Time traveler confirmed?

Time traveler confirmed?

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Trump actually commented in one of these threads.

this is the thread

this is the post.

rest of the thread in question?


> there is no future
> the past only exists because of now
> there is only the NOW

half that guy's predictions were already proven wrong(he said hillary would be declared the winner until it was proven trump won in december), and references to "peace and prosperity day" being on sept 10 or 11th go back LONG before his post.


thank you wanderer

>declared the winner
Popular vote?

except he wasn't proven to have won the popular vote in december, and the peace and prosperity "prediction" was just him using niche knowledge to spook gullible retards. someone with real knowledge wouldn't "predict" something that's already public knowledge,

Timelines are flexible

and what's your point? he's still had no predictions come true. there is no reason to believe it. none. oh sure yeah him making the predictions can cause them not to come true through the butterfly effect, but his LARP still has no more proof behind it than me saying "hillary chokes to death on shit tomorrow."


mate. Nobody gives a fuck about your EU perspective on this. You cant even save your own country.

pop culture has fucked your sense of time travel
even scientists who don't think time travel is possible (key note: it is, fucking einstein proved it) know that timelines are a thing.

are you literally retarded?

>mr 50% white
burger education for you. believes a random time travel LARP where all the predictions turned out to be wrong, and his only defense for it is "YOU'RE FROM A COUNTRY THAT'S MORE WHITE THAN MINE!"

where did i say time travel was impossible, you illiterate fuck? but how does the existence of timelines prove some random fucking LARP post?


>time travel was impossible
look out your window
tell me who you see

Its not time travel though a portal or some shit moron. They have quantum computers and they can legitimate use them to predict events and get sms messages.

the words are literally reversed...

who the fuck gave you a computer if you can't even fucking read


> →
Why would you assume that's him? It's just the fucking name


He declared it patriot day

i didn't say it was impossible. whether it's possible or not doesn't affect a thing i said. even if we had fucking time machines around every corner it still wouldn't prove that some LARPer who got every prediction wrong is a real time traveller.

you still haven't looked outside your window
also, take down that fucking poster, it's an eyesore.

What book!?!

because it being him proves that it's real and if it's real then it must be him so it must be him so it's real.

that'd have been a nice meme if i had any posters in my room rn.

oh fuck, sorry, i was looking at the blue house lol
you're the white one right?

Trump or someone he knows frequents Sup Forums and acknowledged us many times - he intentionally is filling prophecies in order to keep us happy so we vote for him again.

Checked and yup. He did.

Trump voter logic

I like it. At least it shows he's paying attention. Who else has done that recently?

WTF is your picture?

Look! Trump has a Spanish style house in Spanish style Florida?

I don't get it.

connect the dots moron

I will not waste my time in such a way.

Then why are you shilling in this thread?


Bumpin' for Trump

Are you fucking retarded its a spanish house which has the spanish motto.

Dope. Thanks for the info.





The fuck is this?

i dont know!

Translate the morse code into plaintext.

It says you know what to do.


Someone plug in those coordinates onto the world map, see which area that pic is from or whatever it's talking about.

Either a time travel or something even more plausible. An insider letting us know everything has been scripted for the masses for the next 100's of years. Yes, that includes Trump winning.

Theres 2 secret societies battling it out. But Plus Ultra has super advanced tech so it's not really a war.

Theory is a hugely powerful quantum computer that is able to calculate the best 'time line' to follow based on any information that they input.
>"How to win the 2016 presidential election?"
>Insult the GOP cucls relentlessly.


How advanced are we talking about?
Plus Ultra vs ????

Every good battle needs great fucking tech of all kinds. I hope we get to see some new sci-fi level weaponry the Marines or Army would use in a big fight.

Plus Ultra vs Rothschilds.

Im talking so advanced nobody could know about anything because if the tech got into the wrong hands the world would be a giant reptilian slave colony for the kikes. I'm talking quantum computer cell phones that can recieve messages (time travel) im talking about UFO shiet. Im talking about free energy.

