The Swiss people will soon vote if the Niqab/burqa is banned or not

The Swiss people will soon vote if the Niqab/burqa is banned or not.
Story: In switzerland if 100k people sign on a petition everybody will be able to vote on it and that will decide if it passes.
I signed the petition to ban the burqa obviously.
Soon i'll vote yes.

good luck, swissbro!

thanks, i hope germany will be saved somehow.

no chance, Germany is doomed

could you go more into detail about the burqua ban pls? how will this be inforced? what would be the consequences of wearing it? just a fine?

yes hefty fines. Ticino already has this ban. There are still woman walking around with burqas and a guy from qatar pays all the fines. But it can get very expensive.

>Soon i'll vote yes.
Of course you would. Who in their right mind would vote against that ban?

well religion freedom shit is kind of the biggest argument in favour of it.
but i can't walk around with a helmet or skimask either so wtf???

>There are still woman walking around with burqas and a guy from qatar pays all the fines

god damn, my burning passion for hating muzzies grows on a daily basis now. fuck them. jail is the only suitable answer then.

>but i can't walk around with a helmet or skimask either
fuck this gay shit
Islam is the problem, not burqas. you know it, i know it, the whole world knows it.
why can't a single state grow some balls and outlaw islam instead of coming up with these circumspect little bans

not gonna happen with our current political class let alone the current western european populations. maybe one day in eastern europe. i wish you luck

and yes, burquas are not the problem, but a ban on it together with a ban on halal meat and making it harder to open mosques/permanently monitoring every mosques due to risks of radicalization are all possible ways of a "soft" ban on islam that could circumvent the religious-freedom-dilemma. Add a hostile local population plus no free gibs from the state and some muzzies might change their mind about living in Europe. Babysteps...

oh yea i'm right there with you my friend
true. BUT MUH islamophobia
europe is too scared to to anything. Look at how fucked up gb, sweden, paris and germany is

and yes, the minarett ban was the first step here in switzerland. Now the greens want to ban halal meet because its not humane to kill an animal with a knife. Bolt to brain is better.
God i love my country just so much. FUCK ISLAM

how is the average swiss thinking about migrants from the balkans? is it true that you are literally flooded by them and have a higher rate of foreigners than f.ex. germany becaus of them?

let's just hope you won't get cucked by eu policy like with the new gun laws

>when even the fucking greens are pissed off at muzzies

I'll vote no. Fuck integration

most of them are here since a longer time, so they fucked like bunnies and we now all have the balkan kids. But as switzerland is so expensive most of them are very well integrated and try to make money to buy or lease their bmw's. They don't make problems. The niggers from eritrea and the muslims are problematic.

true. so so true.

You guys have a very unique and great system going.

>Literally everyone needs to do military training annually for a decade.
>Each province sets it's own law and guidelines
>Each province competes with eachother
>Low taxes because of this
>All white because of this

Good luck Switzerland, you guys are good guys

Little heads up, we banned it here as a Wahlzuckerl, nobody bothers, you still see ninjas everywhere.
Laws are useless if you don't enforce them.

we enforce them here though.


thanks. We can buy guns as easy as you guys too btw. Most households have an AR from the military at home lul


i'm not hating a race you moron, i'm hating an ideology which hurts more than it benefits.
Fucking go read

>no carry
Into the trash it goes.

doesn't matter if they have a job. it's crucial that they try to fully assimiliate and want to become swiss. do they do that? cause otherwise you can say good bye to your good ol' switzerland.

>I'm not hating a race
Who said hating? Let's kick them all out for not being White and/or native. When you see so many non-locals and mongrels dying in European terror attacks - it's hard to dislike the islamic spree

So basically you support facial recognition cameras tracking you literally everywhere?

>become me
Tell me, Jurinovic, how can a mudblooded subhuman """""assimilate"""" into Germanic-Celtic culture?

they do they do. They speak swiss german aswell. They are not the problem.
are you fucking retarded? I can't go around i saudia arabia tryng to tell everybody to be a christain. Muslims do. They don't want to integrate and they still want their culture and won't accept ours. In the western world this is not accepted. But i'm sure you're a tchechen bastard or something so go fuck yourself you won't and can't understand it.

I do. Most who own a samsung or soon an iphone X support facial recognition aswell so wtf is this kind of an argument?

Let them wear it. It's easier to make someone out as a target from a distance when they wear one.

oh and nobody is talking about kicking out, no matter how much i would like it. The subject is about the burqa.

>implying i can just go around an shoot those pigfuckers.

actually never but good luck trying to get a majority of conservatives let alone all people on board with such ideas.

>let the niggers rape and torture our women, at least this way we know they are our enemies
Don't need a Geoflag to see that you are German.

>They don't want to integrate
Which is more respectable than some quarter Portuguese mutt trying to go WE WUZ HELVETIANS IM SWISS VOTE SVP xD. I can't accept Yugoslavian, Mediterranean and Polish/Ukrainian hordes in Western Europe. They all must go back
exactly. that's why I'm voting no

bingo. That's why I support the open borders. If I can't enjoy all Germanic nation, no one will enjoy "somewhat Germanic" nation

Swiss are very conservative. Will pass. I wonder if many more will follow?

>I do.
God help you and your people then, there is nothing left to save.

that doesn't make any sense? You want the mudslims to stay but you want the people who are integrated to go?
This is some next lvl SP shit.

Is this another Swiss meme referendum?

Polls with fraud-free JA/OUI/SI majority or GTFO.

it will it will.
And the salty left tears will be delicious.

the left tried to jinx it. They made huge amounts of fake signatures so it won't come through. In the end it passed.

as if its avoidable? are you living in 1900???

>You want the mudslims to stay but you want the people who are integrated to go?
I want both to BTFO, but if I had to choose - I'd choose muslims over Med/Balkan mongrel trash. Besides, a good portion of mudshit radical comes form (((integrated))) (AKA fuck my gene pool up) Balkan roach families

Then everyone becoming a vaguely brownish Muslim is also unavoidable, so what's the problem?

How can you support one part of the NWO and fight against another?

open borders and millions of fugees per year is actually helping our cause since this will cause utter chaos and violence. it won't take long and even average europeans will start fighting back and re-establish ethno-states.


sadly the yearly dose of enrichment will be low but still deadly over time. RIP Europe

RIP anti-European Union*. Long live Magna Germania

i still don't understand your point of view desu.....

Soon you need to put pork in every school lunch make those fuckers really feel unwanted.

open borders = chaos, racial hate, crime, culllings, segregation, purity of bloodlines, eventually ethnic nationalist take over
Integration = racemixing, mongrels, peace, cucked harmony and dysgenics

What the hell language do Swiss speak? I hear some speak French and German?

Sorry, int fag.

I see your point. If there only wouldn't be muslims i wouldn't have any problem with it.
we speak 4 languages in the country, the biggest part is german, the second biggest french, the third is italian and the forth is some inbread language called romantsch.
I can speak the first 3 fluent.

There are four official languages. German, french, italian and the meme language that is romansh. Most swiss people speak german but in their own dialect which is called swiss-german. So basically whenever you are in a serious professional environment you'll use standard german but when talking or texting to others you'll use swiss-german.
In school swiss people usually are taught their mother tongue, one of the other official languages and english.

>any problems
with what? Balkanfags, portniggers and italoshits? I can't stand a fucking Ticino being a member of confederation and you speak about some scum like foreigners