Did you guys watch AHS ep 2. /ourguy/ got people deported


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Nobody wants to talk about this episode? This show is actually p good redpill for the normies.

Let me guess, they support Israel

Think "Racism is wrong!"

And attack white women.

Am I right or am I right?

Nah the dude puposefully gets beat up at a home depot and pins it on the illegals to get them kicked out.

He springs this to run for fucking city council!!!!

>implying they aren't illegal because feels

>love AHS
>new season
>cast Dunham
>now I can't watch it

Makes me sad, but I refuse to expose myself to that thing.

RIP pablo, knew he was going to get it after Ourguy talked to the MC.


pleb shit is for plebs who don't understand rick and morty.

Just watched it, enjoyed it.

Again mocks Trump voters and liberals in equal measure.

also they said a terrorist attack from NK or the Russians and not Israel. Fucking kikes.

I'm going to save you all a lot of time and tell you the punch line to this story.

They're trying to say that fear is what makes you become a conservative. That's basically it. That conservatives prey upon fear, and that's somehow a bad thing.

It doesn't matter that certain racial groups commit the most violent crime despite being one of the smallest minorities in the country.

It doesn't matter that Mexico is legitimately a terrible place to live, and that we should do everything in our power to keep our nation from turning into Mexico

It doesn't matter that Mexican illegals are the dregs of that society. That successful and educated Mexicans stay in Mexico while the trash of that society comes to the us

Hell it doesn't even matter if Islam is completely incompatible with western civilization, and letting it flood into your nation is suicide akin to letting satanist destroy your homeland

It doesn't matter that gays have the highest rate of STDs, that some deliberately spread disease to others, or that they make up the vast majority of child abuses

None of this truth matters to the left. What matters is that they think that being afraid makes you become a conservative instead of it being merely a side effect of being reasonable.

are you a writer?


Pretty much this.

>also they said a terrorist attack from NK or the Russians and not Israel. Fucking kikes.

Those Jew bastards, how dare they!


holy shit, I thought the political elements in episode 1 were just for the lulz and they wouldnt make it an actual part of ths plot, but apparently they really are going all the way

what are you some kind of racist?

Nice. This is gonna be a nice redpill for the left.

I lold when she shot jose in the face. Saw that coming a mile away

>Hell it doesn't even matter if Islam is completely incompatible with western civilization, and letting it flood into your nation is suicide akin to letting satanist destroy your homeland
Jews are the satanists.

It's true I think that Americans are constantly pumped full of fear by their demented fake new media.

That goes for both sides, there's liberal fear and conservative fear.

>They're trying to say that fear is what makes you become a conservative

>Trump voters
which characters are those? literally just the shop clerk from ep 1. kai just likes fear and chaos.

First episode was good. This show is actually taking the piss out of lefties more than right wingers. The trump supporter character is a schizo cult leader who is more motivated by his egomania than by political conviction. He isn't really represented as an ideologue but as a shit stirrer. The shitlibs come across as whiny self centered neurotics. The Asian guy treats his wife like shit because she didn't vote and the dyke does the same to her wife. The nanny who volunteered for Hillary joins the cult so they aren't exactly lionizing Hillary supporters. The show does a good job of being topical without being preachy. 8/10 will watch the rest of the season.

hes just a real life shitposter

It's true.

Sounds like they half stole the plot from last seasons South Park as well.

>which characters are those? literally just the shop clerk from ep 1. kai just likes fear and chaos.

Well the new weird neighbors are Trump voters I think?

AHS is pretty good at showing different viewpoints, usually. Even if it does get a little ridiculous, and the show always blows its load in the second-to-last episode.

Yeah he's supposed to be analogous to Manson who was a quasi political cult leader that talked about the coming race war.

MANSON WAS WOKE youtube.com/watch?v=jFgbpkhP-js

Even the second season (Asylum) had a reference to muh holocaust. A character mentioned putting diamonds up their arse. Even though the bitch who claimed to have done that has been thoroughly exposed as a liar.

Literally a show for women.

Coven had that hideous fat black bitch in it.

And the entire series has an Anti-White male agenda.


Because the first season was entertaining. Freakshow was OK too.

So much this

Neither could get elected without the fear of the other side winning

But, muh fear mongering