Hi. Newfag here

Hi. Newfag here

So I come here drunk shitposting and I figured, hey, why not voice my opinions to the people who don't give a fuck about 'so-called-oppressed' peoples' feelings.

Why is it that post-enlightened cultures have this incessant need to collectively turn into a bunch of pussies when there are problems involving the fucking minorities? In this particular circumstance, Muslim extremists.

I believe that fire should be fought with fire.

Terrorists use fear as a weapon. I say we should throw it back in their faces a hundred fold.

Take Japan for example before the end of WW2. They were some of the biggest assholes on the planet, yet when we kicked their asses courtesy of the Yanks and their nukes, Fat Man and Little Boy, they learned their fucking lesson and never gave us shit again.

I am not advocating that we nuke the shit out of them, even though it's a tempting thought, but maybe we should start using their own terror tactics against them. Torture and humiliation of captured combatants, soaking rounds in pigs' blood, capture and threats against the people they love, and whatever means that are needed to put them in their place.

Personally, I have absolutely zero respect for Muslims. If their central prophet, whom they idolize is someone who has less ethical grounding than the people you casually pass by when you walk through a street, then they are nothing more than savages. A warmongering slaver who rapes little children is not a celebrity who should be revered.


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Terrorists exist mostly because of the UK and the USA. We fucked up the middle east and radicalized the population. We only have ourselves to blame. If you look at it from the muslims point of view, they have every right to fight back.

Dear sir,

How about you start it off? If you can bring 1 attack inside Mekka all hell will break lose. Just be smart and do it in the name of anti-islam.

I will support you in this decision.

You don't know much about history.

The middle east was already fucked up, but I get your point.

That doesn't give them an excuse to make several cameo appearances with the Islamic truck of peace and tolerance, killing multiple men, women and children in the process.

I feel what you are saying is tantamount to when you mistakenly take a swing at the wrong guy, and your attack is unjustified. But if he starts beating the shit out of you and won't listen to reason, then you have no choice but to punch the bastard back so he stops hurting you.

>That doesn't give them an excuse to make several cameo appearances with the Islamic truck of peace and tolerance, killing multiple men, women and children in the process.

it doesn't? how else are they supposed to fight back? we have killed millions of their people.

please kill yourself.

I dare you to say that to the victims' families

Yeah you're right. About the post-enlightenment West spreading their ass for Abdul, that's probably the sign of a dying culture. Rome experienced the same thing before it collapsed.

A German schoolgirl on a Christmas market killed millions of Muzzies?

You aren't aware of moral equivalent are you, drooling retard

If Muslims attacked US military bases or even soldiers it would've been somehow justified, but what they are doing is cowardly massacre of the innocents

>If Muslims attacked US military bases or even soldiers it would've been somehow justified
osama bin laden addressed this point. Americans are directly responsible for what their government does, because americans vote the government in.
Also pic related. Children killed by the (((USA)))

Do you all know nothing of the Tripoli Pirates. Islam has been attacking us since before the founding fathers. The Navy was created to protect us from Islam. Why do you think the Crusades happened? Wtf history do you guys read.

Boi do you really think that I as a european give a fuck about what the US did? Nigga the city my gf lives in has been stricked by some muslim fucker. So would it be right for me to bomb them?

your country is allied with the USA.

you must be the smart wingnut

What do you call the guy getting thrown off


a faggot

>we have killed millions of their people.
Numale, you of all people should know
>citation needed

And that's my fault? I dind't do shit against any of them and we happily let them in. They rape our woman and childeren. Should this be just oke??

I would rather have some Deus Vult radicals drop some bombs to give them a taste of there own medicine.


>I would rather have some Deus Vult radicals drop some bombs to give them a taste of there own medicine.
They already do get bombed though, that's the reason there are so many attacks in europe and america. This mess was started by Western europe and america.

I wonder if the alt right were throwing gays off buildings if moderate christians would gather around and watch

I suggest cyanide desu