What was his problem with jews?

What was his problem with jews?

He was raped by them

He saw what they did to your county in 1917.

He thought they had some kind of wacky influence in the background. Obviously that's not true goyim, go back to sleep. Why would a high iq population who has no country of their own ever work to subvert everyone around them...oh wait...that's exactly what a high iq population with no country would do. If you don't have a country, you try to make the country you're in your country.

His was the common view held against Jews up until the 70's/80's.

He knew all about their parasitical behaviour throughout history

He knew international usury was going to enslave us all. He knew the Jews were trying to do it.

He know the Leauge of Nations was going to try and move Arab Africans into Europe.

He know Jews had just commited a genocide in Eastern Europe and wanted to do it in the West.

And then he signed contracts with soviets and later built some plants here, funding lenin's regime.


Kill yourself kike

They were jews

>Voltaire's quote

He read the protocols.
He saw they fit awfully good with things going on.
Nuff said.


Let's not forget this motherfuck is war profiteer too. Not only did he build US tanks, he also financed the manfacturing of German tanks too. I appreciate his honesty but he's still a Jew.

>s his problem with jews?
well, gee, he only published 19 volumes on it that you can get for free in pdf form. almost like if you got off your ass (you speak English) you'd know. Like me asking you "explain 'War and Peace' to me.."

Ford likes to work, jews dont like to work.

Very simple actually.

>this motherfuck is war profiteer too
Bullshit, he wasn't even running the company defacto at that point. He got a medal personally from Hitler in 1938 and Hitler kept a photo of him on his wall. He was with Lindbergh trying to keep the Us OUT of war.

A "war profiter" would have been pushign for war. He wasn't. If you want to see a "War profiteer" read about Churchill and a Jewish group called "The Focus" that literally bought him.

Yeah no thanks. I realise Churchill was bought before war was declared. As you well know his mother was Jewish. You're preaching to the converted.

You're a fuckin idiot

KYS you fuckin undercover Jew dog

he made money by creating jobs while jews make money by usury