When you wake up and need to record another video about evil feminists and muslims working together

>when you wake up and need to record another video about evil feminists and muslims working together


hope you're doing well

>when you post thread in wrong window and can't delete it

Don't reply. Report, ignore and fucking sage for once.


i think you posted in the wrong board

which anime is this

Also before I will be banned because can't even delete my own thread I recommend watching Treasure Island, really good animu


ichi kuso doru


Anime ja nai
Arguement ja nai

not an argument

Learn how to sage

Are you trying to represent it as him?

I know you did it on purpose you cunt

Rec me some redpilled anime

Why the fuck newcancer always picking on shitty threads? Fuck off

Sage is not a downvote faggot

Not an argument.

>I know you did it on purpose cunt

Sage is to post while letting shitty threads to die, newfag

How is this thread shitty?

do you support the use of violence against me?


Reminder that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are allies

>post thread in wrong board by mistake
>all of f/a/gs knows Stefan by visiting Sup Forums anyway

>Not realizing that Molyneux is the latest prophet
Infidels ITT