Go to his inauguration speech



he says unlock, he doesn't say discover...unlock.....

why did you crop out the timestamp for that tweet?

Are you telling me that Trump's true target all along was fuckin' the ROTHSCHILDS?
The fucking absolute mad man, he could never pull that off, they own the literal world.


Pretty much this
>Hell March starts playing




Remember how many emails hillary had with lynn? Weiner had 500k emails. Think about that.

So if Trump has all these emails, why aren't there any actions going on? Or is he holding onto everything then release it in a huge flood?
Wtf is going on, this can't be our time line, that is beyond belief.

Yes. Basically it's Jenga. Pull the plug on the swamp and watch it crumble.

since he can time travel and every time he travels its a new time line what are the chances we are in a time line where he almost completes his goals but ultimately he has to go back and we all get fucked

>So if Trump has all these emails, why aren't there any actions going on?
How do you know they aren't? Certainly there's a lot going on for people who have eyes to see (Awans, DWS, 4000+ pedophiles arrested in the USA since he took office), but do you think that a covert world like the one we've caught a glimpse of isn't also being handled covertly when possible? Of course it is. Look at the Qatar shit, what even was that? Well, we know what it was - Hillary / Deep State bolt hole being given a stern warning.

>Or is he holding onto everything then release it in a huge flood?
All the info a deeper thinker needs is out there already. The challenge will be to present it to the plebs in a way which they will understand.


I remember that Qatar stuff, but what do you mean Clinton/DeepState bolt hole? Warning for the deep state or Trump? Who is winning this 'fight'

>Nikola Tesla
>Thomas Edison
Bullshit. Edison did everything in his power to ruin Tesla. This has as much backing as reptillians

Trump is winning bigly. The media's made a pact to report every victory of his as a defeat if possible, if not they simply don't report on it.

answer please

>This has as much backing as reptillians
ironic since you're spouting the edison tesla rivalry meme

Yeah, thought that's how it was. Edison wanted the money, Tesla wanted free shit for the world forever. he died alone in his hotel room while Edison became mega rich

how does that sound friendly?

NO MATTER THE TIME LINE!!!111oneoneone

This is why Trump is a huge fan of Andrew Jackson. He beat the Fed until...they came back to corrupt another president years later and we been fucked ever since.


He's clearly trying to send a message to those of us who know about the time traveler stuff

Good stuff OP

What pisses me off the most about this, is I actually am a time traveler, but no one would listen to me because I like Hilary Clinton.

This is weird: why is the phrase "Peace and prosperity" associated with many different September 11th's going back to the 1800s? Is this some kind of skull and bones thing?

Then where's the national holiday?


You can just do it with your mind actually, you probably do it sometimes but are not conscious of it. Once you believe it, you can test it out and it will work.




gtfo astral projection kike. Tesla Time Travel is real.

We livin' in the best time of all, lads.

No, it's a time phone. Probably started with simple morse code, then voice, etc.

Since it's all based on the presence or absence of photons going through a worm hole, it's based in digital communications.

Look up the history and timeline of PCM digital audio, John Trump was involved from the beginning.

So he 'calls' the future and asks what to do? wtf man, that's hilarious

please, what is this book?

It is so comfy user.

max /comfy/
just be patient, the happenings will come

Time phone. Who are you?

Who was time phone?

Apt af

If Trump doesn't respond to me in this thread your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Retribution is coming.

Hello, fellow travelers.
You rang?

No, what happened was Tesla built his first time phone and instantly got a call from the future on how to improve it.

The knowledge of the time phone was passed down and another was built in "the future" relative to Tesla, but as soon as it was functional there was only one other number to call. That call generated knowledge back in Tesla's time which enhanced the state of the art of time phones, and it snowballed from there.

An expert.

i grapple every day with the reality that everything i know is false and everything that i dont know is true. im at the doorstep of true enlightenment, but i cant rid myself of the animal mind. i wont give up, but i get the feeling that i wont make it in time. if any of you faggots have powers or gods number could you send some help? there is nothing worse than being a lost soul thats fully aware of how lost it is.

Makes sense!!

there are lots of books out there