At which point did you realize Toriko went to shit?

At which point did you realize Toriko went to shit?

the first chapter

mfw not liking the last bastion of not shitt battle shounen that is not OP

It wasn't this point specifically, but Toriko having 3 beasts inside of him was fucking pants on head retarded

I can tell you I dropped it in that chef tournament arc when that tengu guy appeared, but it had already been shit for a long while before that.

I tolerated it for a long time, but most of the stuff after the monkey king was ass

HxH, Kingdom, Baki, Ballroom e Youkoso, shit, even Nanatsu no Taizai is better than Toriko.

Is that a space carp?

Space carp are fucking cancer.

Why am i seeing 2 Jupiters?

Is that Super Shenlong?

>He doesn't know about the second Jupiter

We don't talk about it. We never fucking talk about it.

By chapter 5 or so I realized it had literally nothing going for it except fighting. No humor, no interesting or developed characters, no interesting character interaction, no cute girls.

Right after Bambina and Pair, when the pacing got completely out of control

Kingdom isn't a battle shonen.

Watching Jiro fuck up those gourmet demons / nitro and knock time itself was rad as fuck.

Too bad he got instagibbed by acacia right after, that was some right bullshit

This when they switched to the chef doing those cooking death matches and then back and then went back to the chefs in flash back


the Four Beasts jobbing like fuck, and then a big pac-man being the super move that kills the main body.

>All that Shitty manga better than Toriko

>that shitty manga Toriko better than anything

unfortunately I waited for a monkey to literally take a shit on everyone before dropping it.

after the timeskip it lost a lot of its world building they threw away villians for no reason had a world that was several times bigger then human world yet they barely spent any time on a continent. They stopped going over how awesome something tasted and it just ended up being an ugly blob. I mean when i hear air i dont think of a stupid fruit from a tree and when i hear pear i dont think of balls.

Whatever happened to exploring the world just for the hell of it looking for food and having a good time doing it? Now there were some good fights in part 2 its just felt rushed now its still more enjoyable to read then fairy tale bleach and boruto but its no where near its peak.

>implying Toriko is better than shit

Skipping the area 6 chef battles.
That's when you knew the series was getting cancelled.

They basically skimmed through a years worth of content in a month

When Komatsu got that knife.

The first page.

The manga description.

>Overrated x overrated
>Seven Deadly Sins

This has to be bait