Brit/pol/ - Sarah Onley edition

>Brexit: Next round of talks delayed a week 'for consultation'

>Brexit: UK will 'soon regret' leaving EU argues Juncker

>Chancellor Philip Hammond sets date for next Budget

>Dennis Skinner rebels against Jeremy Corbyn as he votes with Tories for Repeal Bill

>Hitchens: In Praise of Borders

>4.3%: UK unemployment falls to 42-year low

>'Walking into an ambush' Ex military chief warns Brexit defence plan ties UK to an EU army

>Britain sets out plan to continue contributing troops and cash to EU military after Brexit

>Jeremy Corbyn claims Government u-turn on pay cap is 'divide and rule'

Other urls found in this thread:


did you lads vote in the ukip leadership the other week? who for?

Have the scots calmed down yet?

Who's more subhuman: Balkanshits or Mediterraneans?




Scots are so fucking cucked.


Whats the point of it all really lads?

>C O P E shifts attention off africans by shitting on carribeans
>"bavarian"poster shits on southern europeans to shift attention from slavs

There is no point

just fuck it all and hop on my label innit bruv


There is none.

thoughts on sikhs?

Has anyone else noticed that Momentum shills are back?

What's up with you mate?

Does that mean they think another election is on the offing?

Dunno, just feel kinda sad right now.


Mostly based.

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 218 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.

Or more likely, that they know that they're on the front foot, and that they're so arrogant that they sincerely believe that they can turn us to their side.

they voted for brexit 52% and mainly vote for gibour. The 52% are bearable i suppose.

Perhaps the only non-whites other than Gurkhas that I'm alright with.

Most of them voted leave, they don't cause problems (that I know of), and don't breed like rabbits.

Nonwhite inbred scum descendant of the lowest castes, admixed to australoborignals so literally not human. Guilty of terrorism on the British soil since the 1920s

Surely there is a reason behind your sadness?

What did he mean by this?

But hey, at least we might see the return of YKTD and Designated Leftist.


Attention seeking.

Hindus vote for the ((((tories)))) in harrow, i thourght sihks would do the same

He's hanging around

>call out Momentum on Brit/pol/
>thread suddenly dies


That would be interesting.

I hope he was just LARPing, he's one of the good guys
General lack of fulfillment probably

>is not German-born
>doesn't speak German
>didn't live in Germany for 80-90% of his childhood/youth
Pick one

YKTD is nothing more than a weak "blackpill troll" who exists for nothing more than to depress the rightwing vote. Why else would he incessantly shill for Labour lefties like Attlee?

Designated Leftist was OK to some extent, because at least we knew where he stood. But he was still a shameless "I'm not pro-open borders I swear, but open the borders tho, idk ;)" leftist. He was tolerable only because he was transparent.

YKTD unironically copied and pasted Peter Hitchen's column's, and presented them as his own.

Designated leftist never really advocated opening the borders

>tfw lost all momentum

Overrated, but far better than muslims
I can at least respect them for not having a 100% fucked culture and religion, unlike islam, which is utterly shit

>Reee why aren't people liking the Tories after not doing anything conservative for the past 30 years

>General lack of fulfillment probably

I tried to talk to WN when he was posting that but he didn't respond.
>retard can't cope

Now back to the plan, I'm hoping I can finish the beat tonight, and saying that I should probably get started, and yes I'll post it here.

Those are Glaswegians, not Scots.

>better than muslims
Same shits>it's not a natural born German citizen and has no ties to Germany other than (claimed) ancestry
You are British lol
>finish the beat
negrified culture enorucahges negrified hobbies. Stay classy Scottish fatso

And shilled for "muh 1970s". And hated the Tories, especially [current Tory leader], while refusing to say a bad word against Corbyn. In fact, Corbyn was "muh based Brexit". And he openly loved Attlee and the early Labour years. And he hated Churchill. And he kept telling us to give up. Just give up. It's over, just give up. Stop fighting, it's over. You know, Corbyn's not so bad. Just stop fighting.


