Why is it so refreshing to see a male MC hit female opponents without pulling the whole "can't hit a girl" shtick?

Why is it so refreshing to see a male MC hit female opponents without pulling the whole "can't hit a girl" shtick?

Because it shows they acknowledge that female opponents as being as dangerous as any male opponent and they see them as equals.

>403 posts and 109 image replies omitted.

>22 posters

You know whats not refreshing?

MC being a teenager and is literally gay as fuck and also being bullied by women who barely know and let them slide with it.

He didn't punch misaka

Why? This isn't controversial. Women can be as much as a threat and talented as some men can be. Men can be as weak as some women can be. It's not saying negative about either. It's just how it is. Especially in the Raildex universe, where women are as capable as the men, if not moreso.

Misaka isn't a villain. He punches villains, for the most part. It would be strange for him to be using his signature, most satisfying move on someone who is not a villain.

Literally the best scene of the entire series

Somehow I get the feeling people like this one punch for the wrong reasons.

Are you fucking kidding me?

One of the most brutal beatdowns in anime history was with a female victim


>Why is it refreshing to see [X]

Probably because you want to do [X] yourself, whether you realize it or not.

That's not a girl.

Or cause it's refreshing cause you don't see it to often, though that depends on what you watch.

That one had me ecstatic. Bitch deserved it.

She's definitely female.

This one was my favorite.


A male has approximately twice the upper body muscle mass and growth potential of a female, and 1.4x lower body mass and growth potential.

Unless a woman is on some type of hormone therapy, she is no match for the natural physical abilities of a male. That's why the Olympic women's hockey team practices against high school male hockey teams.

Mikoto doesn't deserves a punch. Misaka deserves only love and more love

Kissu coming next novel.
