/ncg/ - National Capitalism General

Quick Rundown:
Like National Socialism, without the socialism label, swastika baggage, and dictatorship.
Capitalism, but with Nationalism to prevent (((globalism))).
Like Libertarianism, without the faggots, drugs, and mass migration.

Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Capitalism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, Physical Removal and Ethno-Nationalism. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.

Advanced Rundown:
What is National Capitalism?
National Capitalism is the recognition that all economic activity is practiced through the reality of capitalism. One cannot choose to participate in capitalism or not, they can only modify the position they participate in capitalism from. In National Capitalism, the nation works as a unit to compete with other nations in the global free market, preventing multinational corps from running the nation into the ground in favor of profits for the international cliques.
>Capitalist economic systems exist to provide private individuals with profits
No, economic systems exist within the reality of capitalism. There is no 'capitalist economic system'. There is no choosing whether or not you want to be a participant in capitalism. Every time you compete in the dating game you participate in capitalism. National Capitalism is the choice to compete within capitalism as a nation rather than as an individual. Socialism is the idea that you can circumvent capitalism through the state via wealth distribution, which is going to be inefficient 100% of the time, as opposed to the state working to compete more effectively within capitalism, thereby creating more wealth. In a socialist state, steel workers will look to the state for subsidies, in a capitalist one, the state will just help those workers find more competitive jobs doing something else.

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>But Capitalism is about profits, Nationalism is about Nation, those things can’t go together right?
National Capitalism is about profits for the nation.
A good briefing that fails to mention race. Nations cannot be multiracial. National Capitalism is at its core a return to the America the founding fathers envisioned, before the 1965 Immigration Act and a reversal of globalist trends.

>What about race?
National Capitalism recognizes that real nations can only be made up of a single people. Multiracial societies will inevitably be balkanized by politicians that drive wedges between the groups, this cannot happen in a society with a single-race supermajority. America was explicitly built by Europeans, for other Europeans, as per the views of the founders and the Immigration Act of 1790. The solution to the race problem is simple, close the borders and increase the White birthrate to 3-4 children per family until the demographics have been reset. The Black birthrate is already below replacement, and the Hispanic birthrate is plummeting.


I am a paleolibertarian, do I fit in?

>America was explicitly built by Europeans, for other Europeans, as per the views of the founders and the Immigration Act of 1790

It was built by Englishmen, for Englishmen. Hence why John Jay spoke of "one people speaking a common language" and Franklin said:

"Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion."

You sacrificed your country to mass immigration from Ireland Germany and Eastern Europe long ago. As America is no longer an English nation I don't see the point in trying to conjure up some sort of white identity on the basis of the Founders' statements. Why not choose to associate with people of good moral character instead, regardless of colour? Why do they have to be white? Why not simply advocate for more power at the local level and for more freedom of association?

Don't post this normie shit on my board again.

Is this the same OP from last nights NatCap thread? Thanks for making a general!

I really like this idea and I don't know why more won't get behind it.
The old patriotic American aesthetic is God like.

>trying to conjure up some sort of white identity on the basis of the Founders' statements. Why not choose to associate with people of good moral character instead, regardless of colour?
Naturalization Act of 1790: 'any alien, being a free white person,Alien whites may become citizens, and how. who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character'
Because non-whites do not vote to conserve the Constitution, at all. They vote for communists at every turn. The way to fix this is to get the White birthrate back up. It is the nonviolent, non-governmental solution to the balkanization threat.

That's me bud. More general information:
Libertarianism is basically a dead ideology, just like the altright is dead, and National Socialism is a dead label. National Capitalism places all these groups, who already agree with one another, under the same label and flag. It is also a much more accurate label than any of these groups currently use, infinitely more advantageous to appeal to the public, and it drives the left to attack American imagery and ideals even more.
>Altright is obviously dead since Charlottesville.
>Libertarians decided become ethnonationalists since non-whites keep voting to destroy the Constitution
>Natsocs are not actually socialists. Every time someone brings up the socialist label they shirk from it.
The 1930's National Socialists were not even Socialists. They either adopted the label to appeal to the atmosphere of the era, or at most the used a radically different definition of 'socialism' that in no way matches the modern understanding of the term.

Is this a containement thread for all those american "nationalsocialists" who say NatSoc has nothing to do with Socialism?

Nope! NatCap is to replace NatSoc as the way forward for America!
It's the same fucking thing, just tailored to America like how NatSoc was tailored to Germany, without the swastika baggage!

What about paleolibertarianism?

