What the fuck is happening to this country?

What the fuck is happening to this country?

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We're less than 60% white. Name one successful diverse state in history. You can't. It'll fold to tribal warfare for resources and narrative. Only white people refuse to play this game.

I'm afraid their not going to stop pushing.

I hope there isn't violence.

Give them an inch...

Thomas Jefferson was a racist sexist colonizing slave owner. We need to remove his statue and his name from the history books, or at least append it with RACIST SEXIST COLONIZER next to his name.

It isn't good

Why are americans such cucks? Why do they allow this? They have guns.

They organize only to be disruptive and destructive. They could make communities better but niggers and commies only know how to destroy.

Because there are laws and police officers that punish whites for fighting back. Also, mainstream media and institutions brainwashed whites that this is a "gewd thing".

We're realizing this country was founded by slave owners. Would you be happy if you were forced to worship Black Panther statues?


What's worse is no one will do anything to stop it but a handful of "radical right wing" NEETs from Sup Forums

America is kill

We're seeing a decline in Western civilization. The US and Europe have lit the world philosophically, economically, and socially for 5 centuries. Now we're seeing all of that progress squandered for the sake of political correctness and leftist virtue signalling.

>rape and murder kids
>new gay icon of 2017

checks out


whats up antifa?
cannot act by day anymore?
people got tired of your bullshit so you must sneak by night like a bunch of little bitches ?

If you want to see the influence of the MSM, just look to our latest hurricane Irma. Every other person in this state went into full on panic mode because the MSM told them a big scary hurricane was coming.


Should Cuba tear down all the Che and Castro statues because they were homophobes who put gays in work camps? Should Marx's name be scrubbed from the history books because he raped his maid? Should your hero Makhno be stripped from the anarchist history tomes for being an anti-semite?

Whites are honestly fucking pathetic. There are no more excuses at this point. You did nothing when your daughters were forced to attend school next to unicivilized black bucks. You did nothing when your coworkers became chosen by the color of their skin, and not by their qualifications. You did nothing as your army became a mercenary force for Israel. You did nothing as unstable individuals from the third world were brought en masse into the country, all on your dime, and you'll do nothing as the monuments to the men, far better men than you who fought for what they believed in were torn down in front of you. And oh, I know you'll all do a fat lot of nothing when they finally move to take your guns and the last remaining civil liberties left, despite your empty threats and passive ravings. All because white "men" became too comfortable, too infatuated with their video games, replacing children with niche pets, dropping out of society to shitpost about what the latest thing some literal who on Twitter said that hurt their feelings.

This country is no longer yours. Your time is up.

What do you expect? Minorities are shitting on you. On your history. On everything. They never want equality.

I'd rather give them 6 feet


>We're realizing
Whose "we"? Every fucking American has known this since Day fucking ONE.
Slavery STILL exists in Africa to this day.

The middle es-

yeah we are fuck diversity as a strength is not only a myth but flat out wrong, every study suggests societies and neighborhoods/communities are more trusting of each other when they are homogeneous

Roman Empire?

>What the fuck is happening to this country?
Civil war, it's time boys.

Being taken over by sionista slave cunts

i want to know what their reasons are, but i know ill just be disappointed

Thomas Jefferson was one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of the earth

I'm not even American but the guy was legit.

The men responsible for the creation of the United States where really larger than. Life figures

Fuck all these pieces of shit for only knowing how to destroy.

Its time to water the liberty tree with commie and Jew blood.

I just wanted to be left alone. Fuck them.

5% what?

White DC politicians (Ryan, McCain, etc) keep telling us how whites should not band together, meanwhile they insulate themselves from this through walls of wealth and they NEVER have to deal with this shit like we the average American citizens do.
Fuck them. Fuck this government.

Nigs gonna nog

I told ya so.

The roman empire was diverse in the same way america is 100% diverse because no whites short of new immigrants are 100% X european race. Basically, non-whites = barbarians whites = romans

>pennywise watches a literal faggot get killed at the start of the book

Wouldn't it be crazy if in 100 years the history books say, The second American Civil War's roots were based in the destruction of the statues of the First American Civil War.






>What the fuck is happening to this country?
White Genocide.

First you demonize and destroy a race's culture, history and heritage...then you destroy the race itself.

While you shitpost online and whine about which Republican you're going to vote for next this shit will continue to escalate.

People also said that the barbarians had a lot to offer rome in terms of culture too. You can compare modern day america with the roman empire actually. Our wars in the middle east are on par with roman overextension. History mirrors itself, it doesn't repeat itself.

A friendly reminder to CHARGE YOUR FUCKING PHONE

You fucking dumbass. It was Hitler that brought it to an end. Western civ was recoverable after the Great War but then came Hitler who ended up giving us the decline of Western control of world society and politics and a half century of communist slavery for half the world, including in Europe.

They're not and there will be.

social revolution

your goy Trump only sped things up

They're fucking retarded. They're playing into the far rights hand of accelerationism and they don't even realize it.

