The Mysterious Gelatin Art Group Living in WTC prior to 9/11

"By way of deception thou shalt maketh war" - Mossad's motto.

Other urls found in this thread:

They think you are all as dumb and gullible as donkeys.
And after 15 years, 10 years full-time sacrificed my life in the 9/11 Truth Movement, do you know what? So do I. I think you are all as dumb as donkeys. I must be an aryan blued JEW cause I be damned if I am so fucking weak and gullible and cowardly as you fucking cuck stupid goy slaves. You make me sick, all of you. YOU LOSERS, you absolute fucking losers. "USA! USA! USA!". Its not YOUR COUNTRY ANYMORE YOU FUCKING SLAVES TO THE JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They take that photo of the three towers, with the lights arranged E-TEAM. "EXPLOSIVES TEAM". They are called GELATIN, that means EXPLOSIVES.
They then PUBLISH it all in their ART BOOK.


For the Love of Christ I cared for your souls.
But what was the point in caring for your souls when you don't? I'm not God. God can care for your souls lest the devil has taken them already.

You have a memorial every year now, like you give a fuck. You don't give a fuck. You let the Israelis get away with it. You gutless fucking cowards. I disown all of you. ALL OF YOU. Can't fucking stand you you COWARDS. I know now you don't have my back. You don't have the back of the 3000 Americans who died on 9/11.

Fucking scum "USA, USA, USA" - You fucking MORONS.

Daily reminder (((they))) did 9/11

Bump for first time hearing about "e-team". (I know of the dancing Israelis arrested on the gwb).

why did you change your IP Shlomo ?



Not just mossad

Here's some problems, as someone who still thinks 9/11 has some seriously questionable shit surrounding it.

#1. WTC 1-2 didn't fall at freefall speed.
#2. WTC 7 was massively on fire from the debris, and that sort of building collapse is entirely plausible and has happened on multiple occasions.
#3. Molten metal was caused by friction heating from the building collapse.
#4. Pentagon site had tons of plane debris.

People who don't know anything about explosives, demolition, or basic engineering thing notions such as "nano thermite" sound entirely plausible. But that two planes smacking into a building, sheering away the fire protection from the structural beams, heating up the steel to a point where it loses over 50% of it's structural integrity; and a building collapsing, is just goddamn impossible.

People are dumb, basically.

You wanna look into questionable shit, go ahead, I'm all ears. But you gotta go after things that make some sort of sense, and have some real evidence behind them.

Pic related

Pull it.

>the building collapsed because of friction from the building collapsing
Trump Humpers dont want to wake up.

(((One World))) Trade Center

Copycat Artists that can't draw for shit.....

Much Less See Through The Doors

Beat The Shit Outta Their Time Machine With This BIG BLUE time machine right here,......

Painted in 97-98 it is my pride and joy as a true Psychic Art Friend,,,,,,,,

Share this shit.......its got so many songs written about it its crazy

>Molten metal was caused by friction heating from the building collapse
Try harder retard

talking about the firefighters, autist

Gelatin kind of an interesting name.

Hey, how did they get the plane to crash into the building at exactly the right spot and it didn't set off any of the explosives and the fire burned for an hour before the explosives finally went off?

Have the investigators made up-- I mean discovered-- any reason for that stuff yet?

By the way, if you have followed the ever-expanding fan fiction called Pizzagate but weren't around for 9/11, now you know what it looked like.

Go an hero then faggot.

Check Out The "WingWalkers" On This East Team Z Sleeper Crew.......what a sham show,,,

That's what this idiot State Trooper did on the discovery that Lt. Col Michael Aquino was really parading Santa Fe as Forrest

Watch these terds play stoopid together

This is either a crack smoker or an extremely complex cipher.

Scams by Aquino include OKC as well

Howdy Forrest !

Ready To Draw?



Post 9/11 we have the Amerithrax Letters

When Decoded the letters turn into a 3 layered cipher that is very complex....

Take a look at THE ORANGE THEORY

Part 1:
The Adventures of MR.Z

We Don't Forgive We Don't Forget

The Mask Of Terror

The CIA In Ya Nose

A Tiger By His Tale

There are Blueprints to this agenda and this guy is the creator of this coded system

Throughout the letters they show there are puns played at the two Intelligence Communities that are competing......

US and Israel are talking shit in these codes at each other while Israel is playing the upper hand....

The messages of their operations were passed in the beginning of these operations after 9/11 THROUGH the Amerithrax Letters themselves.

The messages show ISIS was their next creation

Began as a "Phantom menace" and taking us through the Jade Helm agenda of Kissinger, we get played the whole time from the Los Alamos crew through numerous scams that "Forrest Fenn" AKA the Psychological Warfare Dept headed as a tool throughout these agendas with his connections in the media.

He was a Bush Boy Texan and has been there the whole time playing us like fools

I am from Princeton NJ and these MOFOS are being called out.....




Post more hi-res images user. Got any hi-res pre-collapse pentagon pics?