Redpills about blacks?

post your redpills about everyone's least favorite race

Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.

Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.

Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. >

Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.

Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.

42% of all cop killers are black.

Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.

In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.

Other urls found in this thread:,867,133,38,35/10,168,9,12,1,13,185/432,431

Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America: 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock.

67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians.

In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

Some facts on intelligence levels of blacks: 1) Whites on average have a 15 point higher IQ than blacks, across many different studies. “There is a long-standing 15 point or 1 standard deviation difference between the intelligence test scores of African Americans and White Americans, though it might have narrowed slightly in the then recent years. The difference was largest on those tests, verbal or non-verbal, that best represented the general intelligence factor (g).”

2) IQ across different ethnic groups in the US: Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites of 103, Asians 106 and Jewish Americans 113: The study found that the average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278)
>, J. Philippe et al. "Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

3) Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
>, J. Philippe et al. "Performance on Raven_s Advanced Progressive Matrices by African, East Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa." Intelligence 31 (2003).pdf

4) For those who claim that IQ tests are biased against blacks and that’s why they keep getting lower scores, there are IQ tests like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices which don’t have any language and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. It’s simply finding patterns in visual shapes. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well, like in Africa between white and black engineering students:

5) Harvard psychologists took a look at how black children adopted by well off upper-middle class white families at a very young age perform on IQ tests once they grow up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions. Black children adopted by white parents average 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). White children who grew up in the same households and had white biological parents on average scored 109. Even with the same socioeconomic upbringing, the racial IQ gap remains. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The studies’ general findings were that the IQs of children of a particular race did not differ significantly depending on whether they were raised by their biological parents or by adoptive parents of a different race. The gap between black and white IQ scores remained even if growing up in the same family.

6) East Asian countries have on average the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are generally between the Asian and African countries.

7) Blacks performs substantially worse in standard school tests than whites. From the higher education achievement perspective: In 2012, the mean critical reading SAT score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites.

8) From the elementary education achievement perspective: At both the grade 4 and grade 8 level, there is a persistent achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in ALL states.

9) For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on socioeconomic factors, IQ is largely genetically determined: Estimates in the academic research of the heritability of IQ have varied from below 0.5 to a high of 0.8. (where 1.0 indicates that monozygotic twins have no variance in IQ and 0 indicates that their IQs are completely uncorrelated) Various studies have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.7 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States.[6][9][18]


>Lowest SAT scores
>Lowest GPA
>Lowest median income
>Highest high school drop out rate
>Highest college drop out rate
>Highest unemployment rate
>Highest welfare useage
>Highest crime rate
>Highest homicide rate
>Highest incarceration rate
>Highest amount of sexually transmitted diseases
>Highest erectile dysfunction rate
>72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock

im done. post more and if they're good then i will use them next time i make one of these threads

If you kill all of the blacks, crime will go down 28%. If you kill all the whites it will go down 69%. Also holy shit white people rape twice as many women and steal more than twice as much stuff.

Oh wow you just proved the lefties who think blacks are trouble'd point.

Good job.

>If you kill all of the blacks, crime will go down 28%. If you kill all the whites it will go down 69%. Also holy shit white people rape twice as many women and steal more than twice as much stuff.

blacks are only 12% of the population dipshit, whites are 63% you're only proving my premise right. god, fucking libtard morons.

there are 5 times as many of them if they don't commit disproportionate crime then killing all whites should lower crime by 5 times the amount killing all blacks.

god, learn fucking math you retard.

literally wut? how deeply does your head have to be stuck in the sand to even THINK this?? there is not a single rational person who would see this information and think anything even remotely near what you just said

also if you actually read it, i included plenty of information to prove that the problem is genetic, not social. so thanks for playing cunt, but try again!

like srsly libtard, i refer you to and the pic related on i specifically posted info that would BTFO this argument, you obviously didn't even bother to read it in favor of protecting your emotionally driven and very fragile worldview

when you can refute the information with an actual logical argument, or some facts, statistics, studies or SOMETHING other than "hurr durrrrr no, it's all whitey's fault" then maybe someone, somewhere will take you seriously.

