Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Fundraiser Edition

Upcoming elections:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Ignore the shills

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal



Weidel leaves ZDF Debate
Storch vs Bushido
Nigel Farage speech
Email Leak

Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters, distribute flyers and stuff into mailboxes, man info booths (together with experienced guys, of course), help prepare locations for speeches, look for posters being damaged/stolen, go to local meetups to discuss plans/ideas etc.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.


Daily reminder:
Weidel lebt nach eigenen Angaben in Überlingen am Bodensee, ist gemäß den Schweizer Behörden aber im drei Autostunden entfernten Biel gemeldet, wo sie auch Steuern zahlt. Laut Die Zeit reduziert sich dadurch Weidels Steuer- und Abgabenlast von 49,4 % auf 21,1 %. In Biel lebt sie mit einer Schweizer Film- und Fernsehproduzentin in einer eingetragenen Partnerschaft.[8] Das Paar zieht gemeinsam zwei Söhne groß.[9][10][11] Weidel ist Mitglied der Friedrich A. von Hayek-Gesellschaft.[12]

Ist alle oke, lieber Kotmann, wir wählen sie vollkommen egal was passiert.

>„Ich fahr keinen Meter weiter“: Lokführer stoppt Zug wegen erneuter Massenschlägerei nach „Essen Original“
>Nach der Massenschlägerei mit etwa 40 Personen am Hauptbahnhof Essen ging der Stress am Samstagabend noch weiter
>Gegen 22 Uhr prügelte sich im RE1 nach Duisburg laut Lokführer erneut eine „größere Gruppe Schwarzafrikaner“
>Es sei so heftig gewesen, dass der Lokführer am Hauptbahnhof Mülheim angehalten habe und sich weigerte, „noch einen Meter weiter zu fahren“, so Stall


>FDP wähler gejammer.

Ignore nazi imagery. our language and cultures are sufficiently similar to make it somewhat work if a time actually comes where our smaller states can't stay relevant or independent then this seems like a much better alternative to the cultural clusterfuck that is the EU although I would like to stay out of it all

Das ist kein FDP-Wähler, sondern ein linker/grüner Troll von Krautchan.


Daily reminder that you are a disgusting Schulzfag





Defend Weidel then you utter faggots?
Dyke, ruining German kid's life, tax can you still defend that piece of robotic shit?

EX Goldman Sachs, too.


Well, tell me what Hitler, Gadhaffi, Assad and J.F.Kennedy have in common in relation to worrld banking?
All were either persecuted from a global level (Hitler deserved it though, fuggin genocides, man) but, you really have to ask yourself, can there ever be a war that is fought for MORAL values?
EVERY war has ulterior motives, including that in syria with the ISIS false-flag, includiing Gadhaffi with muh-dictator meme and needless to say, Kennedy for fucks sake.
The only way we'll be able to overthrow world banking is by spreading consciousness about it's inherent inhumanity among the peoples of the world.

So uhm... what're you voting?

Try it harder, Kotmann.
You are such a pathetic loser, Jesus.

NPD bro

>Hitler is ebul
>Assad ....

Flags checks out with your white guilt.
Sort yourself out.

He's a GODFUCKING shill.

Ridicule him.

>Da waren die verdächtigen Prügler aber schon weg.
>Es haben sich weder Verletzte noch andere Zeugen gemeldet.
Lokführer ist AfD Wähler und hat sich alles ausgedacht. Echt armselig.

I hope parties because of their programm not because of single person!

I'm not a CDU voter


Empress Weidel will lead us to our former glory they tried to destroy for decades
she can tax dodge as much as she wants imho

compare this to 50 billions for the invaders a year


Useless, no projection could measure up to even hit 5%
the right-wing has been now claimed by the AfD, mate.

he is a shill. Ignore him. No one is even considering voting for that controlled opposition party here



paying taxes for fugees is a hahnrei-move



Watch the Weltchat.
Notice how the interviewer says "GS was her dream job!" and Weidel responds with "WAS!"
This job prolly redpilled her

>Weidels undurchsichtige Vergangenheit: So radikal ist die AfD-Spitzenfrau

Gottkanzlerin Weidel


Make like a leaf and hang from a tree already you stupid commie.

Hey HansBros, is there any chance AfD and Frank Peutry will in fact become Merkel's biggest rival, as Geert is in the Netherlands with PVV?

Also, your memes are funny


>act become Merkel's biggest rival,
There is a decent chance

You can't really work in the financial sector as a goy withou noticing certain coincidences. Then it's up to you to fight it or join them.

vengeance for this filthy lie will arrive on election day
we stand firm behind weidel
"dream employer"
"HAS BEEN, yeah"

i sometimes read the welt comments
judging from the likes and the tendency the community there is 95% AFD
same goes for focus

i wonder how big these communities are actually

yea they will most likely be the 3rd biggest party. They will also be the only opposition party in the parliament.

