Why does Sup Forums only approve race mixing with Orientials?


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>Only if the male is white says Sup Forums
What do weebs mean by this?

Coz they are mostly our brothers?
Culture and technology quite compatible with ours aswell as similar skin..
Adolf Hitler branded then Honorary Aryans

are you sure? stormweenies get super mad when they see an asian guy with a white girl

Because it just works.

Someone's doing the dog eating. And if we can't be as great as the based asians, maybe that's what it takes.

Quite very well actually

Stormweenies are kikes playing pretend.

cuz they are not very masculine themselves and the asians dont scare them.
they see them as the only groups where their beta asses can get some without manning up

We don't.


Why did your parents didn't put a condom while doing you?

Because half-asian half-white children will still look mostly white.

They make autistic kids but sure I don't care.

No they don't. They might be good citizens, but they are not white, nor white looking.

>pol is one person

If Sup Forums is one person and I am that person, than I say no, the only race you can mix with is middle easterners and persians, because they're white-ish.

>Why does Sup Forums only approve race mixing with Orientials

Sup Forums doesn't.

That's /r9k/ with their deranged, virginal waifu fantasies that produces this garbage.

Gooks are just depigmented niggers. Pic very related.

He was a nigger at heart.

Married to a Vietnamese here. Shit ain't all what people make it out to be. Sometimes I wish I went to Poland or Russia instead .

Race mixing with turks/kurds/arabs and persians work well because these people have caucasoid skulls unlike niggers and spics.
Half middle eastern and half white will most likely look southern european.


>Le made up number face

Even irrespective of our demographics, hardly anyone is less respected than you Svens except leafs perhaps.

Only Japs and Koreans should be considered honorary Aryans. The Chinese are a mixed bag.

niggers and gooks*

That's the brown 80IQ Asian... people really only mean Japanese....

People struggle with so many identity problems nowadays that I can't even imagine bringing in another facet such as being mixed race. In addition to it requiring about three generations to "whiten" their descendants again

plus I generally see whiteys marrying asians as failures

You fell for the meme and now have to pay the price.

t. turkokraut mongrel

They are the only other race that is actually compatible with white people.

Eso no es una delicia, esto es una delicia.

Funny enough I had a Japanese girl friend at one time but wasn't even really that cute, but she was crazy smart and she cooked for me all the time.

56% is the percentage of newborns to whites in the US in year 200x. Know your meme

Because you mix the best and the runner ups, as opposed to the bad and the worse.

If you're ugly, you're ugly and your kids can inherit that uglyness. Doesn't matter what race you are.


You could choose a worse race to date.

White women only seem to want to settle down when they're done having their fun with chad. Not that I resent chad, but I'm not taking his leftover scraps.

Anyway, Chinese women in particular are are feminine and traditional but if you think your gonna have a submissive sex kitten that will cater to your every whim you're in for a rude awakening.

That's wrong.
Japan is ichiban Asian number one.

>that delicious BWB

I just wanna bite it

Correct. Japan is the best!

>race mixing


Problemu, whitu boiyu?

White piggu go home. Leave busy blonde white waifus.

>Half-Jew, half-Filipino
There wasn't a drop of European blood in his veins.

because they are weebs who think asian women will worship them just for being white