Osama Bin Laden

Why did Osama Bin Laden hate America?

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>muh palestinian oppression
just the typical sand nigger shit.

Saudis have always hated Americans. Even when the CIA was stirring shit up in Afghanistan they were cautious about the jihadis that came from Saudi arabia

Osama is Obama. They are the same person

I heard that the Americans were occupying the Holy Peninsulas and massacring innocent Islamic people. Is this true?

"Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.
So here they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors."

He thought that outsiders shouldn't be allowed near the Kuwait oil.
He wanted to take care of the problems in the Middle East. And he was upset that the US would be on the ground taking action.

bump my dude

Because Saudi Arabia hates America and Osama Bin Laden was their attack dog.

You have to remember that as powerful as Saudi Arabia is, the petro dollar is still based on the dollar. America can survive a petro dollar collapse. The kingdom can't.
Add into that mix Wahabi Islam (I suppose just Islam in general), new money, a history and culture of just being miserable, violent, jealous faggots and you have a bad guy who has to work with his enemy and vice versa.

He claimed it was for some apartment building in Lebanon getting blown the fuck out by Reagan or something. The real reason is he wanted more money and recruits to start Al-Nusra, which was always their plan, so he went about getting as much fame as possible which means a spectacular terrablist attack.

Their focus was mainly Egypt and Saudi Arabia, they wanted to overthrow those regimes and run an islamic state but Americans attacked Iraq so they concentrated on that.

later Hilldog comes a long and overthrows Qaddafi, arms the fuck out of Al Qaeda and they become their original planned army of Nusra to start shit everywhere in the middle east.

Then ISIS splinters from them as they know the fix is in with the US propping up Al Qaeda, and go full retard with the backing of Qatar ruining everybody's plans.

He blamed 'murricans for Saudi degeneracy like Dubai porta potties

His very first beef with the US was over Saudi's kicking him out the country. He declared them puppets of the US and said the people tossing him out didn't actually run the country the American's did via proxy.

He didn't. He was paid well by the CIA.

(((Osama Bin Laden)))

Because the USA spent decades interfering in the ME propping up dictators who would insure that resource policy would be favourable, and because Israel became a US proxy at the advent of the cold war, and was backed against the rest of the region mostly as a showcase for western arms.

The Soviets interference n the region did not actually absolve the USA of theirs, as far as the Mujahideen was concerned, and when the Russians were no longer able to exert as much influence in the ME, that left the USA as the sole enemy to groups of Islamic radicals who had specifically been taught by America how to wage an asymmetrical war of terror against a superpower.

This was anticipated by the CIA, they coined the phrase "blowback" to describe the rise in Islamic terrorism that they predicted and also created.

tl;dr: if you don't put your toys away when you're done playing, you might trip on them and hurt yourself.

He was in a hate cult.

Muslims hate everyone who are under Jewish control.

Bin Laden was literally Trump.

Cuz gingers run free in the us. ew

CIA agent that died at a convenient time to make him a scapegoat.

t. Jew

He disnt, he just hated the system that was destroying his region.
He hated the fact that money machine was why his region was getting raped. Hence the World Trade towers and the symbol of american capitalism was attacked.

He hated the military who were bombing women and children and removing stable governments. So he attacked the pentagon.

And he hated the corrupt leadership which was a slave to both the money system and the military so he tried to get the whitehouse too.

He's a cunt for hurting civilians but I can understand his justification for wanting revenge on those 3 aspects of America especially considering his family and being able to see first hand the corruption and wheels running behind it all.

Isis on the other hand are just a bunch of fucken physcos and should be incinerated.

Bin Laden's ideology was complicated. Their was all the typical dune coon shit, but focused through some of the biggest daddy issues imaginable. Weird shit actually.

There is a really cool book that is just a reader of like every fucking letter written to or by bin Laden that could be found, as well as many first hand accounts of people who had contact with him at various points. Complied by journalist-turned-bin Laden expert Peter Bergen, it provides a fascinating look at big Laden's evolution.

I don't mean to sound sympathetic, I still advocate exterminating pests. I recommend this book in the spirit of knowing ones enemy.

I wish.


He was a businessman and the US fucked up his business.

bin Laden's letter to America

Into archive archive.is/PcuH3