You are probably just like them but you will actually admit that you aren't a real NatSoc

No, I've just considered myself a Nationalist for a long time since both Left and Right fucking suck shit now.
I've tried to swallow the NatSoc pill for quite some time now, but the amount of baggage associated with it makes it a hard sell.

NatCap was probably the easiest sell ever for me! I've never seen a political ideology that made so much Goddamn sense, and it's both the same thing as NatSoc, and what the Founding Fathers have always wanted for the nation I love!

The door for NatSoc has been permanently closed for me, but that doesn't make us enemies. We share the same goal for Western Civ.
NatSoc can still work for Europe, but NatCap is what America was meant to be.

> Oy vey it's the Nazis
Surprise cockface, we're not the Nazis, we're their free market non-union equivalent, the Napis.
> d-do I still have to go in the oven goyim
Good God no, that would be a violation of the NAP. Also the roads don't work any more. Can I borrow some mo-
> kvetches in overlord


>Like National Socialism, without the socialism label, swastika baggage, and dictatorship.
>Capitalism, but with Nationalism to prevent (((globalism))).
>Like Libertarianism, without the faggots, drugs, and mass migration.
So run-of-the-mill paleoconservative?
It's amazing how thoroughly bluepilled Sup Forums has turned ever since it had to reconcile Trump's blatant kikery.

No I think there's a certain difference. OP would know more then I would.

So where can I read more about NatCap besides the link that's been posted?

Though OP hasn't answered any of my two posts, which I think is not very nice, I generally think that this is an okay idea, and I am personally in favor of self-segregation and immigration control myself

>National capitalism
C U C K. Don't you have to suck some rich guys cock? "National Capitalism" was the West 100 years ago. How did that turn out?

Why do I need to answer you? Do you agree with the ideas of National Capitalism? If so you are a part of it. Paleolibertarian theoretically hold the same ideas as National Capitalism, since both want to follow the path laid out by the founders. The only potential difference is in what you think the founders wanted.

Start a faction called the National Democratic Caucus within the Demonic Rat Party... Present as natsocs and make it a way to frame the alt-right as really on the left, but it can also be a way of subverting them back towards our conservatism.

Hey OP, if you don't mind, I copied your info onto a post on The_Donald for them to check it out. I added links and some additional wording so it's not complete plagerism, but they get the idea your trying to convey on here. I figured they might be a good audience for it.


>Hey OP, if you don't mind, I copied your info onto a post on The_Donald for them to check it out.
This is now a redpill thread




Quit piggybacking off my post faggot. This is a NatCap thread.



What level are irony are we on user?


Is it the *word* socialism inherent in NatSoc which you don't like, from an optics perspective; or is the actual economic policies of the NSDAP that you take umbrage with? because they seemed to have a pretty bad ass economy.

Just when you thought you made enough chambers in the Gulag...

>Is it the *word* socialism inherent in NatSoc which you don't like, from an optics perspective; or is the actual economic policies of the NSDAP that you take umbrage with? because they seemed to have a pretty bad ass economy.
Exactly. Anyone who self-identifies as "national capitalism" comes off as a pinko who loves their (((free market))).

National without socialism is retarded.
Like , completly fucked up.
Nation : solidarity on geography
Natsoc : solidarity on race then geography
Capitalism: nothing but profit matters
Natcap : impossible. Since only profit matters. Not nation or race.
It is basic logic.

>retarded frog that doesn't read provided link on NatCap and is talking about shit he knows nothing about

>t. Retarded American who cannot summarize key points, rather must post links. A sure sign of someone who does not understand the information.

Soil is important, but secondary to blood. If Pepe the Time Wizard traveled back to Germany, 1933, and had its population switched person for person with Libya, Libya would then be Germany.

The soil you stand on has utility; but your nation is your people. One blood, one soil: but putting primacy of soil over blood is a (((trick))).

I fall very much in line with the ideas of a national capitalist; but the emphasis on promoting national and racial pride MUST be made for a true natcap system not to just fall back into degenerate madness cuz muh profits.
This means things akin to the boy scouts (or hitler youth) widespread, pro-us propoganda using truth as a sword kept as a CONSTANT to drive back our enemies, and a focus on our history and future not to blackened by the fingers of educational marxists and international jewry.
Regardless of the path we walk, its gonna be fuckin' tough.

Pic related. Identifies as NatCap.

You have national capitalism right now and alot of good that's doing us.

No. Our current system is very obviously a socialist one.
Not quite as socialist as other nations have become, but close. And you know what? This could work, if we were all one race and had a healthy national spirit. But we aren't. Perhaps we should focus on getting true ethnonationalism down first before the true debate between capitalism and socialism as systems can go ahead, both have pros and cons in the right areas.

