Are these two really miserable?

Are these two really miserable?


Why is this the best scene in any anime and why is it this?




The only true answer.


No why do you think spooky ougi exists??




No. They're both fucking liars about being miserable.
I can't stand it.

Araragi lies for sure. But what about Shinobu?

>you will never have an eternal loli
why live

They're both just in weird halfway places, I wouldn't say they're miserable, more like, melancholic, at least in terms of their relationship with each other.

Araragi hadn't had a proper conversation with Shinobu after she was forcefully put into that form, and pretty much as soon as she starts talking she does the whole "I'll never forgive you just like you'll never forgive me" it's just kind of an awkward situation for both of them where they're somewhat okay with the outcome even though neither one got what they wanted.

Plus I imagine Araragi feels kind of bad that he basically has to tell Shinobu that he wants her to keep living, even if he has to force it on her.

Soulmate eternal loli who shares senses with you.

What are these?


At first the feelings are incredibly harsh towards each other.
But it's one of those things that they keep saying that they are miserable but it's pretty obvious that they are both fucking liars.
Shinobu especially.

It's from artbook.

In kabuki it's pretty cleat that they love each other with very gentle love.

Kabuki was fucking brutal to Kisshot.

That baby cry was weird. The scene was kinda hard to watch though as a batman.

Kabuki was my favorite arc of the entire series. I loved all their interactions.

It worked to make the audience really uncomfortable though, as well as conveying Araragi's mounting guilt during the scene too.





I had a dream that I read a story of Arararagi and Shinbu at the end of the world where everyone else is dead, so now I wonder if such a thing exists and in good quality

It would be very depressive.