>A troubled demographic commits more crime

Oh I see... How enlightening.

pls once again, i refer you to . pls make a serious argument that actually addresses the content which BTFO's your false premise. before that i won't put much stock in what you have to say

Yet it's the reason blacks need lower SAT scores for university.

Really makes you think.

I don't see what you are trying to prove here except that white people are a bigger problem in America than blacks. If there is one BR in a room stabbing people and five Austrians in the same room working together to stab twice as many people as the BR, guess which group is a bigger problem.

It's the one that has stabbed two people not one.

>"hurr durrrrr no, it's all whitey's fault"

Nobody said that. This is what's known as a straw man argument.

jesus christ faggot, your argument is based on the fact that there are 5 times as many white people as black people in our society.

black people are mathematically and provably grossly disproportionately likely to commit all crime, esp violent crime.

i posted ALL of the relevant information above. if you can still deny it. you're just not someone who is really interested in facing the facts about the world.

it's not a strawman at all, it's LITERALLY your fucking argument. how dare you call it a "strawman" wtf?

still waiting for your reasoned, substantiated response here. or will you just come out and admit your point is totally fucking bunk?

oh another great argument from you. "buh muh universities give them breaks on the SAT's, that means they're oppressed"
literally kill yourself, you nigger faggot retard.

You also showed a statistic that heaps grow up without fathers.

I wonder why they are so troubled... hmmm.

Really makes you think.

hmmmm well i pretty much posted the proof that answers your question. it's their genetics.

i posted links to adoption studies that used controlled conditions and proved that racial IQ gaps only widen further under those conditions. i posted info about black crime in well to do areas and socioeconomic strata. i posted everything. the fucking information is right in front of your fat ignorant face. you believe what you believe because you WANT to believe it. not because it is REAL

it's not a strawman at all, it's LITERALLY your fucking argument. how dare you call it a "strawman" wtf?

That is literally not my argument.

>oh another great argument from you. "buh muh universities give them breaks on the SAT's, that means they're oppressed"
literally kill yourself, you nigger faggot retard.

Another straw man argument.
You are really on a role.

No one is denying anything, guy. How disproportionate the crime rate is doesn't change the fact that whites are a bigger problem. When suddenly there are magically 2.5 times more black people in America, then you might have an argument.

But until then, most crimes are committed by whites.

>Someone has a low IQ
>Better hate them for it.

What so we should kill everyone with a low IQ?

>cries strawman when i genuinely accurately characterize his entire argument in one sentence
>is so fucking new to Sup Forums he doesn't even know how to use greentext and quote properly.

That's not how you use greentext, /r/friend.

lol? is this even supposed to be taken seriously? hahaha ok pal, whatever you say. you're actually trying to spin to say "whites commit more crime" because they're 5 times a larger population lmfao. fucking libtards just hang themselves at every juncture in political debate.

Do you have any comprehension skills at all?

>trying to spin
>stating clearly visible facts

ok, you are falsely accusing me of "strawmanning" you in this thread for accurately characterizing your counterargument, and then you go and say

>Someone has a low IQ
>Better hate them for it.

my god. which this is a literal absolute, far-fetched and totally unrealistic strawman of everything i posted above. like THATS why you get from what i posted above?

they are fucking murdering people disproportionately man. and they have benefited from every social program for the past 50+ years. they've only gotten worse. the more our society does for them, the more they murder and steal because they feel more entitled.

their entire home continent is a mess and guess what? it's not due to "muh colonialism", which actually made their lives much, much better. and i can PROVE it 100% because the parts of africa that were not colonialized are literally the BIGGEST SHITHOLES ON THE CONTINENT TODAY. so try another angle, faggot. you're playing this game with the wrong hombre.

it literally is a fine way to use greentext.
i'm not going to take anything seriously from a guy who says "whites commit more crime because they're 5 times a larger population than blacks". seriously wtf? you need to jump off a bridge mate.

>People who grow up without fathers are more likely to be murderers...