I remember him explicitly saying that there was no good reason that we shouldn't have them. I'd look it up on 4plebs but I'm too lazy and I don't remember the exact wording.

wasting your time on something no one is going to listen to or care about. this is the extent of you coping about your life, justifying wasting time to try and impress people online.

What is up with you retards today?

just giving you the hard truth hoping you will accept it and better yourself.

is that in the backgound the guy who's wife looks like a dude?

Except you're not though because you don't know what you're talking about.

sure :)


You just said so in your post though, you don't know what I'm doing or why I am doing it so what's your point?

You have ten seconds to justify involving oneself in rap, Scot trap

thanks man

I do not have to explain myself to lesser beings.

Keep up.

Who's this then?

Is she /ourgirl/?

if you're going to go to the effort of typing a textwall in a dead or fake language at least use one other people care about like Latin or Klingon. Even fantasy LARP 1901AD language (((hebrew))) would be preferable, if only to remind everyone there's no such language and it's a jew trick like everything else.

Where were you when you found out David Jason has converted to Islam?

Imagine if people had become black-pilled about Brexit, and yet people voted for it. There's a way to go, but it shows that momentum can be built against seemingly insurmountable odds. There are these around who like to kill hope, because they know how powerful it can be.


Source right now.

>he hated Churchill

if you don't you're a fucking idiot. All the witty comebacks in the world don't make him any less of a drunk, bought-and-paid for fat sack of lying shit.


YKTD was a blackpillmong that even after the vote said brexit wouldn`t happen, he would probably still hold that opinion now if he hadn`t offed himself.

retard making up stuff?

Well, technically, brexit still hasn't happened.
But I do agree, he was a fucking dumbarse who was proved wrong countless times even before the actual EUref, and pretty much every prediction he made was btfo, so he reverted to posting Hitchens quotes and claiming everyone else was stupid

Exactly. I've never seen a single good reason to buy into this "blackpill" nonsense. It's just cowardly defeatism.

We've overcome far worse odds than this, but for some reason NOW is the time that we should give up? Just because "i-i-it's p-p-pointless, d-d-d-don't w-w-w-waste y-y-your t-t-t-time"?

Fuck you, the "blackpill" is the purest and most literal definition of "depressing the vote".

What's the point of being blackpilled? Seriously?
Other than to help you get Comrade Corbyn elected of course.
What does being "blackpilled" do for me? Nothing.

based DUP

Time for archive

He's just in character, nothing to do with Islam

makes sense as their entire economy is public sector employment in health care and education.

Yes like I said, you just proved you don't know why or what I'm doing, your point?

Not sure about NHS pay, doesn't really affect me.
But I am very thankful that the DUP has voted against a rise in tuition fees. I plan on doing a masters' degree next year and was crossing my fingers that I could squeeze through before it gets raised again

>Defending your nation makes you a sack of shit
Yeah good point. We should just have opened the border and let the Wehrmacht walk in.

What, are you some sort of Germanophobe or something? Do you hate foreigners? Or are you just a Naziphobe? Is that it? You hate their ideology? Their religion? Their very WAY OF LIFE?
You think that they're inferior to you? You think that you're better than them? Wow. Fuck you. I reserve the right to punch you. #PunchAGermanophobe

Right? :^)

>defending the nation

Best Beatle.

show me where I said I don't know why or what you're doing... you fucking brainlet

I couldn't agree more. There's a reason why alphabet agencies use Psy-ops, because to some extent they work in demoralising the target. It seems to me that shills aside, we often do a good job of demoralising ourselves.

Care to make a real point?

With facts, and evidence, and arguments?

What do you prefer, lads?
Getting drunk in your cozy room, or at the pub?

Taking the blackpill just isn`t very British.

