“We have 3-year-old children that get raped,” - SWEDISH POLICE


>Back in July, the 12-year-old girl was dragged into a restroom by an older man in the center of Stenungsund before being beaten, raped and threatened with death.

>When Lamotte contacted authorities, he was told that the case hasn’t been acted on because police “cannot cope with the workload” of having so many rape cases to investigate.

>“Do you know how many rapes we have?” Lamotte was told by the police officer in a conversation he recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

hello darkness my old friend....

Other urls found in this thread:


God damn

The police is busy harassing Nationalists




Stop complaining, all little sweedish girls belongs to Mohamed's cock.

preety much this, say something racist on the internet and you're insta-vaned
how was it called when a state let free it's criminals but punishes minor infractions?

>call yourself the resistance movement with an emphasis on violent
>get beat up by nu-male "cops"

people with convictions who aren't larpers usually defend themselves, nobody got into power by crying and getting beat up like a pussy

>Back in July, the 12-year-old girl was dragged into a restroom by an older man in the center of Stenungsund
>in the center of stenungsund
The absolute luxurious and "daddy takes care of all your issues" this country has really just castrates so many of our """men"""
Thank fuck I wasnt raised by crypto-marxist parents.

lads we have to save sweden

Nah, they chose their path.

No. It's too late.


It's getting dark now. Soon you will enter literal hell. Sweden will look like Somalia.

Those sweden threads aren't funny anymore.

Like hell it is. I took a cursory look at Lamotte's FB and everyone there is baying for blood.

To see Muslims squealing and crying about their people being slaughtered.

cuz u want it that way cucks

Your post would have more weight without the picture, Aristotle never said that.


Purge when


Why don't you swedes grow a fucking spine and riot? What the fuck is stopping you?

Why are Swedish "men" so effeminate?

Did all the real men settle in Russia and Normandy?

it's the toilets, they are literally shooting estrogen up their ass

>implying we have bidets

This has gotten viral, I give it 20% chance it's going to be show on Polish news soon. When that happens it's going to be too big to be ignored by the rest of the world.

Polish public channel actually shows things like these, being against immigration is the most important propaganda topic for the government

>how was it called when a state let free it's criminals but punishes minor infractions?


“we refuse to control real criminals (that's the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that's the tyranny).”

I say the same shit on every single Sweden thread: if I were a Swede, I'd join the Nordfront and get myself fucking ready for the shit hitting the fan real soon.

How do I know this is not fake? Could easily not be speaking to the police

'progress' 'tolerance'

the gods make mad those who they wish to destroy. the swedes are the epitome madness. why the swedish people aren't hanging every nigger and enabler by the neck is beyond me.

they laugh at your weakness and yet you still embrace them and to make things worse the swede cucks shut down anybody speaking against it.

sweden is doomed

It really is a matter of media.

Control of the narrative is control of the country. The percentage of people who care enough to critically think about their consumed media is just too small to matter.

Sweden lost this war without even realising it occurred.

Do it.
Send it to TVP journalists etc.

Find them on Twitter, share it to prawa strona sphere.

A Brit made a book about sweden in 1971 called 'The new totalitarians' documenting Sweden.
This has gone on since Olof Palme, this is not a thing that was built up over night.
Every person on pol should read the book. Because the same thing is happening in every western liberal democracy.

Took this pic today.
You want to know why the police are there?

More to the point Sven, what happened to your flagpole?

how come such rich country like Sweden has gopniks

It's art, the artist made it so.
Some nationalists have tried to take it down and the police are there to protect this desecration of the flag.
I'm not joking.
Here's the artist who made this.

Then we shall save the Swedish people.
Move to America and buy a house in the flyover states.
The people there are 80% ethnic Norwegians and Swedes already. Plus you have more freedoms in regards to what you can say and do.
Also the remnant of the cowboy culture there is masculine and full of bravado.

At some point those who cover this up and making it worse (by importing barbarians) for the sake of the religion of diversity, will be hanged or shot, sooner or later. Justice will be served.

in the 1930s before the rise of the third night every night in berlin 100,000 prostitutes walked the streets, each street catered to a different perversion. On one mother daughter teams, on another women with burns on their faces (usually created by their pimps) and on yet another one there was child prostitutes. On said street there was a club where leather clad middle aged women whipped school boys while child strippers went through the crowd giving free lap dances to the patrons. Cocaine and heroine flooded the streets at prices not seen again until today. 1 us dollar bought 35 billion German marks. And at the head of all this was the jewish mafia importing slavs, running the government and the media, heading the prostitution and drug rackets and turning the children into communists and homosexuals. No matter how bad it gets, no matter the degeneracy, no matter the level of jewish control, no matter the amount of foreigners, you can come back. You can always come back.

genocid rape is a common muslim practice.
google about bangladesh genocid 1976 if you want know more

It's because the police are cowards.

