Open door

>open door
>see this
What do

Don't act like a harem protagonist and fuck her right then and there

This. Fuck her raw right up in her bare pussy slit.


Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>running away from sex
No wonder Japan is dying

How the fuck do people watch this show

Every once in a while I get an itch for a wish fulfillment show like this.

How is it wish fulfillment if he's not drowning in wet dripping pussy?

Came here to post this

Men like the chasing part more than the actual romance.

It's not even the worst show this season amazingly

>"What are ya a fuckin' animal?"



>Those awful colors decorating the room

Turn 360 degrees and moonwalk out.

Just stand there staring but with a shock looked on my face till she says something, and depending on what she says, I will leave or stay

Turn 540 degrees and moonwalk

Ask her does she have a few moments about believing in Jesus Christ.

Cr is the best thing that happened to anime, truly

> check the manga for that scene expecting nipples
> is way more tame than the anime and the art is plain shit

Open the door
get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur

Too old