You don't say...


your argument is exactly the sort of BSi want more people to see. i want people to see the mendacious lengths and mental gymnastics you people will perform to avoid just facing the obvious truths

>claiming white people are more criminal than blacks because they are 5 times a larger population and thus overall commit more crime
>totally disregarding grossly higher per capita rates for blacks, which only comprise 12% of the population.
lmfao this is fucking beautiful

>It's fine to completely switch perspective in the middle of a story
>btw I have autism please be patient

>mendacious lengths and mental gymnastics you people will perform to avoid just facing the obvious truths
>Two is more than one
>mental gynmnastics

>claiming white people commit more crimes than black people because white people commit more crimes than black people
>lmfao this is fucking beautiful

still waiting for you to address why blacks still commit disproportionately high crime in affluent black areas, or why under controlled conditions the racial IQ gap only grows wider, rather than shrink?

hmmm??? anything to say? because this information essentailly 100% debunks your mendacious, mental gymnasticing fake, sad excuse for a "counter argument". like it literally debunks it. and you have NOTHING to say about any of it. top kek, faggot

What if we just focused on the criminals of each race instead of hating the black people who are innocent just because of the demographic they fall under?

>>btw I have autism please be patient
well if that isn't just an explanation for a million fucking things.........

>claiming white people commit more crimes than black people because white people commit more crimes than black people
i'm pretty much going to presume that this and all of this other crap you are saying is due to your admitted, literal autism.
and honestly, i mean this seriously too, i hate to use a fucking ad hominem like that. i like to debate people and i like to argue on the merits of the facts. but 1) that's not what you're doing here and 2) i think your points, your behavior, your inability to properly interpret facts and probably your whole outlook on life are literally due to your disability and i don't even want to waste my time

So if a race has a lower IQ statistically I should hate them all?

What is even your point about IQ?

I would like to see a study on if blacks who come from good homes or not commit crimes still, then your argument may have some weight too it.

>well if that isn't just an explanation for a million fucking things.........
>still doesn't understand how greentext works
You have to /r/go_back.

>i like to debate people and i like to argue on the merits of the facts. but 1) that's not what you're doing here



I'm gonna catch some Z's. You go ahead and text me when you figure out a way to make 1 > 2.44 a mathematically sound statement.

>your inability to properly interpret facts and probably your whole outlook on life are literally due to your disability and i don't even want to waste my time

It's like you think normal people spend their time collecting data and reading studies about black people.

>So if a race has a lower IQ statistically I should hate them all?
weren't you, earlier in the thread, perpetually accusing me of strawmen......when i was literally 100% accurately paraphrasing your entire argument??

hate them or don't hate them, i don't care, but their genetic inferiority means that "white privilege" is not real, for one thing. it means that we need to immediately cease the social programs that are destroying our society and exist on the FALSE premise that white people are somehow to blame for black failure in our society.

we need to stop this false meme that "there are no differences between whites and blacks". we need to stop DISCRIMINATING AGAINST WHITES in jobs and in college admissions (you mentioned the lower SAT scores blacks need yourself).

it means we need to stop blaming COPS for disproportionately targeting black people and black areas because, GASP, THAT'S WHERE THE FUCKING CRIME IS COMING FROM

it means a lot of fucking things. hate them or don't hate them. that's your decision. it doesn't fucking matter to me. i know i have no particular fucking love for them. and in truth, if you actually spent time around them you wouldn't either. but for the love of god, the political baggage they are saddling with has got to be rid of our society.


>It's like you think normal people spend their time collecting data and reading studies about black people.
i do not think that at all, but when the information is properly parsed and presented to you, and it's right in front of your face, and you're still making excuses (which were debunked in the fucking post you're replying too) and trotting out all of this empty, vacant, mendacious PC bullshit, then you need to be called on your crap. period. end of story.

plus the dude literally admitted he was outright autistic. that's his own admission, not mine. so don't tell me "he's a normal person and i'm somehow not" for just stating the fucking facts and being frustrated with his mongoloidism

do you know the price our country pays for this sort of "feelz over factz" sentimentality? we're fucking on the verge of civil war / race war and it's all because nobody will just say the fucking truth of the situation here. you honestly are a part of that. you are contributing to that fucking darkness.

