My theory, Jews are biological robots, created by an higher life form

My text was to long, lets see if it works with a picture of the text?

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You are just retarded.

Split it up between multiple posts

Internet 101

I think you have too much time on your hands.

Jews are biological robots created by an higher force
Some people believe in Reptilians, others don’t. Some people believe it’s about the Jews and only the Jews.
Rabbi Michael Laitman claims that Jews are aliens from another planet or dimension who is placed here in order to take over the planet.
My theory is this: Jews are not human beings and they may also lack a conscious mind. They are robots, not made up from metal and circuits, but from biological tissue made up of human DNA. You won’t find a hard drive if you perform an autopsy, instead they have their source code inside their DNA.
The creators/creators of the Jews may be Reptilians or some other form of power. They may come from another planet, dimension or whatever. I any case Jews weren’t created for the benefit of the Jews, they were created in order to carry through the agenda of this power.

Think of it, Jews are skilled at long time planning in order to further their own power, at the same time they seem to be incapable of seeing the long term consequences of the same behaviour. They encourage white people to race mix, not have children, they ruin white peoples economies, educational system, healthcare etc. They get White people killed by invading muds, or poisoned them by their chemicals in medicine, food, etc. Yet they don’t seem to even give it a second thought of how they are supposed to survive when there are too few white people around form them to leech of.
Their behaviour seems consistent with what you would expect from an AI that is programmed to follow certain patterns but not others. The purpose of the Jew is either to kill of YT/the human race or to at least prevent YT to develop enough for us to become a threat to this power.
If the plan succeeds and the white race is exterminated then it doesn’t matter for these Reptilians or whatever they are if the Jews die of as well, mission accomplished. Maybe the self destruction of the Jews was planned from the start?

I have found the Jew.

no. Im talking about the report these threads person. Im not jewish I like this theory

Jews are pure evil.

Jews were never meant to take over the planet only to destroy it. The Reptilians or whatever don't want to solve one problem by creating another, so they the Jews are programed to self destruct.

Source on this artist? I like the way he draws clothing over form. and the shiny skin is nice :9

Use SauceNAO for these things.
チャイナ霞 | みつどうえ #pixiv

i think your an idiot

T-thank you sempai, the reverse search didn't tell me the artist.

Good theory. They are binary thinkers after all. Same with autists/aspies and sociopaths/psychopaths. Everything in black or white. No gray in between, they can't see it. These "people" all cannot process the abstract. Abstract thoughts and abstract concepts are lost on them. This is probably why secret knowledge is encoded in parables and methaphors and analogies. These things are abstract and the binary-thinking psychos and jews and aspies can't understand them

Jews were created by Babylonian xeno-botanists who desired to create a sub-race plant-hominid species to work as a slave caste but they kept growing and eventually mutated into a human fungus that roamed the earth before evolving at a significantly more rapid pace than any other lifeform taking the shape of man in crypsis as a form of parasitic mimicry

Nice try kike. We all know the Jew fears the Aspie.

This jewish reversal technique doesn't work, Chaim. Everybody knows that assburgers is largely an ashkenazi jew problem as well as those who carry ashkenazi genes

“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-World, which it is not in your nature to build.”

Maurice Samuel
You Gentiles (p. 155)


>people I don't like aren't people

What an insightful theory. Like nothing I've heard before. I can tell you spent many hours of research on this hypothesis. Truly science has allowed us to learn astonishing wisdom. Thank god we live in such enlightened times.

>created by an higher life form

This guy.

I'm a Reptilian, and no we didn't ''create Jews'' but our seed is in most Earth-bound blood lines

>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Autism is a concept constructed by Jewish ''psychologists'' to suppress Neanderthal qualities