How exactly are we going to improve the white birth rate though? What nations have done it successfully? And if we improve the white birth rate, couldn't whatever strategy we used inadvertently raise Hispanic and black birth rates as well, defeating the whole purpose?

>How exactly are we going to improve the white birth rate though? What nations have done it successfully? And if we improve the white birth rate, couldn't whatever strategy we used inadvertently raise Hispanic and black birth rates as well, defeating the whole purpose?
Birth rates is not the solution. Middle-Upper class people are not going to start popping out 5 or six kids on average.

I'm still digesting the information myself, but from what I read, it makes a LOT sense and I agree with all of it.
What's so hard to understand about NatCap?

In a system based on pure competition, both races will fall short.
The only reason they are so prosperous now is because we have this strange obsession with giving them shit. Welfare, food stamps, section-8 housing, scholarships and affirmative action and all manner of preferential treatment, to top it off with foreign aid to their virtually savage brothers. Cultural Marxism hard at work.
Natcap is against that shit.

Not unless Trump gives them tax cuts like he plans on doing.

We aren't going to realistically deport every Hispanic or black, either.

Eat shit with your capitalism you jew slave,also democracy....the fuck!?Are you retarded kid!?Jews thrive in capitalism and democracy thats the most retarded shit ever.
Also the US should have free education and healthcare minus the non-whites and it would be heaven on earth.

I understand it, But capitalism is not compatible with nationalism. In capitalism, the ONLY thing that matters is profit.
>Not unless Trump gives them tax cuts like he plans on doing.
Still not going to happen. The tax cut is going to be a typical GOP business cut. Even if it was significant, promoting a race to the bottom is not a good strategy.
No shit. How could you seriously convince people to deport a population that has been here since before the founding of America, or a group that has been American citizens for the past 100 years.

I think that the economic question is kind of subordinate to other aims. It's a toolbox, and government intervention or corporatism are tools that we shouldn't throw away without reason. Nationalism is what normalfags are conditioned against, not -national socialism- per se, or rather they've been trained to equate the two.

On the other hand, there's no reason not to rebrand a fascist platform as natcap or natcon if that's who we want to appeal to. Third positionism and all that.

>Like National Socialism, without the socialism label, swastika baggage, and dictatorship.
You mean return to what America was supposed to be?

Greed is Good, and helps to advance us, so long as it is tempered by strong national identity and racial pride.
Humans are built to compete, in all aspects of life. This should be encouraged for us to be the best version of us we can be.

But as stated, without devoting ourselves to higher ideals and building a strong culture for our children, none of it matters.

>Greed is Good
Did you not see what happened in that movie?

Wasn't a movie quote, was a general statement that remains true despite media depictions. The rest of my statement is dedicated to what circumstances are required for greed to not lead to decadence.

I prefer to remember Arnie as he was, not as he is.

>Wasn't a movie quote
Yes it is. It is a very famous one from a movie 30 years ago. Anyway, you cannot support unrestricted free markets unless you are content with the situation of the West.

I didn't use it as a movie quote, so it wasn't a movie quote.
A totally unrestricted market is not what I'm after. A severely less restricted one, tempered by honor in a better environment, is.


>Tempered by honor
fucking kek. There is no honor in capitalism. You posted a Youtube video by someone who I do not know, who is using a famous movie quote from a movie as old as him. You can say "I'll be back" is not being used as a movie quote, it still is. Wall Street is honestly a very good example of the nature of capitalism.


Wall street is a fine example of capitalism gone wrong.
If you don't like our ideas and want to be a cunt about it, you can fuck right off.
Greedisgood is a gold and lumber providing hack in Warcraft 3, does that mean I was referencing that game when I said it?

This, how can any Nationalist support capitalism when we saw millions of corporate dollars flood Clinton's campaign. Progressive-Capitalism is just as cancer as Progressive-Marxism.




Heres your Capitalism OP.

Fucking dump. Globalization is a key component of true capitalism. This fucking shit will fail completely without it


>theguardian com/us-news/2017/sep/13/twitter-founder-trump-presidency-short-attention-spans-evan-williams


Sure why not.

I am trying to point something else. Unrestricted capitalism (the connotation not actual definition) will lead to what the West is in now. People realize this and say that natcap will allow government intervention to protect national interests. This is not very much different from natsoc (ignore all the German imagery, the actual system of government).

