Should the term "Engineer" be a protected title in all countries?

Should the term "Engineer" be a protected title in all countries?

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Why would it be a title in any country?

It doesn't matter what bullshit euphemism you or your job come up with.
If you don't have a Professional Engineering certificate/license you aren't an engineer.


>interaction engineer
What's that?

This. I do software and every millennial faggot that comes through calls themselves a senior software engineer for making CSS/JS microsites.

I'm in the bathroom being a fecal engineer right now

software engineering isnt real engineering

>t chemical engineer

Software "engineering" isn't engineering

Yes. The acm needs to grow some fucking teeth

This is not politcs
sage and report all slide threads

the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.
the work done by, or the occupation of, an engineer.
the action of working artfully to bring something about.

stupid title but they are engineers

*high five*
pol hasnt been about politics for about 5 years now friend

I'm trying my hardest to avoid calling myself an engineer.
I have passed FE in EE, but work as a web code monkey.

nah, they're not. a software engineer can't even figure out a fourier transform table.

Customer service rep most likely.

You can't make something a "protected title" in all countries, whatever the fuck that even means. To do so would require some jew-level global government control. The solution is demand-side, stop buying products that are 'engineered' by fucking retards. The proof is in the pudding, not the title.

that is unironically a job title. well, hygienic engineer for janitor

i javemt worked for 10 years and have no intention of doing so until this sanity ends

Doing the same
Client is getting billed $250/hr for it, too

>tfw welfare application engineer master race

Wrong. Engineers in training are, by definition, engineers.

Engineers have passed the FE exam.

What is it with these pics of people with their mouth wide open or some kind of weird frown?

C'mon man, it's not that BAD.
Most of junior developers (millennials) know their place, and are very open to learning design patterns and frameworks. Perhaps you just had a bad experience.
But it is true that most of them think that an edited template counts as reference of their work.

Can't refer t yourself as an engineer here unless you're a member of the order. Not that I've seen them prosecute anyone.

Sanitation engineers hard at it.

Sandwich Engineers slaving away

No, it just needs to be understood that if a woman has Engineer in her title, it's there to make her feel special, not to actually delineate her function.

Train Artist reporting in.

Yes it should, but it's too late. When a burger flipper is considered a hot grill and french fry engineer then there's no superiority to the position.

>fourier transform table

Underwater Ceramic Hygiene Technician checking in

Found the civil.

Outside of construction, no one gives a shit about PEs.

Tell the FAA you have a PE, and they'll pat you on the head and say "that's nice sonny, now go find me a DER who can actually sign something."

> Engines, machines, and structures

A shitty Java codebase is none of those things.

Software engineering SHOULD be real engineering, but 99% of the industry churns out complete and utter shit.

Part of being an engineer is going through the living hell that is engineering. Most places qualify a comp sci degree as an engineering degree for God knows why. If you cant do some electrical engineering as a software engineer then you clearly aren't an engineer

Dude software engineering is the easiest branch, you're not special.

Soon fastfood workers will be "burger engineers"

It's probably a chinese version of User Experience.

This. Mechanical engineers are the only true engineers. Rest are technicians.

t. Mechanical engineer

Yes, everyone knows only men can be engineers.

There is no such thing as software engineering.

I have heard "sanitation engineer" for garbageman, believe it or not (and it was 15-20 years ago, as well)

no that's retarded womanthink

You say window cleaner, I say Transparent-Wall Maintenance Engineer.

Nigga mechanical engineering is the most egotistic discipline ever, all you guys ever do in any project I've ever worked on is thermodynamics, and the chemical engineers are better at it than you are. Have fun with the masses of poo in loos taking your jobs for 35 grand a year
T. Electrical

I think it should. I have to deal with "engineers" quite often thinking they are actual engineers when they aren't. It's a pain in the ass. They do it so you think the $12 an hour guy is more important than they actually are.

>wow, I've got my very own engineer I'm dealing with!!

We don't use "Engineer" anymore outside of what was grandfathered in like IEEE and shit like that. It's all window dressing.

It would seem the normies have yet to figure out "Engineer" is the keyword for jobs that only require the laborer be able to follow a SOP. Most common and well known use of this is "custodial engineer" to mean janitor.

thats still a thing, they went pretty fast and loose with the definition for engineering to be more politically correct. i don't know any garbage men , but i would assume they refer to themselves as garbage men, or collectively as the garbage people and not sanitation engineers

"UI designer" was relatively recently extended into a bunch of other fields and flashy titles to make the job sound cooler to budding webdevs.

ps; "architect" and "developer" have also gone this way. anyone tells you they're a "web developer" these days it probably means they're "operating" wordpress at the cpanel level.

it is protected in germany

The uncle was also a trainsman

"architect" was ruined all the way back in the early 2000s, when it was used to describe a code monkey who overengineers OOP designs in Java.

yes but engineering firms use it to multiply their billing so it probably won't happen. Example: accountants that do billing are titled with engineer status (something like "finacial engineers") so the company can give them a 4x multiplier on their salaries when billing clients.

Yeah, it saw a resurgence lately with "systems architecture" but that got blown out by poo-infiltrators pretty quickly.
can't wait until people find out the new word for it

how many of you engineers are professors at research universities or the lead engineer for a large company/your own start up?

>mfw Imaginary Engineer
Did I get meme'd? My course is pretty technical.

