Why is Muslim architecture so much better than C*ristian architecture?

Why is Muslim architecture so much better than C*ristian architecture?

>hire chinese to build everything for the past 50 years


Because it's mostly just converted from existing Roman/Jewish/Arab/Spanish/Persian/Egyptian structures.

Pro-tip: Don't convert the temples of idolatrous religions into your holy places. The Catholics do the same thing. It might show that you're religion "bests" another one, but putting your holy places where they ought not be will cause ire.

That wasnt muslim faggot

Obvious bait. Hagia Sofia was made by Christians. All the mudslimes did was add minarets.

Slaves, oilbux and no Jews trying to push new, cultureless architectural styles.

>being this retarded

simply because it is not true.

reveal your true flag T*rk

Good to see you again turkanon.

That's Christian architecture stolen by satan worshipers. Adding 4 pillars isn't exactly impressive.


Happy 9-11
Also, mudslime architecture looks like it was designed on a Etch-A-Sketch by a retarded person compared to 400 year old cathedrals

>boost each other over the wall
Is she going back?

Stupid christcucks. Fine. That was a bad example. But what about this?

Or this?

Or this?

They look like piles of dog shit, are they monuments to dog shit?

Shit looks like that because goatfuckers marry their first cousins so the shit they build looks all cocked eyed like they all look.


She said she is mexican so she doesn't belong here.

Pretty shitty wall to be honest.


eh, autistic architecture. Dont know whats so special.

because mudshits aren't allowed to depict anything living so all their creative energy goes into making geometric patterns. Even then it's just a preference I think middle eastern Motif is tacky and ugly.

>Hey senpai lets copy Hagia Sofia except well use blue tiles and we'll never get a dome up there that stands on its own, but shit we're better than Romans from 900 years ago.


Definitely agree, just hoping she's self-deporting to keep the costs down.

It's pretty much a replica of Hagia Sophia. Bringing that up in how "muslim architecture is superior" makes him a faggot.

>take hagia sophia
>make it blue
>it's not even as big as the original

Christians win again mehmet

Lol definitley not shitskin. So round and ugly. Just like you middle eastern subhuman asysemmetrical faced imbred fucks.

The byzantine Christian built the Hagia Sophia dumbasss


i think it would look cooler without minarets and a cross like shown in pic


Autistic design repeated ad nauseam for entire design, if someone drew this you would not be impressed because it takes minimal creativity beyond "draw geometric shape, repeat, repeat, etc."

a cheap knockoff of the Hagia sophia made by a Turkish loser sultan (double negative I know) which is still inferior to the template it was designed after. The Turks are such massive fuckups that they literally couldn't just copy or improve upon the 1000 year old building sitting right fucking next to it.

Autistic as the the Red Fort. I'm not just tossing that insult out willy nilly, obsession with symmetry is a characteristic of people with autism. It's highly likely that the originators of Islamic architecture where autistic, it also explains the obsession with geometry over art, well that and Muhamad not wanting pictures of him because of how self conscious he was, the fat bastard.


Yep muslim trying to take credit for building something pretty is a joke


It's an autistic architect's vision of an English castle.

Because God has given us inspiration to create great things

Jesus Christ the art & architecture education on Sup Forums is astoundingly bad, this goes both for Burgers and Muslims.

>muslim architecture
>posts a church
this must be b8

Like what, suicide bombing and goat fucking?

The only contributions Islam has made to architecture is in what it has destroyed.

Kneel before your Chief Archon, Saturn.

He calls himself a Great Architect.

At least they still managed to buld it.
Low cultures like niggers didn't build anything at all.

You tell 'em, Ahmed.

He is the Craftsman of our Prison

this thread is just another proof that Sup Forums is te most bluepilled board on this site.
can you imagine the fact that fucking Sup Forums and Sup Forums have more normal discussions about religion and politics than a board made for those topics?
pathetic virgins that are worth less than r9k posters


Why do desert savages that tear down anything others built think what they built is best? Probably the retardation from generations of inbreeding.


It's probably your female beauty is so inspiring.

Muslim architecture looks fucking aggressive.

Domes = radars
Minarets = missiles


Imagine a world without CIA fuckups.

>Why is Muslim so ugly women have to wear bags all the time?


Well they are a nice touch
I'll give them that

Why muslims work for jew but to stupid to realize?

Calm the fuck down autismo. Don't have an aneurism.

Video? Maybe we can report them to ICE.

Why muslims worship retarded desert demon jew god?

Why muslims fuck kids, are their dicks really that small?

>Calm the fuck down autismo. Don't have an aneurism.
Fuck of Muhamham.

ayy this bait gets posted every week. It's not funny anymore.

couldnt even get them to match, they literally put 4 random buildings out of whatever materials they could find, I bet they also used foreign labor.

>music is idolatrous
>depicting people is idolatrous
Wolp guess I'll build shit

Thanks for the advice britcuck.

>Can't into Muhammed

>"Hagia Sophia was a Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal basilica, later an imperial mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey"

>Shitskin moslem roaches cant even find their own cathedrals to be proud of

Uncultured sand nigger.