Calls himself nationalist

>calls himself nationalist
>is from norway
>lives in france
so basicly "its only ok when i do it"

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that jebus?

>be a convicted murder and arsonist
>move somewhere else to get away from the public eye

>calls himself nationalist
That's just wrong, educate yourself.

He's never learned French and he lives on welfare. Pathetic.

oh so its even better
>whines about how nationalism doesnt exist anymore
>lives in other country

He served his sentence, it's called the law.

He can speak a bit of French and doesn't live on welfare.

>Pretends to be a nationalist
>Hides flag
>Is a civic nationalist

Europe is our natural soil, countries are man-made and interchangeable, therefore don't matter.

Hi there, Varg.

I dont pretend to be anyone. I just point out this white nigger's hypocrisy and stupidity

>white nigger

Thats what some flag hiding civic cuckionalist would say

stop using the internet, varg

wow, it's almost like being a white supremacist and convicted murderer/arsonist has additional societal drawbacks

Do you have 6 white children and a loving wife? Are you self-sufficient and off the grid? Do you own land in the countryside?

It's almost like I don't care about societal drawbacks. Withdraw yourself from society and its cultural poison to see your life improve vastly.

>Do you have 6 white children and a loving wife?
im 20, for now I do not, but eventually I will
>Are you self-sufficient and off the grid? Do you own land in the countryside?
obivously not, because I dont have a bunch of retarded edgy kids buying my shitty albums and shirts

haha yeah

nationalist not countryist