How can any Nationalist support Socialism, the system that despises hierarchy in all its forms. Socialism is just an effort to remove capitalism from an economy entirely, which is like trying to fight gravity. You can either recognize that capitalism exists and create a nation that works within it, or you can be a socialist and be crushed by capitalism.
You are not actually a socialist. Every 'natsoc' here and 8pol are just nationalists that despise globalism. Globalism and capitalism are not the same things, capitalism is the constant, globalism is one potential result of economic realities. You can create a different result through nationalism. This is why the ideology is called NATIONAL Capitalism, not Anarcho Capitalism. The people that make up the state act together to compete in the global free market together, in globalism the people in the state act as individuals.

Capitalism is a constant force you must operate within.
Globalism is where everyone in the nation acts as an individual, destroying the nation.
Nationalism is where everyone in the nation acts as a single force, preventing capitalism from destroying the nation through actions like mass migration and outsourcing.
National Capitalism is not Globalism. It is Nationalism that recognizes Capitalism.
Read the actual policies of National Socialist Germany and understand that they were not actually socialists, not least by modern standards, they were National Capitalists.

All good bud. This is essentially the movement to finally drop the useless 'socialist' word and swastika from 'National Socialism' while still preserving the rest of the ideals. Spreading this around is the whole point, as long as the rest of the original ideas stay intact.
All help is appreciated. Jump in the terrible discord if anyone is interested: cTnu9

>This is not very much different from natsoc
That's the fucking point OP is trying to make! But you mouth breathing retards just see Capitalism and knee jerk think that it inevitably results in globalism, which is the point of Nationalism in the equation! NatCap is about profits FOR the nation.

NatSoc and NatCap are the same thing.

National Socialism is socialistic capitalism.

National Capitalism is capitalistic socialism.

National Socialism does not despise hierarchy. What are you talking about? It promotes a more JUST hierarchy, based upon national service and sacrifice, not how much money you can fuck your neighbors out of.

Also I disagree that capitalism is the only form of economics, perhaps we have different definitions of capitalism, but if you regulate the economy to allow only national companys to compete, I got news for you bud, you're a bad capitalist.

Socialism despises hierarchy. National Socialism does not, which is why National Socialism is the incorrect label for the ideology. The original NSDAP only used the word 'socialist' to appeal to the atmosphere of the day and the millions of communists in their country. No modern definition of 'socialism' matches with the NSDAP definition.
>regulate the economy to allow only national companys to compete
Not at all the message, the nationalist regulation does not imply that all the only companies allowed are national ones.

>That's the fucking point OP is trying to make! But you mouth breathing retards just see Capitalism and knee jerk think that it inevitably results in globalism, which is the point of Nationalism in the equation! NatCap is about profits FOR the nation.
Calm down autist, breath in-and-out slowly. You and OP are throwing around terms for meme ideologies like "Nationalistic Capitalism" and now claiming it is the same as National Socialism???

National Socialism is very pro-working class, unlike capitalism.

>National Capitalism recognizes that real nations can only be made up of a single people.
>Cucking your own profits because of something as pointless as skin color
This isn't capitalism you nigger

I have to go but one question.

Would you be in favor of a national mandatory union that strikes if a company doesn't serve national interests?

>Would you be in favor of a national mandatory union that strikes if a company doesn't serve national interests?
That is national socialism. Hitler did not seize the means of production, he just put an emphasis on protecting the working class

How is a mandatory national labor union NOT seizing the means of production? wtf.

>How is a mandatory national labor union NOT seizing the means of production? wtf.
There is a difference between unionizing and elimination of private property. Porsche, IG Farben, Fanta and Volkswagen.

*Were all businesses that were not state owned during natsoc Germany.

Capitalism is not for or against any group in particular, it just selects the cheapest possible method of creating goods, regardless of human suffering. The Nationalist perspective on this is the incredibly important caveat.

The original National Socialists did not even believe in welfare. You can read the policy link I posted above, they stated that everyone had the capability to work, and that even if there was not demand, the excess labor should be put to use to increase national production. There was no welfare programs or 'beating the capitalist system', the nation worked to better perform under the pressures of capitalist reality. The issue is that the word 'socialist' does not meet the NSDAP definition anymore, if the original National Socialists were transported to the modern era they would be considered capitalists, and certainly not called supporters of a welfare state, correct?
I never said it was anarcho capitalism. It is National Capitalism, the nation comes first.
>skin color
No nigger, its iq, culture, and history. Non-whites do not vote conservative ever. There are Europeans of many different shades.

A lot of this is focused on the international, trying to keep profits and jobs in the country while cutting immigration to zero to get wages up.