Raise the minimum wage

Why republicans think lower living standards for working families is a good thing?

Raising the minimum wage and making it tied to inflation will only raise the average quality of life

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Nigger Fuck off

Because they aren't marxists and aren't stupid enough to fall for the class envy fallacy.

Raising the minimum wage will make the pile on the right grow in size, the price of products and increase income inequality. Basic economics.

all that would do is make money lose a shitload of value and companies would not hire as many workers because they can't afford it.

It's interesting how "Basic economics" for republicans means always paying the working class less and making the rich people even richer

Because deep down inside, we love the way of the Jew.

lol ill never be as comfy as that black dude

>what is inflation
>what is stagnation
>what is economics
Saged for b8

They are traitors.

Why raise the minimum wage. Take the wealth of the 48% of the 1% and pay down the debt. The economy will pick up and the minimum wage will be irrelevant.

A lot of people won't be Able to find work if we raise the minimum wage since they can't do anything in one hour that is worth more than their hourly income.

Wrong. Basic economics means paying people paying people the value that they produce constrained by the desire to profit on the upper end and the desire to keep them producing for you on the lower end.

All a minimum wage does is create a price floor on labour making anyone without the skills to produce at a rate at or above that floor unemployable.

There are places that recently raised their minimum wage in the US and the employment rates haven't been effected in a significant way by this.

Also watch this:

Many of the people who get wellfare money are working a full time job, but they still dont get enough money to live because of various reasons (single parents, taking care of a sick family member etc)


Abolish minimum wage laws and stop all welfare.

Most people who get wellfare money in the US have a job and they are still not earning enough money.

Raising the minimum wage will actually help saving tax-payer money

You can't control the economy. How about $7 / hr becomes $70? What happens? Everything else goes up 10X. Gas goes to $20 / gallon. CEOs go from $10M to $100M salary. Only thing left behind is savings. A $300K retirement account becomes useless.

>Raising minimum wage 101 for kekistani reddit faggot based on true events in Lithuania

Politricksters raised minimum wage due to guaranteed votes guess what happened?

>Small business closed and monopolies prospered
>Prices for food and everything else went up due to increased labor costs so the wage increase was either 0 net benefit or negative
>Emigration rises
>Unemployment rises due to business cutting cost


Jesus Christ you're fucking stupid. Increasing min wage raises the cost of production. Higher cost of production means less supply and higher prices across the board. This inflates the economy and the worker has no net increase in purchasing power after equilibrium

Seattle passed a higher minimum wage based on a flawed study performed in the 80s or something like that, and is currently being watched by the University of Economic Department to see what happens. Things are not looking good. Since I'm phone posting I can't link, but the current data and conclusions are just a quick search away.

Because we live in a globalist society. If the government raised the minimum wage to a level that respected the working class, the companies would threaten to leave the country or shut down. When they say "the company cannot afford to raise wages" what they are really saying is the management isn't prepared to have a slight negative shift in profit margins to allow its employees to live a better life. Multinational corporations have a gun to the head of the economy and the people whose countries they operate in. This entire argument circles around multi billionaires who do no care about the people they employ. The tactics they employ now would have been called treason a few hundred years ago and earnt you a trip to the gallows. They rely on the same logic drug dealers and sweatshops use: "if I didn't do it, someone else would". Billionaire-controlled capitalism for you, keep the people just well off enough that they won't revolt. And now we wait for a early 20s economics expert with a bank manager father to get his feathers rustled. We are all getting fucked by the sociopathic 0.1%.

Inb4 communist. That idea is even stupider. But letting billionaires own the fruits of all our work in the name of economic libertarianism is pathetic.

US minimum wage is mostly dictated by profit margins. Those who hire at minimum have around 1.5% margin. Increasing it means increasing the price of what they are selling, as there is no leftover profit to deduct from.

The benefit of raising minimum wage is a short term boost in monetary velocity, i.e. businesses spend more until a new equilibrium is found. They same goal can be realized by discouraging money hoarding, like Apple holding $700 billion.


Terrific explanation based leaf