So after 1133 chapters, we FINALLY get to see him upgrading his dempsey roll

So after 1133 chapters, we FINALLY get to see him upgrading his dempsey roll.

The pacing of this series I swear...

is he still punch drunk full retard or did he finally get his shit in gear? i kind of stopped right around then.

Is Ippo finally taking a new step ?

>evolving his signature move

He's starting to advance atleast.

I wonder if the vertical punches will be interspersed between the existing punches or will just be additional finishers to the existing Dempsey Roll.

user you never answered my question, he can evolve his shit dempsey barrel roll as much as he likes, is he still a punch drunk full retard that can't even punch straight?



i just half expect one of these days for him to actually do in air barrel rolls at one point, i mean what the actual fuck.

I don't understand what you mean.

If you are referring to whether he finally stopped moping around after his second loss and is finally getting back in the game, then that appears to be the case.

chou kami shini no demsey roll ! ! !


[oxygen intensifies]

Is this what you call going beyond infinity?

Why are all the dudes so godtier fuckable?

It's all the oxygen in their muscles

It's called Divide Zero.

The "Ippo is weakening" plot haven't been fully elaborated.
Not to mention only Sendou and Takamura that notice it and i suspect the trainer haven't notice it yet.

I find the artstyle incredibly turnoffish, also their personalities aren't very bf material

The artslye in anime and late manga is really actractive to me for some reason.
And I said fuckable no bfable, but volg is top tier waifu.

The pacing of the manga is fucking garbage, I literally check the manga once every 2 year or something like that, and everytime I binge read 1 or 2 shitty fights and I've already caught up...

See you in 2 years.

Well, this is the manga that one chapter could be filled with just one "epic" punch and then next chapter only be filled with the reaction from that punch, and so on.

So yeah, pacing is awful. Binge reading the right way to read this manga.