>when i was literally 100% accurately paraphrasing your entire argument??

Lol, no you weren't.

>"white privilege" is not real
I agree with that at least.

>it means we need to stop blaming COPS for disproportionately targeting black people and black areas because, GASP, THAT'S WHERE THE FUCKING CRIME IS COMING FROM

I also agree with this while understanding the frustration of being targeted for skin colour.

However I also believe wearing things like saggy pants and looking like a thug play a role in how cops treat you.

>if you actually spent time around them you wouldn't either

I grew up around aboriginals and pacific islanders... and I grew up poor.

That's why I feel like I relate to them and hate the term white privilege.

I have a few


>Helping the underprivileged is bad.




>(which were debunked in the fucking post you're replying too

No it wasn't.

Does someone really have to be equal to be respected?

You could be a garbage truck driver with an iq of 65 and I would respect you so long as you contributed to society.

>Lol, no you weren't.
your argument 100% was that it was white peoples fault. you were claiming they are "underprivileged" by our society and so therefore that causes them to go out and murder people......or some shit. yes, that is effectively "blaming white people" for their problems, when in fact it is demonstrable (through info i have already cited) that this is not the case.

it's not a strawman, just because you won't come out and say it bluntly like i do, but this is what you're saying. this is what your positions is. same position the fucking democrats and lefties have had for 50 fucking years on this issue. "blame whitey, blame whitey"

the fact that you try to deny that this is what you're doing is beyond fucking stunning.

>I grew up around aboriginals and pacific islanders... and I grew up poor.
>That's why I feel like I relate to them

1) that's not "black people". abos aren't african and they def arent' african american 2) abos suck and have laundry lists of their own problems, so i don't know wtf you would defend them for 3) if you're not white and you're an outsider, they would fucking destroy you in an instant if they could. they are controlled and kept in line by laws and more powerful (white) governments than their own and 4) fuck off. if you want to identify with them over your own race, and you want to defend them based on your fucking pathetic feelings, then that's your decision. these are fucking facts and realities we're talking about. i don't give a shit about your faggot feelings over your pathetic abo friends being insulted.

>61.9 percent born to unwed mothers.
>21.5 percent born to teenagers...

Gee why are they so messed up/

Low IQ = High crime.

Most murderers in prison have low IQ

i'm not going to continue this. i've been around in circles with you. i've told you the info, on top of citing it originally in the above post. i've even linked you to the OP where said citations were. i've asked you questions about them. every single time you just ignore it then deny that i ever posted it to you.

>abos suck and have laundry lists of their own problems, so i don't know wtf you would defend them for

Because I grew up with those same problems and it was really difficult for me to over come them.

all saved for next time, thank you

That proves low IQ people are more at risk.

>Because I grew up with those same problems and it was really difficult for me to over come them.
so dude you are basically admitting that you are making your points based on EMOTION here, not fact, ok? so i'm sorry you were a poor fuck growing up, but that doensn't really give you the right to fuck our politics over and contribute to a culture of information suppression an dishonest excuse making for blacks in america.

the fact that you're obviously emotionally attached to your positions explains why you keep ignoring when i link you to the posts with the relevant information that debunk your argument. i mean and it IS debunked. it's ALL debunked. i have addressed it all again and again now, and you just keep saying "hurr durrrr, no, i like abos". whatever man. you're a piece of shit.

the low IQ is provably due to the genetics, if you even bothered to read the OPs before you commented on any of this (which i know you did not). so what is the point you would even be trying to make with this faggot statement??

cuz like seriously either way, even if what you were saying were true, the conclusion is only "black people are more genetically prone to crime"

I'm black and I fucking hate niggers.

Nah I know that race isn't the only factor in things that cause problems for certain demographics.

You don't know what I know...

You don't know how it fucks you up when you are 11 and your dad comes over and lights your mums car on fire or how it fucks you up if your parents don't even care if you go to school or not.

My parents never showed up to no parent teacher interviews and asked how I was going.

Now I run my own business and try help the underprivileged... It took me years to learn how to be a somewhat normal person.
Same with my sisters.

My sister left school at 15 for getting so drunk an ambulance had to take her away.

