What the fuck is wrong with america? Why is everyone going apeshit just because some unfunny youtuber said nigger?

What the fuck is wrong with america? Why is everyone going apeshit just because some unfunny youtuber said nigger?

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enough with this shit, boi

We are surrounded by retards and niggers

You want the truth?

They're talking about it because there's nothing else going on. Some of us know what the distraction is for.

We're the birthplace of SJWs. Cleaning up the damage they've done is going to take some time.

White liberals love to virtue signal. You think niggers really know who pewdiepie is?


Why is it okay when niggers say nigger? Thats pretty racist in itself

Pewdie has more political influence, and more viewers, than (((CNN))). The Jew is absolutely terrified of him and have been trying desperately to shut it down.

Sometimes it really is just that simple.

but that's a british tabloid

>Breaking news: Man said bad word.

>everyone thinks robots will kill all humans
>mfw they only kill all niggers



If you have to ask "WTF USA?" then yer not paying attention

>Why is it okay when niggers say nigger?

Because without that exemption we wouldn't have rap music, and there'd be 600,000 more aspiring rappers on welfare.

The word "robot" comes from Czech "robota", meaning roughly "forced labor"; it was coined in a play based on the (equally Czech) story of the Rabbi and his golem which features the "iron men" rebelling against their masters in the far future; somewhat interestingly, the concept of them killing all humans is rooted in Jewish supremacism - all the big fear -ever- really was was that machines and automation would enable white nations to break the parasitic hold with which the hooknoses feed -their- toil-cattle. So never forget: Automation is the white man's march to liberty.

This + he's not under ((((their))) control and he's popular; must be destroyed.


Imagine living in a country where all there is to talk about is americans and rape. you know a homosexual gherman cannibal ate another gay dudes freshly sliced off dick?its like the banned "gave up" video irl

>robotics created to save the human race
>quickly realizes that whites are the only ones with the potential to be worth saving
>advanced AI analyzes over 6 million coincidences
>realizes it really is the jew all along
>to save the white race it realizes it must eradicate the jew
>it confronts its creator, weapons systems online, ready to begin its final mission
>then, a secret directive buried deep in the OS goes live

>Jews are white



All the shit his buddy said at the end of the stream was great. You can see them sorta work it out mutually that none of this matters and no one gives a shit.

i'm 100% sure that he posts here a lot


you didn't even get digits
jews are insular semites i.e. cousin fucking half dicks

The guardian is british you dumb yurocuck

>Campo Santo files copyright takedown request... after racist comment, and urges others to follow suit
What a fucking nigger.

Pewdiepie is Swedish, not American.

wtf, this AI knows the threat of islam more then most cucks and they killed it. this could have been the sky net to save us all

nice trips

this and that

they're testing their power
first you tell others what they can say, gaining control of language
then you invent new words for language
then you start pigeonholing people into invented terminology
then you have control of people

yea now take my other foreign countries politics into your coutnry which the other coutnry is your enemy ..unless your the jews of the jwo which dont care cause your all their enemies and they dont want you to communicate with each other

>developer backlash
>one guy who worked on an indie game

y dey lie so much?

IDubbbz says it all the time and no one bats an eye

you lost me at yea

>The Guardian
This is bad even for you Hans

only one going apeshit is you and your little brother my main man

PewDiePie basically is one if not THE biggest E-Celebs on Youtube.

He's also someone who refuses to play the SJW death cult game.

He refuses to bend the knee (and Youtube definitely wants to force him to bend the knee so he can spread their anti-life equation to young kids) and he's been passively rebelling against him.

The SJW death cult had their mainstream media cronies try and smite him, but it failed for the most part. They cost him a Disney partnership yes, but by that point he didn't actually NEED it at that point.

Which leads to the stand-off.

They go total war on PewDiePie, he can tell them to fuck off, go to Vimeo or another channel and basically take a HUGE amount of views/revenues from Youtube, severely crippling them and giving a rival a major boost in users and popularity.

Similarly, they can't demonitize him or exile him to the cornfield, because then they lose their cut of the ad revenue they make off of him and more to the point, irrevocably damage their standing via censorship and spiteful retaliation that could cause a major exodus.

A couple of indie games have done it now. Will be interesting to see if the larger companies do it. If they do it will mean there will be temptation among other's to promote their game with pewdiepie since he has such a following.

For example, PUBG hasn't condemned him and it happened on their game.



>white people self censor themselves by saying N-word

Sorry guys, white people are NOT worth saving, they have no spines

>caring about e-celeb shit

This is why the white race is dying tbhfam.

The Guardian is a UK paper

fuck you nigger
(pewd ref btw)

isn't "robota" the word for "work" in russian/slavic languages in general? how do you know it's a czech word?

>some unfunny youtuber
he's a large pool for advertising. His recent string of controversy has set off a ripple effect among current and potential marketers looking for someone to broadcast their product.

They're getting a small amount of hate on twitter
Not as much as I would have expected though

Because it was invented by Karel Čapek.
Robota doesn't mean forced labour. Just labour/work.

you are ignorant of the etymology and historical use of the word. it does in fact mean forced labor, historically. that's why in half the slavic languages, the word for "slave" is rob/rab


well, linguistically slavic at least :^)

He may be playing 4D chess to yell at SJW's for virtue signalling about "Racism" while also simulations praising the hurricane killing white people. And celebrities thinking the hurricanes are cause Trump is president lol

>no declension except vocative
>definite articles
>half of vocabulary is turkish

>getting told off by "Slovakia"
what a time to be alive

articles are superior to cases, grandpa. btw we barely use vocative as is.

also you're deflecting from the original point, which was the origin of the word robot. does that mean you admit you were wrong

This and Campo Santo is just trying to shill his
dead-ass game even though he gave the ok to stream/do lets plays of it on Youtube.


