What has this guy actually done, aside from appoint a Supreme Court Justice...

What has this guy actually done, aside from appoint a Supreme Court Justice? Literally only 2 new bills have been signed into law. Everything else has been procedural or just a modification or rollback of previous policies.

Here they are:
1) Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
>levies new sanctions against Russia and restricts Trump's own ability to ease sanctions in place against Moscow.
>Passed with bipartisan support, but signed while he said it was "deeply flawed," but knew he had to sign it or look like a Russian stooge.

2) Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
>gives the VA's leaders the ability to fire inept employees and protect those who uncover and report wrongdoing at the VA.
>Nothing wrong with this idea, and it had overwhelming bipartisan support. I'll give credit where it's due.

Even if you're a Trumpist, you have to admit that he's been ineffective as president, though. Yeah, he's signed a ton of executive orders (despite his assertion that Obama's EOs were tyrannical), but those are essentially recommendations about allocating resources, but he's signed TWO pieces of new legislation.

He has no idea how to be president. Examples:

>Several of his campaign promises have been outright lies, because he has already gone directly against them in many cases (NAFTA, NATO, LGBT, isolationism, "drain the swamp," etc.).
>Other world leaders don't take him seriously
>He clearly feeds off of the photo ops of signing stuff, not the results
>His inner circle of staff has been rolling over at a record pace--that means there's essentially no consistency--and things take time to develop
>WTF is with Ivanka in important meetings? She doesn't know anything, and it just annoys everyone else there.
>He's spent more money and time on his vacations in 8 mos than Obama did in 4 years, despite constantly railing against Obama for his "vacations"

So I ask again... what has he done?

What else do you expect from the very first MEME president?

he's just my seat warmer until i'm old enough to run for 2020 office.


Made people so pissed off they hire hoards of meth addicts to post on an anime imageboard in hope of swaying opinions.

I remain inclined to judge the man by the quality of the enemies he made. After all, it's not like I actually WANT an effective government running the show; I don't think society needs or benefits from that! What matters is the people. In a capitalist system, the progress of a culture is independent of the progress of its government, for the proof of the government's servitude is that it remains smaller than the people, and is not conflated with them.

This is the best answer I think we'll see.

You're not wrong.

muh muh muh 56D Korean chess

Hasnt dont jack shit but steal money and prove the usa is populated by mouth breathing uneducated idiots.

Making enemies is easy. Working within the system and creating meaningful change is hard. He's done more of the former.
>the progress of a culture is independent of the progress of its government, for the proof of the government's servitude is that it remains smaller than the people, and is not conflated with them.
He represents that opposite of "the government's servitude." He seems to think the president can do whatever he wants, but in reality, the job is a straight jacket. He doesn't understand that he's beholden to the people, not the other way around.

Top 1 strongest super saiyans in the universe

So is he a too-strong shoving over the system or a too-weak incapable of shifting it at all? Make up your mind, hahahaha!

>wanting to be in the seat that has been touched by 45 pairs of testicles

The will of the people is that the government clog up!

I'm not sure. What I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Drumpf are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.

City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.

This. While the Russia thing may or may not be true, the real problem is the obvious exploitation of the office as a moneymaking scheme. This guy holds government-related events and meetings at his clubs and buildings, and profits from all of them. And he does it in broad fucking daylight. Even his kids get kickbacks on this shit because he's put them in positions of authority.

>Hasnt dont
>Uneducated idiots
Ok buddy

You missed the whole point. He's either not smart enough to do the job well, or he's trying to use it for personal gain and doing it poorly. Either way, he doesn't understand the limitations of the office.

pulled out of TTIP and pressuring countries like mine to spend at least 2% in military. CIA covert action giving money to Syria rebels ended as well.

I don't really care that much about other things as long as the Economy doesn't crash(would crash the entire worlds economy).

But he claims to have "done more than any president in history" so far. WTF is that?


He didn't give amnesty to the 10+ million illegal immigrants that Hillary supported. That alone is worth electing him.

>That alone is worth electing him

Explain why providing an easier path to citizenship for people who are already here is a bad thing.