She is a social worker now.

i really don't care about you or your life story.

guess what retard?? if your dad comes over and lights your mums car on fire.......THEN YOU HAVE BAD FUCKING GENES. GOOD GOD YOU ARE STUPID

Nah, I don't do stupid shit anymore.

Also I live in a decent neighbourhood now too.

i see people like you, and i just try to imagine the mongoloid fuck that is sitting behind the keyboard on the other end of the line

i. do. not. fucking. care. about. you.

this is not a discussion about you or your feelings. this is a discussion about the failure of an entire race in our civilized society, and the fucking crime they commit against us, and they drain they are on us.

wake the fuck up. you're white before you're anything. and if it weren't for the white governments of the world these niggers would literally eat your organs for their next meal. god, the fact that mouthbreating retards like you don't understand that concept.......

People who don't have role models make bad decisions.

Blacks make bad decisions because they often grow up in broken homes and born to teenagers.

Some end up doing well... More end up in Jail.

If you had no father and a teenage drug addict mum you would be more likely to be fucked up too.

I don't even care about IQ. People with low IQ can still contribute to society by doing simple jobs.

dude honestly, i have repeatedly linked you to adoption studies, statistics on blacks who are affluent, and more. those numbers disprove your premise. it's not true. drop it. you keep on wanting to deny the facts. all i've heard you do here is repeatedly regurgitate left-wing talking talking points of "it's all white peoples fault", then deny that you're blaming white people because you really don't want to just come out and say it.

"boo hooo, muh poverty". well the fact remains that these people have a provable genetic deficiency which puts them in poverty. AND our society has done everything it can to try to handicap this system in their favor, and ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH. pls just stop man. you are honestly just embarrassing yourself at this point.

and srsly they have no fathers because blacks lack the "fatherhood" gene. they leave their "bitches and hos" once they knock them up. fuck man. you are just totally unwilling to face the fact. you don't have to be fucking rich to stay with your family, for god sakes. i know a lot of fucking poor people who would be ripshit at you for suggest that. in fact, if you leave your family, you're still paying child support, so there's no fucking loss.

the fault is with blacks. and i have repeatedly cited information which debunks your insane and illogical claims. you refuse to even acknowledge any of it.

What's up with white people always raping kids and mass murdering?

no i actually totally addressed the mass murder thing here . view the pic related. and the rape statistics are all over this thread in multiple parts and well known in general. black males rape at a vastly inordinate rate and they particularly rape white females. they also do rape underage females and children at higher rates. they commit literally ALL violent crime at a higher per capita rate than whites and most of it they commit at comically inordinately higher per capital rates, even in affluent areas and at high socioeconomic strata. all citations are above in the OPs and pic relateds of the OPs

you seriously need to read this shit and particularly the middle column. and when you have some real, substantive response or retort to the information provided within it, perhaps i will take you seriously.

You don't have to be intelligent to not commit crimes.

Ghetto trash is different from normal poor people.

Stop replying, dude. It's bait.

i know, srsly, tell that to the poorfag with the assieflag in this thread. you don't need to be intelligent to stick around for the child once you knock the mother up too.

Ironic you should use that picture OP because Gucci Mane has an IQ way above the level of genius.

For entertainment, he watches the films of Fassbinder, Herzog, Truffaut, Godard, Bertolucci, Mallick amongst other even more obscure artists. Long known as an avid reader of philosophy he has mentioned Baudrillard, Debord, Hegel and Sartre among his inspirations.

He understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and street culture and has exploited it to become a millionaire.

