Prediction For Sup Forums

On September 23, 2017 will be the start of the new civil war. I can just feel it. This could be the happening.

This is relevant and should be discussed further.


it will start the minute Milo speaks in berkley. then all bets are off its firearms time.

Isn't Berkely having an entire week of protests? Milo just speaking on 9/23 or other days? Kek works in chaotic ways, brace for anything expect everything.

We must fuel and activate the planetary defense systems immediately. Ingeniously designed by our ancestors, the pyramids run on basic elements that are abundant within the environment. When fully operational, they will fire concentrated beams of plasma radiation into the atmosphere which effectively supercharges it. Densely packed with ions, the atmosphere will then be able to shield the entire earth from the incoming solar storm. Time is running out.

My prediction is that it will be over by October 1st.

Isn't Steve Bannon suppose to speak at UC Berkley as well?



No digits. You are fake news.

Is this a new bot that automatically bumps threads on the verge of archival?

Death to America.

Actually it will be my 25th birthday OP
Thanks for all of you getting mentally prepared for it, really appreciate just the fact that you remembered

Kill yourself for even mentioning that faggot fuck


heres some entirely separate but even more intriguing and frightening material in addition to the 23rd prophetic hysteria

kys OP

You just mentioned him yourself. You must die as well. I'm very sorry.

Aliens are Demons you pathetic larpfest mczog

Fuck your fee fee

Nothing will happem

Don't be ridiculous. We didn't have a Civil War the last time these Hip- idiots showed up, and this time is milder. They're loud and dumb but they're less so than last time. There will be a few desperate bids for violence and attention for the cameras and then that'll be it.


No. Solar flares that can destroy every satellite in orbit, sending us into the stone age. Imagine what would happen if suddenly the technology upon which we rely so heavily was rendered completely useless. Turbo large scale chimpout.


I think the dawning of civil war user. The day after Bannon Coulter Milo and more are all speaking at Berkley and it will spark something big I think. I hope I am wrong and just a paranoid schizoid but the signs are looking like were in for something strange.