Would Hillary have handled North Korea better than Trump?

Would Hillary have handled North Korea better than Trump?

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No. Same puppetmasters as Blumphf

She would've joined him.

How? What exactly would that mean?

Obama was president 8 years and NK had nothing. All of a sudden Trump gets elected and out of nowhere this fucking dude actually develops working nukes. yeah, Trump certainly was the answer.

well her husband gave him nukes, so I assume she would have continued the trend

Whenever NK eventually got its hands on the ability to nuke us, we'd take a few hits before we did anything.

Wouldn't have minded losing the people of Cali much.

in hillary clinton presidency timeline
we've already been nuked by china and russia
there have been a dozen terrorist attacks in
every major u.s. city.
hillary wears a hajib 24/7
she's sending 1trillion in aid to n.k.
and she's sending american troops
to germany and russia beaches in pt boats right now.

refugee ships are being diverted to usa for the saftey of migrants. huge humanitarian effort.
sjw death squads are genociding whites in cities.
200 countries have formed a coalition to destroy the usa, and hillary is identified as the hitler/anti-christ of our era.

Because America's official stance is that we have zero interest in regime change or reunification. On top of that she would've most likely continued the Obama era action of "strategic strangulation".

In the Hilary Won timeline she's more focussed on shooting down Russian planes and starting wars that the US will lose AGAIN.

Trump Timeline picked a fight it can probably win at least.

At this point what difference does it make?


She gave them their nukes

isn't it obvious? they even wear the same outfits

>well her husband gave him nukes, so I assume she would have continued the trend


You ask too many questions, old man.

too many or not enough?

>Because America's official stance is that we have zero interest in regime change

Except in Libia, Egypt, Turkey, Venezuela, Iran, Siria, Yemen, Ukrayne and Afghanistan right?

uh, we don't...

watch this and learn