>it's all white peoples fault
I never said that... If anything blaming white people for their problems only makes their problems worse.

oh wow. my you certainly have come a long way. no you've gone from ardently defending blacks to talking about "ghetto trash" and just trying to defend poor people.

pls, i have said in so many posts now and you simply refuse to acknowledge in any way. there are many relevant citations listen in pic related here , particularly in the middle column. your entire argument honestly is totally fake. it's not true. it's 100% disprovable. you keep making it and keep on disregarding and refusing to acknowledge the information that is presented to you that runs contrary to what you emotionally WANT to believe

no. it just bumps my thread and lets more people see this very relevant and important information. it also exposes the total stupidity and intellectual bankruptcy of the people on the left who make excuses for blacks on this issue, and how totally dishonest / delusional they are


>He understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and street culture and has exploited it to become a millionaire.
he is literally a dumb nigger who has a laundry list of legal problems and has been to prison

>In September 2008, Davis was arrested for a probation violation for completing only 25 out of 600 community service hours following his 2005 arrest for aggravated assault. He was sentenced to a year in the county jail but was released after six months.[78] He was incarcerated in the Fulton County jail for probation violation[79] and released on May 12, 2010.[80]
>On November 2, 2010, Gucci Mane was arrested for driving on the wrong side of the road, running a red light or stop sign, damage to government property, obstruction, no license, no proof of insurance and other traffic charges. He was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital.[81]
>On January 4, 2011, a judge in the Superior Court of Georgia’s Fulton County ordered rapper Gucci Mane to a psychiatric hospital, according to court documents. The documents reveal that his lawyers filed a Special Plea of Mental Incompetency on December 27 arguing that he is unable "to go forward and/or intelligently participate in the probation revocation hearing." [82]
>On April 13, 2011, Davis was arrested on one charge of Battery in Dekalb County Jail in Atlanta, GA.[83]
>On April 20, 2011, Davis was arrested on 2 charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Dekalb County Jail in Atlanta, GA.[84]
On September 13, 2011, Davis was given a six-month county jail sentence after pleading guilty to two counts of battery, two counts of reckless conduct and one count of disorderly conduct.[85] He was released on December 11, 2011.[86]

that's just one 3 year stretch. i don't have room on this post for all of them. wtf are you talking about saying "he is a genius". what are you some 15 yr old niggerloving fangirl?

god Sup Forums people are stupid.

nothing written here is true

If you come from a ghetto trash family like a lot of blacks do... you will likely grow to be ghetto trash.

I am still defending blacks though.

He does it for attention and its done wonders for his career.
It's all true, he was a straight A student with a scholarship to harvard and turned it down to focus on music.

This infographic says 80% on the sex crimes. We get it, you hate niggers. Hope that hatred eats ya alive! Alone and angry.

Who's doing the other 46-49% of whatever random crime you can think of? That's a lot of rape and murder in whatever fbi crime stat year i reference

>I never said that... If anything blaming white people for their problems only makes their problems worse.
you literally say exactly this when you use the argument that "they are disadvantaged in society" or "underprivileged" yes, you do. it's not "strawmanning" for me to say that, it's actually "gaslighting" for you to say you don't.

and still, you perpetually refuse to discuss or acknowledge information presented in center column of pic related here , which totally destroyed your argument

.... How in the hell did America think that voting one of these guys into the white house was a good idea?

If anything the statistics show that Asians are number 1.

They are too retarded to realise this.

this man has repeatedly gone to prison, for a laundry list of typical dumb nigger offenses, and spent years of his life there. literally flushed many of his prime years down the toilet. if he did it for his "career" he's even dumber than i thought

in truth, you're just a gullible idiot to believe his PR driven rationalizations to explain away his niggardly behavior.

They are underprivileged and disadvantaged in society.

It's just not the white mans fault.. they have programs to help them with their disadvantage but they don't take them because they have shitty attitudes that they learn from growing up without fathers and having teenage ghetto mums.

Heres the only redpill you need: Every stereotype about blacks is accurate. So much so that its almost as if they see stereotypes as something to aspire to.

you're taking one isolated case and trying to use it to disprove FBI crime statistics, which cover all cases, cited multiple times in the OP above? wow, that bold and ballsy. congrats on your bold stupidity and mendacity. you should win a fucking award or something.

>straight A student with a scholarship to harvard and turned it down to focus on music.

No. That is false.

I'm sorry, have you made 6 million dollars in a single day like Gucci has? Have you made platinum records? Do you sell out arena venues? Do you have a 15 million dollar house? Do you make 30+ million every year? No? Then maybe you shouldn't lecture Gucci on his career you dumb mongoloid.