Should faggots be allowed to marry

Today I got my snail mail and there's a thing where you can say what you want should faggots be allowed to get married simple yes or no answer I would like Sup Forums to decide my answer

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Reply "no"

Just don't send it back, please believe me that the overwhelming abstain is the best option here. Literally everyone gets what they won't if no one (at all) votes in this thing.

Don't listen to this faggot OP Same your kind before it is too late.

Why is "sex" not defined. That ballot is most problematic


To late. Once again America's wisdom will lead your country to the right path.

Don't worry little Britain

No, it's step one in pussyfing a culture, look at Canada 15 years on from legalizing it, we used to be lumberjacks, now we can go to jail for making fun of trannies.

When will the results be announced?

I have no idea

I hope it ends up with a no. It'll be amazing.


But you worked all night and you sleep all day.

That is retarded going to jail because you're making fun of someone everyone is becoming overly sensitive to everything

No, unless they do not get a tax break. Because they refuse/are unable to contribute to the gene pool, I see no reason why they should reap the benefits of marriage.

So so far it is looking like no

That is very true

>Accidentally disable adblock for 5 minutes
>Bombarded with 20 virtue signalling ads from huge foreign companies telling me how to vote


marriage is between a man and a woman.
who am i to stop a man marrying a woman?

Marriage should be criminalized all breeding should be regulated by the state, niggers, spics, chinks and other retards should be sterilized

Id say vote no just to fluster the totalitarian left.

Just say yes.

who fucking knows anymore...


Could not agree more


Thank you for helping me decide I put no

no, fuck faggots

marriage should have never been something the government got involved with in the first place...the government should issue civil unions, and gay people should be allowed that much.

marriage should be up to whatever religious institution wants to perform them.

This is relevant and should be discussed further.

Jews officially monitoring this bread.

>Even asking this question

Noone should get an economic incentive to get married. Just increase our incentive to have more children if you want to make more americans..

Dude this isn't even about America

If you vote no, I'm certain you'll be sent to some kind of gulag or reeducation center

Vote No. Look at what has become of the U.S since they legalised it. You give these SJW's an inch and next thing you know our country and half the population have become as fucked up and as sensitive as the Seppo's that get offended by everything. That is not us.

Vote No. The world needs at least one non-pussified Anglo country.


^kek is a Python fan, obviously^

If you vote no, Australia will prosper into a golden age of treating mental illness unlike america where I live sadly my flag is fucking up.

It probably doesn't matter how you vote. Every state in US the that had a vote voted NO, but the courts just over rule the voters.

This. It's hilarious how the left promotes anything that breaks up the traditional family while simultaneously acting like it's the be all and end all of gay rights.

It doesn't matter because marriage doesn't matter.

They already can, they just don't get benefits for it.
Everyone has the right to contract, theirs just isn't christened by the state.

Here's a straw poll since OP is a faggot

in a gay divorce who gets the alimony? is it the bottom?


I will be voting yes

Poor kid. I hope Pence saves him.

You're never getting a husband fag.
Even if it did get passed nobody wants you.

practising my cock & ball drawing right now
or maybe happy merchant?
how should I fuck up my vote user

Goatse, that's how you fuck it up


You're the same kind of cuck that voted to get rid of your gun rights. You disappoint me user.

I'm actually a faggot and I'd vote no if I could, you fag.