Is Sam Harris right? Is Molymeme really a RACIST?
Sam is calling Moly a white supremacist, why would he say this?

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Sam Harris is douche. Even if Molymeme were a racist, he has NO FREE WILL by Sam's own assertion, and as such is beyond criticism.


>Caring about e-celebrities

This. /thread

They're both part of the psy-op sage this nonsense.

He's Canadian. It's impossible for them to be racists

Fuck these queers

who cares. Moly is a Sup Forumsfriend for many years. many years.

You think Sam Harris isn't?

What's up with this upsurge of bigotry masquerading as rationalism, and racism being normalized? Where do you creeps come from?

I bet 2008 90% of you newly baked "race realists" were fedora tipping new atheists.

Fuck yea Im smaking your bigoted asses you if I ever see you.

According to the racialists on here we don't have a soul and the mind is a product of the body, and your genes make you what you are, so why are they always frothing at the mouth about "evil Jews" and "feral niggers" and the like? They don't control their behaviour either.

He's white. Of course he's a racist.

low IQ looting nigger

Very interesting, fellas

Sam Harris is just punching right. It's not as if there's not people calling him a racist.

>low IQ looting nigger
aka. nigger

Dude muh scepticism

Sam Harris is a capitalist jew that would kill every white person on the planet if it made him rich.

He is absolutely not /ourguy/

You sure about that?

>I-I agree with you. My view on race and IQ is w-what would you do about it? So that's w-why I avoid that

Are these cucks literally admitting to being stupid people eugenicists who would kill or unliberate someone if you could scientifically prove they were less intelligent?

What the hell is wrong with these "progressives"?

They are both jews

Racist I dunno, bit of a cultist though with all that de-fooing crap

Sam Harris has the biggest ideological blindspots of just about anyone I've ever seen in my life. Anyone gets within 100 miles of his sacred beliefs and suddenly he turns into a high priest purging the heretics.

Argumentman just isn't smart enough to deserve Harris's time.

I hate spiders despite them having no sentience. Same with niggers.

Regardless whataboutism is not an argument.

Everyone is REALLY a racist if you nitpick enough. That's why it's such a powerful tool rhetorically.

No, my point is, racialists like you don't treat blacks as you would spiders, as something you simply hate. You actually condemn them for their behaviour as if they were real moral agents. "How dare these foul feral niggers commit all this crime" etc., "How dare these evil Jews manipulate us." But then you don't believe in the soul, so their biology (in your eyes) is making them do everything, is making them bad, therefore they can't be ascribed moral blame. Do you not see how you contradict yourselves just as much as Sam Harris does?

Sam Harris actually wants to talk about IQ because low IQ people are disadvantaged in today's economy. He did an episode on it a few months ago. It's pretty clear he believes the bell curve and wants a serious, academic conversation. Arguementman wouldn't provide that.


Leftist Name calling isn't an argument.He is realist

There's no such thing as Racism, it's just a trigger word that gives niggers license to be violent!

He told a kid who hated his abusive parents to leave home, whats so bad about that?

Every single Jew is the enemy. Never forget that.

molymeme fully embraces the idea of the white mans burden. i wouldnt call him a white supremacist though since he regards east asians as equals which i agree with.

He is so disingenuous. I'm not taking moral queues from someone who pearl clutches over Jared Taylor but still supports the Iraq War.

hur dur he is rich

molymeme is a shit but sam harris is a bigger shit

>that face

I bet this sounded really clever in your head, but you're actually just making yourself look like a total moron.

If you are too dull to understand the argument that is no skin off my nose.

Athiests are defacto racists because of evolution theory

Blame has nothing to do with morals.

Kikes aren't atheists. They'll see faith dying and change skin to fit in like snakes they are.

You can only blame if somebody has done something morally wrong. You can't blame (for example) a palm tree for falling on your head. You can't seriously say and mean "You damned wicked palm tree." Only a moral agent can be ascribed blame. But materialists say that we are determined, so logically speaking they ought not to blame anybody, because to them free will is an illusion.

The government here imprisons people for being racist so thankfully we don't have to deal with nazis and the alt-right terrorists spreading hate speech.

Blame is the deduction reasoning of survival. There's no morals behind it, their's no morals to African carp causing extinction events for ecosystems, they still need to be physically removed and order restored to the ecosystem.

Since the election Sam Harris has came off as a stuttering idiot. Ive seen a few debate he has had since and he almost acts like someone paid him to bash trump. The things he says are typical leftist talking points without much credibility, then he goes on to say he isnt a leftist.


I'd say he is. He once wouldn't say weather he was happy america went to war with germany in ww2 or not when asked and just gave a non-answer. Funny thing is though the left is always saying that alt-cuckers are just hidden racists so when a ba or molymeme comes along no one takes them seriously. Kinda like black people with the police. Boy who cried wolf

>jared taylor is a white supremacist

You don't blame the African carp. You simply go to work to fix the problem. But on the other hand there is a clear difference between a person killing your son in a car-accident because a loud noise startled him into suddenly swerving, and a person doing it after he had chosen to get drunk and take drugs. You blame the latter and absolve the former, why? Because of the question of moral agency.

I don't know if he *is* but its obvious he likes to cater to them.
Guy would shill asbestos if it got him more followers is the impression I get unfortunately.

Sam Harris is a fucking KIKE!

Yes Moly is a racist. If you can not tell, you are either deaf or retarded. Especially in the Paris attack video. He obviously hates Muslims, but he is very woke to the problem in the nigger and hispanic people and also the JQ. He is just like every other person that makes their money on the have to watch what you say or (((they))) will shut it down. Just watch his OLD OLD videos. Wish I could link them, but can not right now