Confederate Statue Removal Protest Sign Suggestions

Any mildly clever suggestions for signs to protest Confederate statue removal ops would be appreciated... would prefer slogans that might wake up normies but not opposed to just triggering leftist dickheads at this point.

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I don't know, to be honest.

But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.

City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.

Respect American Veterans.

>supports slavery and treason
>calls other people dickheads

>the civil war was fought over solely slavery

How about: "Wait one cotton-picking minute before you erase our history!"

How about 'I'm a CIA agent and I want to run another false flag protest' sign up sheet?

That's not bad at all. Thanks.

That's too fuckin funny :D


No, it was fought over the states' right to betray the rest of the country.


>No, it was fought over the states' right to betray the rest of the country.
The original American passtime.

>Erasing our history erases our identity
>First the historical statues, then the history books ...

I honestly think both sides of this issue have some valid points, but at the end of the day, instead of spending a ridiculous sum of money to remove a statue that's sacred to one group, why not spend it on a new statue down the street to make the supposedly offended group happy? Like in this instance, spend it on a Malcolm X statue. I wouldn't be offended to see that in public.

Alpert Pike was a 33rd degree free mason and confederate general and father of the KKK start trying to get them to tear it down, they won't let it happen and fighting you will expose them

dunno, something about the dems being the party of the kkk, or the north still owned slaves after the war

I like those.

That's a good way to get shot.


op image source
>Adrienne Laine


She looks like shit dude, but thanks for the thought.

The thing is that Confederates and Republicans were opposite to each other.

how many tattoos does it take before someones deemed unweddable?

Lincoln was a fascist. Has statues must go.

And he actually was by any measure of the word. He suspended habeas corpus and arrested Northern congressmen and newsmen who got in his way. He invaded Maryland and arrested 1/3 of the democratically elected legislature. He fought a war because he thought of the states as his personal empire. He passed massive unconstitutional infrastructure projects. There's even a couple fasces on his memorial. Antifa ought to be having a field day, but they don't even know what Fascism is.

those tattoos why god do women and men do this to themselfs

one and you know its damaged goods unless you are in the marines or something

*those tattoos why god do American women and men do this to themselfs

"To erase history, you are bound to repeat it."

This is really interesting stuff.. feel like I'm gonna be reading about this for days

he also did not believe blacks are equal to him at least cant remember in what conversation he said that with

>spending a ridiculous sum of money to remove a statue

wrong! idiot! sage!

Hey, Ho, Grant has got to go! (from the $50 dollar bill)

No racist slaveowners should be "honoured" on the nation's money.

I wouldn't look any further. Your image posted. When you have found what you are looking for you generally stop looking.

can you imagine bringing a girl home, and finding that she had a tatoo done on her butthole?

oppression of southern heritage is
oppression of a minority ethnicity!

slavery has ended, end our bondage!

we know our ancestor's wrongs that's why most of us vote republican!

ending slavery doesn't mean an end to my freedom!

you pillaged our homes, stole our land, and chased us from our families. never forget the reconstruction. the south will rise again!

even the confederates wanted to Make America Great Again. except we say: the south will rise again!

Deo Vindice is our hakuna matata.

we are all ladies and gentile men. we didn't ask these hooligans to start this fight, but in true fashion we will end it, by pin or by sword.

>The South shall rise again!

How? Best start looking to find lawful ways to make the South obnoxious to Washington D.C.

Republicans and Democrats must become unelectable in the South. must not know your history...

the south HAS risen!

checkout US history of the reconstruction period and the early southern politics.

the phrase: "the south will rise again!" refers to the socioeconomic infrastructure of the south. the south was literal razed to the ground, a lot of places didn't have water, food, and other basic utilities. innovation was at a dead crawl. every one was looking for a scape goat to explain away the misery and more importantly they were looking for hope, which they found in the "heroes of the confederacy" we became early policy makers and opinion leaders. so one guy made the slogan: "the south will rise again." and it exploded and became the banner of hope people needed.

Slave driving traitors aren't worthy of respect you confederate fuck

honestly dont think there is some one here that degenerate location of it matters too

Thanks for the history lesson.

Round here "rise" has a different meaning.

"Tear down ALL monuments to white supremacy"

Lol she's a good porno chick. Nothing is better than seeing white girls getting blacked in confederate bikinis and other paraphernalia.

So, flatten everything you uncivilised scut.


He also wanted to send all the blacks to Africa and sent many there. If their statues come down his need to as well.

Lincoln sent Africans back to Africa. Why is Trump demonized for sending Mexicans to Mexico?

Robert E Lee didn't own slaves!

"I'm not paid to be here"

President Grant did own slaves and it was the 13th amendment which freed them.
