This woman did more to advance humanity than anyone in history

how many useless eaters never existed thanks to her? all she could see was dummies making more dummies and she set out to change that and succeeded

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This looks like the type of lass that would ambiguously let you dump a fat load of piss in her bum.

We wouldn't even need abortion if we got rid of welfare.

Every time you look at the demographic charts and see negroes being under 15%, thank this woman.

*Blocks your path integrals*
*Shortens your domain and range*


> A crypto-jewish abortionist

Nice bait

Thank you Sanger
All we had to do was sacrifice Christendom and our future for it

Don't you have african children to adopt?

Planned Parenthood needs to get to work on Detroit, possibly Baltimore and Memphis too.

Pretty sure they are already working around the clock. Nationwide more black fetuses end up aborted than born.

She was racist to Italians and Jews. I'm Italian and Jewish and have a big beak nose

they are and have been for decades

Bigger dummies making even bigger dummies?
Great success...

Eh, he hasn't changed the modern world that much at this point. We'll see how much fruit his work bears in the next century.

> (OP)
>We'll see how much fruit his work bears in the next century.

That woman turned the great white age into a demogrpahic apocalyse fuck that ignorant slimeball crypto jew and her "American Eugenics Society"

>demogrpahic apocalyse
If not for her blacks would be 50% by now you retard.
For every 10 white births 2 are aborted.
For every 10 black births 12 are aborted.
Look at it as a quiet race war.

Don't you have bleach to drink?

She was cute

ITT: idiots not realizing abortions are better than hordes of negroes/white trash: if you want tradition, family and christendom, then you need to have jobs, low interest rates and a decent trade balance. It's been the fucking rule for millennia.

Devastating retort.

I'm not a cathocuck and neither is America

Then what are you?

People like op can't see the obvious. Abortion is a poor solution to a problem that can be more effectively dealt with, and without murdering unborn babies.

A flaw in your logic is assuming behaviors wouldn't change if abortion was illegal.

what would be a better solution?

Faw in your logic is assuming that they would and would so in a way you prefer. If Africa teaches us anything it's that blacks aren't capable of keeping their own population at manageable levels.
And yeah, you wouldn't need to kill your beloved black fetuses if you went with sterilisation programs that Sanders was proposing.

Sterilization was a good plan
>too bad it was stopped

>Mad because he can't ad hom

Would God permit me to D&C that ass?


Africa is heavily subsidized, same as black America. If there were no welfare they simply wouldn't be able to grow at the rate they do simply because they would starve.
Instead we had to sacrifice morality for a stopgap measure like abortion.

Well, you gave votes to negros. What do you expect, them NOT voting for gibs?
Well, I'm not afraid to tell i'm an atheist. Why is he afraid to show his religious affiliation? Are brave warriors of god so scared of mockery on a indonesian stamp collecting ap?

haha, politifact is such bullshit

Claim: Margaret Sanger wanted African-Americans eliminated
Result: False

"It’s a far cry to equate eugenics with advocating the elimination of black people."

rofl, do these people even understand what eugenics entails?

Archive please

I think this vid needs to be said:

planned parenthood is the most practical method of black population control currently available. Unless you think the non-white population will voluntarily give up welfare. Besides, why stop at welfare? Institutionalizing/incentivizing eugenic breeding and eugenicism would be far superior.

Gibs aware dependant on whether we're actually able to afford them our not. Morality is permanently eroded after abortion was accepted.
Also religion has zero bearing on the argument even though you're proud of it

>Gibs aware dependant on whether we're actually able to afford them our not.
English is not my first language, could you explain what did you said?

Don't you?


>when conservatives use this as an argument against planed parenthood

Who would adopt African children?

Christians do it. Actualy i know few catholic families what "adopt" children from africa as in they send them money and get their photos back.
Church pushes this shit.

>"catholic families that "adopt" children from Africa as in they send them money and get their photos back"
>this is why i'll never be catholic.

Boer of course.

Nigs know tht too many nigs = no more gibs.