to reach that stable plateau where you can exist without the drug. A lot of people who use it for self-improvement also use it to build up their ability to meditate and work out, both of which are vital towards non-drug living for these people.

Of course, too many people use Modafinil as a permanent supplement, which promotes dependency on the drug and becomes a trap.

>not getting a Sup Forumsoner

>modafinil caused the seizures instead of Hillary taking it to treat seizures

what does the packaging look like from duckdose? someone handles my mail before i get it

"..It definitely overrides natural feedback. My experience has been unoptimal. It definitely gives me an initial caffeine type high for the first 2-3 hours, then after that I can tell that I am locked into my head. It becomes difficult to access physiological resources.

I am experienced with accessing states created through my physical body such as summoning energy simply by putting my body into a more confident posture, etc. As well as consistently listening to what excites me the most in any given moment.
The modafinal "locks" me into my head. It becomes difficult for me to draw my consciousness down into my body and have the level of beneficial feedback/energy I am used to from my physiology.

I can definitely see how this may help for studying dry facts and logical content, but it definitely decreases what I can only call emotional intelligence. I have to deal with people on a day to day basis and emotional intelligence is a huge part of my success in these interactions/communications. I become prone to "negative states" much more easily. Such as impatience, resistance, lack of empathy, and ability to remain open emotionally."

Just as i thought. I'm staying away from this. I prefer the clear state of mind, as you have after waking up well-rested.

Only if you don't do it in front of your parents.

A package from India marked health/beauty supplies

OK, I've been using modafinil on and off since getting diagnosed late in life with ADHD. Shrinks in India don't prescribe Ritalin too freely. It works, but gets me wired af. I can't take one every day. Never get any sleep, walk around zombie like for a couple of days and then crash hard. I ration it for when I really need to focus and get a bunch of high concentration work done, but it definitely hampers creativity.

>not believing the mainstream media that she was in perfect health and was just hot on 9/11.

triggered slight mania in me; thas not uncommon for susceptible people. that alone is a reason to be careful.

Placebo that costs you 200 bucks a month.
Don't expect too much, but it's a fun game.

No way, Jamie bring up that video again.

Actually yeah, just work out you dumb fag.

>barely have the energy to slog through a full 40h work week/8h work day
>DUDE just go to the gym even though you're weak and have absolutely no core/upper body/lower body strength and just work out with no energy LMAO
Do you know how thermodynamics work or are you just regurgitating shit you see online