I just started watching this and it's comfy as fuck. Thoughts? Should I keep going? Any similar shows?

I just started watching this and it's comfy as fuck. Thoughts? Should I keep going? Any similar shows?

Millennials, everybody.

Kill yourself for watching garbage.

Kill yourself

>implying I'm streaming


Murder yourself, your parents and your siblings so your failure can't contaminate humanity.

It's the greatest love story ever told so keep watching

Fair points, I can see where you're coming from.

>I just started watching this
>Any similar shows?
This is why people kill each other.

Don't bother, only the kiss and that christmas episode are good. Might as well just drop it and watch something else.

>implying that 90% of Sup Forums isn't millennial

Or are you admitting to be an underage b& babby born after 9/11?

Millennials, everybody.


>Any similar shows?

> I didn't watch it but because of my superior taste I know it's garbage
good point

Pretty much this

Seriously though, I'm four episodes in and I don't know what everyone's all butthurt about

How new are you? go to MAL maybe you can still escape.

Also, Ami best girl, your taste is shit in general terms, deal with it.

Unless someone gives me an actual reason, I'm just gonna assume it's the usual "Sup Forums hates fun" thing

Its the ''Sup Forums hates retarded newfags'' thing.

>rec thread

not your blog, fuck off.

I love summer

It is. Duh.

I just started reading through this thread and it looks like op is retarded as fuck. Should I keep shaming him? Any comfy reaction images?

I see you are new here

I hope someday I find out who you are so that I can kick you in the throat.

>Any similar shows?

How is an anime comfy? Autism? Synesthesia?

Please stop, this thread is supposed to be comfy.

Other comfy anime: Spice and Wolf