Which one?

Which one?

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Leone is the fucking best

But I like Esdeath too

Chelsea was 12/10 girlfriend material.

The dude

I pick aniki.

Yeah, I wanted to protect her ;_;


You should have said that you are blind, user. Akame is the red one.

The cutie in the middle.

the guy in the middle

Leone most likely fucks like tiger (or a lion, for the matter).

Chelsea can turn into anything you want her to, including Leone. While the choice is hard, I would probably go with that.

>he didn't fuck her right there

Thats a good ass answer

Leone fo sho

He knows how to fuck up.

She was created with her death in mind.

This pisses me off the most.

Same ;_;

Homos of excellent taste got this locked down.

I bet Chelsea is extremely kinky.

Choice is easy

i choose big fat cat tats



Left. Unlike the other, she got a good head on her shoulders.

Haave manga ended yet?


Fuck you.

Also: Google actually gives useful results for the image.

g.e-hentai.org/?f_search=parody:"akame ga kill$" tatsumi leone language:english

>That intense glare
I might have peed myself in that situation.

Chelsea obviously. She was a seriously dope chick, sucks that she had to lose her head as she and Tatsumi would be perfect for each other.

cow tits are disgusting
>right is tight

The series updates so slowly that I forgot what happened and stopped reading. Is this actually legit?

Almost, but the rate at which it is going, anime route canon.

This but in reverse.

As in Esdeath is the best but i like Leone