He has my sword. God bless Webb.

the choice is obvious

To be fair IT was based on Satanic Pedo cults to begin with. Which is why in the book the little kids defeat the IT monster by having a sex orgy. Steven King is a piece of shit.

The Jews must pay for this

>And that's why we've covered all the statues from the second civil war with sharks that shoot laser beams from their heads.

You're just saying that because he lost and you know it.

Wtf I love jim webb now?

Actually, it's because Churchill and his (((Rothschild))) overlords were too autistic/butthurt to let Germany do its thing.

Who gives a shit if some Slavs got exterminated? It was for the better of Western Civ.


Not enough people, especially authority figures standing up and saying enough is enough.

Blacks reaction in the greatest country in the world is equivalent to a toddler throwing a tantrum. If you keep allowing, it's just gonna get worse.

Yes, most people are probably racist against blacks, but any logical person can clearly see that there is more than enough reason for the prejudice. On the other hands, blacks in this country have it so much better than any other country in the world and only the retarded brainwashed niggers think otherwise because of muh slavery.

On the third hand, we have weak whites bending over backwards, pandering to their stupidity. So that is what's happening in this country.

fucking this although it was pretty fucked after ww1





>implying this country was ever something good


Did you know that the mind filters out negatives? As long as you put the action in the sentence, the negative will be ignored.

Don't blame us Africa was selling a defective labor cost saving product.

The biggest problem is with moderates like yourself who love "le based black men"

There is no middle ground this is a genetic arms race.

Leave the US then. The door is open.

Because shitskins want gibs which leads to communism.

Prepare for REX 84

Sup Forums I'm a vet, and every time I see this shit a part of me dies. These... PARASITES, who've never worked a day in their lives, lived in country that sheltered them, and allows them to do this....

To put it in perspective, it's like you've found a 10/10 hottie who loves you, wants to have babies with you, grow old and die with you. Then you find she has cancer. You've vowed to protect, provide, and be with her till you die, but as you watch before your eyes as the filth that grows in her body slowly kills her, and as you rage a kike doctor says we can't operate due to "freedom of cancer".

Then one day, she's gone. Your sole love is just gone. And that FAT FUCKING JEW, just collects the money from her insurance and leaves.

But, what if you could stop that? What would you do? Would you cut out the cancer? Would you track down the doctor, his family, and kill them ALL?

I'm sorry, I've just gotta vent.

here's the blackpill: all forms of government destroy themselves by carrying their founding principles to excess.

Hahahaha, this is so great. Thomas Jefferson was such a stupid liberal faggot, now his children turn on him.

darmok and jillad at tinagrah

I'm surprised that in '16 there were no whispers of "Dixiecrat" in the Democratic party. He's not anti-black. He's not racist. He just not anti-white.

Violence is our only hope.

>I-It's not a slippery slope! It's not!
>They are the Founding Fathers! Nobody is going to destroy the statue of Jefferson! Get real!

Every time.

You're probably right.

>checks flag

Is this ironic?

He's the only Democrat I would have considered voting for.


I believe Thomas Jefferson of all people knew how much Black Lives Matter, and specifically what the ROI on said lives equated to.

It's just like when liberals were demanding civil unions for fags, but not marriage, but it was marriage they were after all along, just like the slippery slope folks said. We're always right.

We need the vets to lead the way. A lot of people think of you guys as heroes. You honestly think the majority of Americans support this bullshit??

This is an amazing opportunity to grow. We need more support.


I'm really getting tired of this shit. It's time to expel Negroes back to Africa. These people can go be kangz in Africa.

>tfw I know where this is from

Better re-read Decline of the West fag, you're gonna need to refresh that knowledge.

>I hope there isn't violence

As opposed to rolling over, yet again? Don't be so spineless. Shit has to get really get uncomfortable for any of white America to wake the fuck up, and even then only a select few will make it. I was really hoping the fuel shortages in Texas were the beginning, but it has been dealt with for the most part. You don't know how close we came to turning the heat up.

George washington next. If they dont do it lets false flag as them doing it.

the youth of this country have forgotten the values of civil service and self-sacrifice. All anyone does is think of themselves.






BLM and ANTIFA are a bunch if faggots. At this point no one has to do nothing. Just let the normies fuck their shit up. =D


It's just black resentment. Happens everywhere there are blacks.


It was only a matter of time before they went from the Confederate generals to the Founding Fathers.

>I hope there isn't violence.

How will you have a dialogue with or compromise with "people" that want nothing less than to genocide the entire White race?

>White Genocide.
I disagree that there is white genocide going on, but there is white statue genocide going on

I do

The artist of that Comic really needs to learn how to take criticism.

I'm honestly not even going to be able to sleep tonight. I'm furious.

Honestly at this point we should just bring back hanging for all but the smallest offenses and institute mandatory 4 year conscription.