Petry is finished bro...they ousted their only chance is a fuckin lunatic dyke that doesn't even permanently live in Germany.
See her gf in my first post:

A second place is possible, we are aiming for 20%

Also the current polls are ALL faked, it's a known tactic they use before elections to shrink the AfD in the eyes of the Normies as far as possible.

would be weird of all these ppl were paid shills.

Ignore shills like


this is what our enemies vote for

Why does that actually suprise you though?
Die Welt = Springer = Judenblatt = Judenpartei AfD

>"NPD bro"
>a fuckin lunatic dyke

Found the friend.

recognizing yourself?

It doesn't really work calling the opposition party Jews when the current government is doing what the tribe wants pretty much 1:1.

He's a bored leftist troll from Krautchan who is bored cause Krautchan is down.

Ridicule him

>yea they will most likely be the 3rd biggest party. They will also be the only opposition party in the parliament.

Of course, this will be interesting

O-Okay, Good Lucky for you, guys!

Sad :(

>Also the current polls are ALL faked, it's a known tactic they use before elections to shrink the AfD in the eyes of the Normies as far as possible.

Same tactic as (((they))) did with Trump. (((They))) are doing it here too.


Here in Brazil there is not much talk about German politics, but the little we see, has noted that AfD is the only party against immigration the way it is

But, Good Lucky Guys!

Believe me, it makes sense.


>What is politicking


>a bored leftist troll

By the by, which one of you fuckers is this?


Thanks bro


wir sind uns aber schon einig das die afd spastis auch nur die einäugigen unter den blinden sind oder? ich meine ein paar leute mit klarem verstand sind schon dabei aber die meisten sind doch schon ganzschöne idioten

Was besseres haben wir aber nicht


Ja türlich. Dazu kommt ja noch, dass nur wenige Berufspolitiker in der AfD sind. Die anderen Parteien hatten ja alle Jahrzehnte Zeit um ihren Kader zu schmieden.

yes feels good

traurig oder? es gibt in vielen bereichen tatsächlich herausragende leute in deutschland nur nicht in der politik und wenn doch werden sie vom nepotistischen parteiensystem unterdrückt

Heute kamen Politiker von jeder Partei an unsere Berufsschule und haben bisschen Fragen beantwortet.

AfD-Mann war voll nice, hat sogar über Taqiyya gesprochen.

sounds pretty informed
are you going to vote them?

Was haben die anderen so gesagt zu ihm? Ich denke mal LITERALLY HITLER?

Gibt schon ein paar ordentliche Politiker aber leider nicht mit der richtigen Meinung oder in der richtigen Partei. Pic not related.


They said he generalized and called all muslims bad even though he literally said some ARE integrating, but the majority don't and pointed out how many turks living here voted Erdogan.

He also brought up Lebanon, how it was majority christian a few years ago and now muslim shithole. Though there were some who agreed with him.

The guy sounds pretty based. The youth is waking up it seems.

>über Taquiya reden ohne sofort massengemessert zu werden

Muss im Osten sein

He was.


was lernst du ?

Which one of u fags was on Europa Weekly yesterday?
great job btw.

I have never heard of it


Some german is on the latest episode.

Ach, hat der Spinner jetzt auch Sup Forums gefunden?
Gut, dass es hier IDs gibt und man sein samegefagge gut erkennen und filtern kann.
Richtig geistesgestört.
Auch bezeichnend wie er sich beschwert, dass die "Maurer" (bzw jeder mit ner Arbeit, Ausbildung oder einem Studium) zum Feierabend posten, während er ein linksversifftes arbeitsloses Zeckenschwein ist, was den ganzen Tag in ner vollgepissten Erwachsenenwindel rumsitzt und auf extrem psychotisch-geisteskranke Art und Weise den "Kampf gegen Rechs" führt.

Kaufmännischer Assistent, Schwerpunkt Fremdsprachen und Korrespondenz

Jop, dein gewöhnlicher linksliberaler anti-deutsche islamische trans-atlantischer wasserstoff-stern kin.


like a n.a.z.i

Ich glaube, ich bin Jude. Ich sehe fast genauso aus wie Netanyahus Sohn... Nur ohne die Judennase.

Isn't he ultra redpilled aswell and shared a merchant meme?


He's obviously right wing.

Lügel druckt ernsthaft /rvss/-Bildchen ab?

He's obviously right wing.



das stimmt!


sers schwuchteln

Moin Martin