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But she tweeted that one tweet saying racism and homophobia are wrong so she's not right guys?

>republicans are divisive



and Hillary is complicit in Bill's rapes. What's her point?

Hillary has called niggers niggers

She's right.

Ivanka is fucking shit keep ALL women out of politics

Jesus, fuck. What a top answer. I wish that was a headline.

What you doing there shariablue?

Ivanka will see this and legit feel bad that Hillary said it and push that much harder on her father to support illegals and refugees in response.

What racism?

I doubt Ivanka gives a flying fuck what Hillary has to say, especially after she lost to a first time senator and then a person with zero political experience.


So im guessing hillary supports sexual assault and rape because she is with bill still obviously.


I wouldn't be surprised if Ivanka has admiration and respect for Hillary. Her political views are likely closer to Hillary's than to her father's. Although thanks to her and Jared that might be gradually changing.

"fine people on both sides"

This woman is a massive dingbat. She lost her edge a long time ago. Who the fuck cares about Ivanka? We want her out anyway.

Nothing convinces a liberal about the redpill faster than being the target of liberals.

How can anyone look into those cold, dead, powerhungry eyes and see something worth voting for?


She literally cannot go away. How embarrassing for liberals, an aged old harpy whining to the microphone at every opportunity.
Please run again.

I'd be friends with them.

>le cult of retardo Spencer is representative of everyone.
I hate that mother Tucker and all of his several hundred tiki torchers.


Is that the picture they used for her? She really does look sick

>Please run again.

Could Hilary be any less relevant?

Hillary really looks like a crazy cat lady in that pic.

No more racist than the shit bags on the alt left, but they always get a free pass on it.

This is who they wanted as president. Good Lord

Yeah, she'd have to become Bernie Sanders.

Lie and project, it's all they do.

>Insulting the character Donald Trump's treasured daughter.

>Thinking this will end well for her.

She really is the biggest fuck up of all time, isn't she?

It's accurate though

She's healthier than anybody else in the world. That time she fell was from Russian poison.


The only point of her existance is to show us how NOT to behave after a humiliating defeat.

What exactly has Trump done that was racist? Where did this idea come from?


Holy fuck the phrase "only a sith lord deals in absolutes" is actually correct.

*literally writes a book blaming everyone including her supporters for her loss*

Hillary isn't afraid to call out the race traitor converts to judaism


Imagine being this disgusting faggot. I'd kill myself.

Don't like that kike to begin with. Tiff is superior.

oh hilldog, if only we could have had your glorious leadership.

>tfw Kikes projecting yet again
"YOU will not replace us" is what they were saying, it was very clear and recorded

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist

This is the thought process that will cost them 2020.

Fuck this dumb cunt.

lol, that disgusting pig can only be a shill, i bet even his shill partners are disgusted by him

Why does everyone on the left pretend that saying was "OH SO EVIL" when the jews write columns bragging about how they've already replaced white people? And jews are trying to replace whites with Arabs and mexicans already. It's not outrageous.

Why won't she just die

This was a nice reminder of how wonderful it is that trump is president and she never will be


>What does Hillary Clinton respect about Trump? His kids

>"...or they're not"

She really HAS lost her mind, hasn't she?

You think seeing a frog would give her PTSD?

Hillary is still mad at bill for drooling at ivanka during trumps inaugural


I would be angry too if i was this fucking ugly and shitskinned.


everyone who did not vote for her is a racist enabler


I hate Ivanka anyways. "waahh daddy poor brown people are crying let them stay"

Like she was complicit in her husband's scandal.



It's cute how hard Hillary is trying to be relevant again all the sudden.

Hill is a brain dead bitch but I could never find it in me to hate Bill. I like to imagine that he fucks fat black chicks in the alleys of D.C. and then he shoves his dick in Hillary's mouth before washing it.

What the fuck is wrong with this cunt?

Is it Bill's globalist affiliations or his penchant for rape that most endear you to him?

Hillary 2028

Country is cleaning up after two big hurricanes and this selfish cunt is running around trying to sell a book of her whining and crying