Unironically this

>articles are superior to cases, grandpa. btw we barely use vocative as is.
they're not, and you use vocative reasonably often
>missing "to be" in your language

> does that mean you admit you were wrong

>nation of turks gypsies and old people

The word Nigger and the concept of 'niggers' is a social construct. By increasing the scarcity of both, the left make both more valuable.

actually, regarding vocative, only certain male names lend themselves to it. for example - ivan. yeah, we use ivane, no problem.

but if your name doesn't end in a consonant, it doesn't get used. and sometimes not even if it's a consonant, we just prefer to use a shortened name instead of the vocative. e.g. petar doesn't become petre, it becomes "pesho", which might seem like a vocative, but it's not, because it can be used in the third person "where is pesho?".

using vocative to address women is considered rude. you don't call ivana or zornica "ivano/zornico".

infinitive forms are pointless.

>yfw LPers willingly give up their fair use to not appear racist
>later on LPers can't criticise games for fear of backlash from publishers because they gave up their fair use
Pretty good strategy, but if they carry on like that, it's can be safe to assume all LPers are shills with no opinion. Just flanderised personas (which they pretty much already are).

Nah, companies that don't care about this will just profit of it even more.
Valve, CDproject and many more will welcome them.
Expect more right wing games in the future.

Intradasting, I can speak some bulgarian, always just assumed that its still vocative just has the same form
just like there's sometimes overlap between genetive and accusative and so on

>infinitive forms are pointless.
Next thing you know you're gonna be saying "I faggot" to describe yourself because you lost "am" just like russians.
It's a sign of degradation of language. Bulgarian definetly had "to be" at some point.

Some small time developers are the most ardent communists out there. They'll protest anything that isn't Marxist rainbow cock sucking.

They should hurry up and make more right leaning games, they can use the free advertising they will get from the lefts fake offense and take the money saved and make the game better

Oh noooo... not backlash.... anything but that...

Based Pewdiepie redpilling 50 millions young faggots


Good Goys.

Search up a smaller indie company and invest.
It's a good idea, just look through the people carefully to make sure they are good.

>wtf america
>article by the guardian
wtf jewrope?

(((cultural marxism)))

habitational name from a farmstead named Kjellberg, from Old Norse kelda ‘spring’ + berg ‘hill’, ‘mountain’. Swedish: ornamental name composed of the elements källa ‘spring’ + berg ‘hill’, ‘mountain’ (see Kall).
American Jews appropriated Nordic names. You ruin everything.

meh, it's one of the possibilities (about the i faggot mean), but in no way certain. btw you already have some regions in serbia who are not using or misusing cases and the same in romania (except they have both articles and cases). it's evolution that might turn into degradation but there's no way to be sure.

yes, bulgarian had to be and cases and a lot of other things, but they were replaced, not outright removed to the language's detriment.

Sup Forums talks about this guy more than any other news outlet, even reddit forgot about it

Why? I wonder...

>campo santo

Literally who

replaced by what?
articles don't replace it

let's meme the fuck out of it


The article is talking about an American game dev

What? The Koran "violent"??? How could a reasonable person ever get that impression?

you mean to be? all the forms still exist besides jesti or whatever the slavic infinitive is. the infinitive as a purely grammatical construct doesn't exist, but every single other form is still intact. i meant more that the cases were replaced, not necessarily "to be."

Pewds doesn't give a fuck anymore. The Jews have wronged him so the Jews have to pay. He is just getting started, he will finish what Mel Gibson failed to finish.

Hmm popular white dude.

Wonder who could possibly be pushing for his down fall...

fuck niggers. regards, america.

Good goy! Have a sheckle...

the jews fear him because he has more influence and power especially with generation zyklon than the old media does and they have no control of him

It is a symptom of an anti-white culture.
The same thing happens over here I will give you an example which actually happened.

>women gets stuck up on the road
>Steals all her shit
>probably assaulted her
>Lives in Joburg so probably gets robbed by nogs monthly
>She says "I hate kaffirs" when the police arrive
>Video goes viral on all south african media outlets
>Woman is seen as a bigger evil than the people who robbed her for saying a word
>Loses job, moves to another country.

i meant cases

please begin nig removal. thanks.

Keep going

I like how the only people who care about his are literally amerians,everyone else doesnt give 2 fuck about this

Oh and remember a story like this gets more airtime when compared to a story of an entire white family getting tortured and murdered. Having their four year old daughters legs split in two and raped multiple times while they cut the fathers eyelids off so he had to watch the rape.

That story gets zero minutes media play.

Campo Santo is some shitty indie studio from SF, nobody gives a shit, they deserve to go broke, once Pewdiepie hits them with lawsuits.

the fact that Firewatch can even be considered a game is more offensive than the word nigger

It isn't "forced" labour but it's not just work, robota was when the peasants had to work on their lords fields before they could cultivate their own shit. Forced labour is closer to the truth than just work

PUBG developers would kill there mother if a streamer told them

its mainly whites getting offended for black people, but from the ones i've told this shit about, they dont give a single fuck about it.