Criminals are dangerous to deal with.
Law-abiding citizens are not.

So who gets policed more?
Not the criminals. It's the law-abiding people. Police can search them willy nilly, deny them rights, beat them, mace them, abuse them in every way. What happens? - Nothing! Courts don't care, staffed by police-friends anyways. Do these things with actual criminals, and the criminals fight back and try to kill you.

This creates incentive amongst police to avoid actual criminals, and the very act of avoiding criminals ensures more policing action against the people who are NOT criminals. As this trend continues the criminals run more and more rampant while the police clamp down tighter and tighter on LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.

Anarchy increases, Tyranny increases. Anarcho-Tyranny. You get the worst of an anarchic system and the worst of a totalitarian system at the same time. It's actually kind of impressive. Humanity figured out a way to create a dystopia even more dystopic than we actually imagined. Your average person is now threatened not only by the state, but also by the criminals that the state refuses to control.

What police are actually used for is protecting the power and influence of the political class. No more, no less. There was a pretense for a few decades where police were seen as protectors of the public, but this has now fallen to the wayside and it's becoming increasingly clear what police actually are: The militant arm of the elites, which they use to kill, imprison, and silence dissent. Not criminals. Dissent. It won't be long before violating copyright, publishing wrongthink, or revealing injustice will result in greater punishment than being a rapist or murderer.

>desecrating the national flag
I'd like to laugh, but this could easily have happened in my country… That is awful though

Do you have the link to this documentary about Berlin during Weimar.
I have been searching for it, wanted to show it to a friend.

Wait a second, if all the true Swedes move to America, that's, like, 10% more white!
Sweden, please come to us! Make America the home of the white man!

Sweden, yes.

I was in stockholm one week ago and walked by that pole, i instantly knew it was some marxist bullshit. There were some youths dancing around it but sadly since im not fluent in swedish i couldnt make sense of what they sang

Oh give it a rest Abdul youll be gassed in 5 years at the max
So we have an excuse to kill you all.

Focus on saving Ireland, son. Don't think you're safe just because they're only in Dublin now.

I don't even a twitter account lol, but I don't have to, it's the most upvoted thing on a Polish clone of digg right now.
It's viral, even without tv news showing this it's going to be seen by hundreds of thousands of Poles during the next week.

We need to invite all south african whites to america. They will be safe here, we will be more safe with their help too. they are legitimate refugees, as the government is joking about exterminating them.

Link, I can read polski

wykop pl/link/3915163/szwedzka-policja-olewa-gwalt-12-latki-czy-wiesz-ile-mamy-gwaltow

dot between wykop and pl (spam filter)

Based Poland will have to save Europe through its expatriate diaspora? What a bizarre world in which we live.

(As a fellow white person) Swedish law has a very broad definition of rape,and from analyzing Europe's crime problems. I can tell you a very small fraction of all immigrants are like this. Naturally this would occur,because people at the bottom of society tend to commit the most crime.

hitler was dragged to jail

rape jihad
this youtube video explains all


some men out there are having too much fun

but you know what? the whites brought this on themselves

the people who have the open mind about sex, the free sex people, the feminist sex freedom cunts who want to ban words... these people are the reason why the west is the way it is today

this degenerate behaviour, the idea of free love and free sex, the idea that limits and rules need to be broken, is the exact reason why so many immigrates flooded these countries

who stands for the idea of breaking limits and rules? the same people who are open about the most private side of a human being and that is sexuality, its the same people who stand for the destruction of rules and limits, they also stand for the destruction of borders

>@mariolankak: lewactwo to choroba umysłowa. Widać to doskonale po sprzeczności o jakiej wspomniałeś. Najpierw zero przemocy a potem olewanie gwałtów na nieletnich. Fuckin lewak logic.

>@mariolankak: niektórzy kiedyś twierdzili, że lewactwo doprowadzi do legalizacji pedofilii, co wydawało się absurdalne, dziś jednak mimo że do legalizacji nie doszło, to ignorowanie gwałtów na nieletnich jest przyzwoleniem na takie zachowania.

Nothing better than to listen to polish ppl talk about leftists.

Sweden sounds like paradise. Wish I was a filthy Muslim.

F Sweden, your sacrifice upon the alter of PC shall not be in vain.

Incorrect, poor swedes do not rape even close to the amount these poor immigrants do.
Neither do the Chinese if they are poor.