Churchill didn't defend Britain, he was just the British face of the then Jewish control. He didn't speak out, he kept the truth hidden and walked us right in to a war that we didn't need to be part of.

is that so he can try to justify why he likes to fuck 9 year olds?

Western powers gave Germany chance after chance after chance, in the real world actions have consequences.
The west should have intervened way before 1939, then maybe we wouldn1`t be in such a shit position.

Hope he's okay

>Labour won't fix the country
>Tories won't fix the country
>No other party can win a general election
>UKIP is dead
>There is no respectable right-wing party that could influence the main parties like UKIP did with Brexit
>The CoE and all other national institutions have abandoned their traditional values in favour of 'diversity'
>You will be jailed for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque, but a Muslim can molest a child and avoid jail time because his wife doesn't speak English
>Current demographic and immigration trends will lead to the UK becoming an Islamic country within the next hundred years or so

I-its not all over!

We had absolutely 0 Casus Belli against germany. Call me a wehraboo or a germanophobe all you want, they are simply ad hominem arguments.

>Do you hate foreigners?
Many of them, yes. That doesn't include white germans who haven't attacked you.
What point are you even trying to make?

Here are some facts for you. Churchill was a zionist and was bought and paid for by the Focus Group, an all-jewish cartel of london bankers, an anti-fascist oligarchical secret society that bankrolled and bribed churchill, on the condition that he accelerate tensions against Germany and agitate the continent to stir up war.
We went to war not for the interests of defending britain and its empire, but for those same bankers and puppet masters to further their goals of destroying white dominance in the world.

Right here

Concisely put, lad. When will the LARPing Toryboys and libertaritards learn?

How the ever loving fuck did Germany subjugating all it`s neighbors not deserve a response, some of them were our allies?
What were we to do?

my /cozy/ room is far better

>should have intervene

now your kids are smashed against the floor with paki cocks


"Until the end of the 20th century, the myth was perpetuated by Churchill’s official biographer, Martin Gilbert – a British Jew. He was knighted for his monumental work. Like Churchill, he received a special privilege: exclusive access to Churchilll’s private archive until he completed the biography in 1995.
Gilbert created the myth about Churchill’s special relationship to the Jews"

"And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible." Churchill, Zionism and bolshevism, essay

If there isn't a violent solution or ethnonationalist takeover in Britain - you will become a nation of mongrels just like Italians in 300 years*

Don't forget to teach your mudblooded progeny to scream " D&C shills "

Sikhs are based as fuck and when I see one, I consider him an ally.

All true.
The self-demoralisation is a key part of the brainwashing process.

I'm NOT saying that we're being brainwashed by foreign agents. But what I AM saying is that our very own left-wing groups (like Momentum) receive a lot of funding and a lot of attention from The Powers That Be.
For example, whose side do you think Tony Blair and his moneyed friends are on?

Sup Forums is infamous across the entire internet for wrongthink. There is no doubt that every single lefty journo and activist has been here at least once. And Brit/pol/ is the lightning rod for all British political debates.
They know that we exist. There's no doubt about it.
It's easy to pretend that Sup Forums means nothing, but it's been referenced repeatedly by the Guardian, the BBC, the Daily Mail, etc.

Basically, what I am saying is that Momentum are obviously monitoring Brit/pol/ and trying to steer it in their direction.

I wonder if Owen Jones or Diane Abbott ever posted on Brit/pol/? I wouldn't put it past them tbqh.

I used to like drinking with the lads, but there is something very peaceful and right doing it here.

Western powers gave Germany multiple chances to stop what they were doing and get on the good boy train. Germany didn't want that because they knew what happened when you did, you get shit like the Bolsheviks. Germany, like Syria of today, refused to be part of the international Jewish banking cartel the brought nothing but oppression and stealth slavery and for this desire for freedom they were set upon by Western powers.

Yes, because Jewish publication is openly going to admit what they did during the lead up to and throughout the war. That's as biased a source as one could bloody get.

Retard. Sikhs are some of the biggest Labour voters in this country.