If it doesnt have an ENGINE then they arent ENGINEers.

Holy shit, someone else knows what a DER is! What do you do in aviation? Also fuck the ATL fsdo

damn right it should be.

Sanitation engineer

better go back to school lad
>t. automation e


>tfw degree in Engineering (mechatronics).

>tfw when looking for jobs
>Electrical Engineer, 70k, 5 years exp.

>>Junior Java developer 65-70k

>>Senior Front end developer 95k+.

What the fuck did you guys do to the engineering job market.

I'm a meteorological engineer.
Everyone else is a fucking technician and can fuck right off.

I'm Java engineer :^)

did a phd in mathematics and software engineering is filled with subhuman filth

Ohhh this way wimmin can still be 'engineers' despite being too stupid for engineering. Nice move, Shlomo. Now [wo]manning the phones becomes 'interaction engineering' using 'emotional intelligence.' It would be fine to lie to them to make them feel good--to throw the seal a fish--if you didn't know they were going to demand to be paid what real engineers make.

Biomedical engineer at a good school
Am I getting memed?

What if someone has a machining/numerical control background, has taken blueprint reading and gd&t? I know it's not an engineer, but shouldn't even that be higher than what the person in OP is trying to be called?

>if you didn't know they were going to demand to be paid what real engineers make

Outside of Silicon Valley, these meme jobs get paid absolutely fuck all.

Hope you're right, but give it time. Pressure. And time.

Very dangerous job

They're only paid well in Silicon Valley because of the bubble of VCs willing to invest ridiculous amounts of money in completely worthless companies without even a viable business plan. That'll be gone soon too.

Nah m8. Electrical Engineers do your job plus their own.

Nikka, I graduated 2005. There were two poos in my class of 25 people. There were a dozen in the electrical class - we had combined classes with them for some shit and the lab always smelled of curry.
As it happens, I specialise in fluid mechanics/thermofluids/thermodynamics, but I'm quite comfy with electrical shit. It's just a niche. It's all analogous.
My wife is a chemical engineer. She accepts my thermofluid expertise without question - swallows it right up and then makes me breakfast. She knows her place.

Mechanical engineers rule, fuck yeah!

What if you're a locomotive engineer?

Remember kids to tuck in loose clothing, hair and learn where the emergency stop button is while you still can.

go ahead and give the goverment more power on what you can and can't call yourself


Software scum have no place in Electrical engineering universities

I too am currently putting in some long hours at my fecal engineering position.

>mechanical engineer
>doing anything other than being a CAD-slave to a superior electrical engineer

Whenever somebody says I'm a "social title" engineer I just laugh in their face.

t. Mechanical engineer.

considering burger joints will be run by robots, the only workers will be engineers who repair the burger machines.

at least it doesn't say Interactive Ninja. not very Sup Forums related though, so saged

>electrical engineer
Aka glorified sparky

Here it is, like Doctor, Judge or Architect.
Even Nurse is.

Claiming to be one is a crime with hefty sanctions.

Here real engineers become JPs as soon as they graduate.

>software engineer
Literally not engineering

>To do so would require some jew-level global government control.
"Doctor of medicine" and "registered nurse" are protected titles and they are doing just fine.

Phone gook.

Nah by all rights its a programmer. Wjich in itself should be a titled held in similar regard to engineer.

Your average machinist knows more than engineers do. They just jumped through a lot of hoops to get that degree and they usually talk about what they are going to do on the weekends than actually putting the fucking part on a fixture to machine. They spend their days doing nothing and most of the time their needs are unrealistic and just not possible. But yeah, they get paid the big money because I will admit, getting a engineering degree is hard. Most engineers I know are dumb fucks and that's on the real, not saying they don't exist, but I would put money on your everyday machinist than some new engineer just out of college.

What is an interaction engineer? Sounds like a nice name for a secretary

Lelel engineer fags bfto. Every single women's studies major can just call themselves "engineer", destroying any prestige that name might have had

>open mouth excited look into camera while holding something near face
Why do millennials do this dumbshit pose

>Your average machinist knows more than engineers do.
Stopped reading right there.

When I ran seismic for exploration dept they put me in a field office for awhile and I had to manage a bunch of engineers.

They were rainmanesque cunts and I threatened to beat several of them to death on multiple occasions and I was praying they'd say one more word when I did so, so I could just let the rational world slip away and do what was right.

Engineers are fucking nippleheads.

For realz? I'm a project manager and I've led both electrical and mechanical teams. I'll admit willingly that the electrical side is by far the most complicated aspect of any modern project. To put this in perspective, during my last two projects, I've had to triple manpower on electrical from initial estimates. Not because electrical guys are shit - just because that's where the main challenges are.

That said, not one of these guys has a wider appreciation of the project, or how its all put together. Their field of expertise is getting more and more narrow.

An engineer should be able to solve a real world problem from first principles, using whatever materials are available to them, from sticks and stones to water and wind. It's a dying art in general, but electrical engineers never studied it in the first place. Their basic working materials are all provided by mechanical engineers.

>Interaction engenieer.
>Creating shitty careers so everyone can feel relevant
The anglosphere is a meme. So sad what it has become, a corpse which walks by and for marketing.

American degrees, terms and titles from non Ivy-League schools already mean jack shit on the European and Chinese labour markets anyways.