Join this server so we can try and make a better place in the world

Somewhere you could call for the death of the rapist publicly and the only thing youd hear would be agreement, rather than some insane cunt saying youre being oppressive or racist

There's a real possibility that Abdul will not get gassed, ever.
The world will continue to let this happen, because they know it is happening, but choose to do nothing about it.
Only violent revolution can change things. People are not ready to band together again. The government has done much to make sure of that.

Fuck off säpo

The best hope for Sweden is that all proper Swedes

Let the place fucking burn to the ground
You CANNOT WIN any war where your own brother and government fight against you for the enemy.

The best hope for Sweden is total breakdown, which will happen faster is good tax-paying Swedes leave. When the place is a war zone then it can be cleansed in fire, and the Swedes can go home again.

join this server
We will make a good place to live in America, somewhere proper where children can be raised and not raped and if they were the rapist would hang.

(As a fellow white person) Admittedly the crime's of these refugee's is an unfortunate thing,but if we have the courage to look behind the act itself and take care to also examine the terrible negative psychological and sociological aspects of these young men's environments.The impact of the conditions they're subjected to. Then we can understand the immense negative psychological factors that pushed them to do this and fix this problem.

I wish
that I could turn back time.


No sadly but I have seen it as I'm guessing you have. However I find that it always helps to show actual speaches of adolf hitler with accurate English subtitiles here is a link to a complication of those
>and so the plan was formed
Of all the EU countries I am least worried about the irish, they now how to deal with invaders and they literally never stop fighting, 400 years for fuck sake. The arabs think they're good at terrorism? They have no idea what total war looks like.
Welp lads I guess I'm first to call it......KEK! lol Don't pretend like being a fucking white person is a credential, its the same as a white kid whos parents making more than 400k year being" totally ok" with affirmative action. You have no idea about the shit that's going on over there. And in all honesty if you look at demographics of rape in poor communities you will find that not all "disadvantaged" people rape.
>b-b-but white people are never ever poor!
Go to fucking Appalachia, you'll se a lot of fucking poor people (more than you would before the nigger in white house shut down the mines and you will also se a lot of trump signs...I wonder why? ) and you know what you wont se? rape. Please do an accounting of the rape in west Virginia or Tennessee and compare it to Baltimore or new York or even suburban black or latino neighborhoods you will find. That white people don't rape that fucking much. All this is beside the point though as if letting them in increases the crime rate in any way shape or form (.....which it id) then it should not be done. I am 50 percent sure you are a troll though so maybe this was all to get the paragraph you just received but if you actually believed this I hope you have realized your error.

Only spics get free citizenship in America.
If trump does amnesty for dreamers it will never stop and America is fucked for eternity.

Here is why Sweden is beyond fucked. Like completely fucked. 30 min clip. youll be inclined to cringe but just hold on. watch the whole thing.

Orwell covered this in 1984 when Winston is sent to the first jail and he witnesses prole street criminals shouting at the guards and flipping off the viewscreens. Basically, the average street thug was not the threat to BB and IngSoc that the thought criminals represented. While the thugs who broke the law were punished, the party wasn't concerned with being over thrown by pickpockets and junkies.

Here's a rational thought. Not all whites are good, not all blacks are bad. Shit is just never that simple.

I could give two shits about blacks or jews or any other race as a whole. I just judge everyone by their character. It's pretty stupid to generalize.

we talk about muslims
you offtopic racist

generalization is an important tool groups have to survive whether you like it or not

This actually makes me feel sick. 3 year olds? And she said it so casually.
An interview doesn't usually take more than an hour and they can't spare any time to talk to that vile pedophile who raped a 12 year old?? How many other people who have committed even worse crimes are they spending their days interviewing instead? Jesus Christ, just thinking about how horrible the cases they actually investigate must be should make anyone furious.

You guys are protesting this, but you should take a note from the sand niggers and just start throwing acid in these "artists" face. Not everyone has a bodyguard, and not everyone wants to be a martyr. Wear a ski mask (you guys call them balaklava?) and shout some Arabic first. Know this, you are not alone in your struggle. It is happening here as well and I am getting increasingly tired of it, and the potential ramifications of action no longer present the same deterrent in my mind.
Finnbro, ever if you spoke perfect Swedish I can guarantee you there was no sense to be made of whatever those Marxists were chanting.

Hej Mr David, if 50% of all violent crime in USA is committed by nigger males while only being 6% of the population.
Is it fair to say blacks are generally more violent?

If you want to blame someone for Multiculturalism remember white women are behind this meme. You don't need to look around to see that.

It is marxism. I only know people who are lefties that agree with letting these people in. Lots of girls and women I know wouldn't dream of letting muslims into this country.
2 parties want to take muslims into this country and that is the socialist party and the Christian party.

If SD doesn't get the power in 2018, then all bets are off.
Nothing will matter anymore and we might as well ignite the fire.

>who stands for the idea of breaking limits and rules?
>the same people who are open about the most private side of a human being and that is sexuality,
>its the same people who stand for the destruction of rules and limits,
> they also stand for the destruction of borders
Yes we all agree the jews are a problem lol.
Honestly in some ways you are right that the white race "brought this on itself" by allowing jews to run their media and banks but its still very much victim blaming.
If you are lied to who's fault is it the person who told you the lie or you for believing it?
I personally believe you are always responsible for the world you live in but in fairness the jews seized control of the west in the midst of financial crisis and poor education. Its sort of like blaming a baby for blowing its head off with its dad's gun.
oh they'll come back, and when they do they will be fuckin Nazis
Ohhhhhh he'll be gassed, nothing brings people together like a crisis and that is exactly what we've got. The left went a bridge to far and now all of their terrorist cunt friends will pay for it.
They can win, it will be hard as hell but they can. That being said id love to se America go 60 percent white again so id be happy either way.
Ok this one is a troll without doubt. Yes haha fuck you haha cuck!
You really think congress will be able to get this shit done in 6 months? You really think trump doesn't know congress cant get shit done? It allows him to deport them and it makes it not his fault. It was a good fucking move.

Yes please. I want blue eyed blonde haired babies and a Sven of my own hehe

I don't know what you mean, but you'r welcome to respond to one of my posts.

We are reactionaries brother. We don't start fires, we extinguish them.

Why? Let me ask you this do you set up nature to preserve for rats and bugs?

>mfw grenade attack
why are there so many?

'Hurr durr da jooz'

>It's pretty stupid to generalize.
There are more people on this Earth than seconds in your life.

You will walk past more people in an hour in a busy city than you could ever reasonably make the acquaintance of, let alone get to know their character.

Would you, for example, go into the hood at night? Or more succinctly, would you be as likely to walk through the hood at night as you would be to walk through a similar sized area full of White people? And if you would, that is proof of your stupidity and inability to make logical decisions, and if not, then how do you separate the generalisation of the whole from the generalisation of the parts that make it up? Ideological dishonesty is the only way.

It's not pretty stupid to generalise. It's fucking retarded not to. Pattern Recognition, along with abstraction, is basically all of human intelligence. If you want to willingly be a fucking retard then be my guest, but it is in no way stupid to generalise.

Theres many ways you could get in

Tell me, also checked

In all fairness I'm much more comfortable going down the route we are on now than going down the route of white nationalism and nazism

Bunch of yugoslavs and Arabs with cheap access to slavland grenades.
They mostly throw it at eachother.

Don't be an idiot, David.

Every white girl wants a little bab that looks like this. I'm no different. Swedes that aren't cucked should most definitely come here.

True but a higher percentage of blacks rape, murder, and steal then whites do. Even poor whites have a lower rape murder and theft rate.
Generalization allows us to predict trends which all science is based upon. Blacks have average iq of 85, pure bread Africans have iq of 70, whites have an iq of 103, its a detriment to society to breed with people with less intelligent genes. That's how we get the shit politicians we have today. Jews are not necessarily inherently bad but they own the majority shares in all the media platform companies and banks despite being less than one percent of the population. They convince us of the lie of racial equality than incourage whites to breed with non whites in an attempt to destroy any intellectual resistance to their regime.
They don't look into it because they are told not to look into it. If you want to stop this start a national socialist movement, if you don't think that's a necessity yet ill link you to a chat site and give you a preference so we can talk more about it.
Whatever you do be smart, you're of no use to the cause dead.
You need to hang around a better class of white girl buddy. Honestly 80 percent of the white girls I know have not and will never have sex with a black or muslim. Ergo the high rape rates of blacks and muslims....
There is always hope. If it comes to violent revolution I wish you all the best. Id suggest smuggling some arms from America to your country. You have many friends across the Atlantic who would be happy to arm you for the preservation of the white race.
>the single sexiest thing ever said by a woman on pol
If you are looking for a response, I guess you got it buddy lol. Race matters, if you need convincing of that stay on this site for a while you'll figure it out.
No but when your brother goes insane you look after his wife and kids.

De vaktar flaggan så ingen Kan försöka ta ner "konsten".
Såg massa kvinnliga poliser.

Tack kamrat. Tror det är dags att förbereda sig på aktion.

Unlike Somalia, Sweden has harsh winters. Once the state runs out of welfare to give, family groups and tight knit neighbourhoods will prosper.

Sweden the state may be lost, but Sweden the people will remain.

I mean if you are denying that members of the sematic race don't have an uncanny involvement in the media and banking you haven't really looked into either industry.
seig heil