Friendly reminder that Conservashits vote against their own economic interests


Is the pirate voting bloc really so important that image macros need be made about it?

People in New York vote against economic interests by voting dem


Some people's economic interests go beyond trying to exploit others to pay their way in life.

You're just a fucking whore too lazy to put out for a buck. Like all fucking communists ever.

It's not in my interests, economic or otherwise, to have my community/state/country flooded with low IQ third worlders while Democrats systematically strip me of my constitutional rights.

Thank you. Shills can't even keep their story straight.

It's a shit argument when you realize it's made based on tax distribution with no context as to why.

buh-but im gonna be a millionaire some day! the propaganda machine told me so! i just have to pick myself up by the bootstraps, its not like social mobility has gone to shit

Came here to post this

Someone has to stick up for the smallest of minorities since big gov wants to shit all over the individual.

>implying mass immigration is in your economic interest
>implying free trade is in your economic interest

But hey, at least if you vote left you can get transexual surgery or poz it up at the gay disco before you go back to being poor, right?

perhaps they're not selfish and greedy as the "left"

Holy shit dude how many times have you made this fucking thread?

Mods please ban this spamming idiot.

Friendly reminder that Libtards vote for short term gibmedats.

Why can't you poor stupid racist rednecks just accept that we liberals know whats best for you?

free trade is too broad a term

There are both winners and losers in free trade- sure it helps the individual consumer but hurts the individual producer

>the rich people aka inherently evil people who deserve to be lynched



Daily reminder, you haven't had any economic interests since both sides of every western democracy sold their sphincters and yours to corporatism.

>Enjoy your illusion of choice.

>pass expensive shitty legislation that benefits me in no way, i already have healthcare/a cellphone and i don't need a spy agency that follows me
>sell it to the public by saying that the rich are going to receive a tax hike
>rich schmooze politicians into not giving them tax hike via access to mansions and golf clubs and other bonuses
>taxes go up for working class
>"why are you conservashits voting against your own interest?"

as opposed to democrats who vote for neoliberals who relocate their manufacturing plants abroad and flood the country with lowskill immigrants so that their wages stagnate while also deregulating the financial institutions so that banks can play fast and loose with their mortages and pensions and make them pay multibillion bailouts?

lel, you're all cucks

Shills cant even coordinate lmao.

well now republicans have no use for trump at all

Conservatives vote against YOUR interests **

Friends don't let friends shitpost libtard lies that are not in everyone's best interest.
Pirates know Parrot bullshit when they hear it.

you mean the rich, the working class republicans however...

Yes they do.

They vote for their individual freedoms rather than top down discriminatory pro-corporate regressive empty promises of handouts for an easy, lazy bullshit life for economic vampires.

wonder how long until the poor republicans turn on him when they find out he's not giving more to the rich.


Fixed that for you, friend.

it's also "in my interest" to say that 10% of all tax revenue goes into my bank account, but obviously that's insane and stupid


deece, nice numerals my man. helicopters are better anyway

>top down discriminatory pro-corporate regressive empty promises of handouts for an easy, lazy bullshit life for economic vampires.

You mean like Trump, you fucking retard?!

OP maybe you can answer this for me. I hear you Liberals preaching to the choir that we conservatives and libertarians vote against our own economic interests. You preach it like gospel. So tell us, what are our economic interests?

As I recall, Obama bailed out walstreet. If Trump has the same situation and opportunity and doesn't bail them out, we'll know we voted for the right man.

How specifically do regulation happy open border globalists represent my economic interests?

take everyone down with you? make everyone poor so you don't stand as a loser as much?
make guatemala look great again?

Obongo basically just continued and expanded w's plan.

You don't even understand economics.
STFU and fuck off.

good question. do you know?

expanding welfare is not in the poor's interest

So you're saying both parties are fucked, what else is new. Trump was the lesser of two evils.

>implying my economic interests are paying niggers to devolve through dysgenic welfare incentives
Why are libtards such eager drones of the system, but think they're rebelling against it?

starving and homelessness is?

Only because of scotus.

read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell and then fuck off.

public education mostly

economic prosperity and hope for the future is


Friendly reminder that the left cant into economics for shit, so don't listen to them.

you can't eat idiotic republican slogans


>Advanced econ
>being a communist

I would argue a few other things as well, but he may be less effective in implementing them.

You can eat peanut butter and jelly and ramen, until you get to a better economic level.

difference is republicans are content with their poverty any want everyone to be like them.


The theme I'm seeing in this thread is the pervasive opinion that if you are against conservatives, you must be liberal. Why is this? Why have you let it come to this? You so strongly believe that there can only be two options, and it will always be so because you refuse to envision another way. You see a line in the sand, but you are blind to the stick that has drawn it, the hand that holds it, and the man that tells you the line was always there and you must abide by it.

Please, awaken yourselves. Understand that you will never be free of the pendulum that swings between left and right unless you grasp it with your own hands and hold it still.

better than voting for democrats who are against civilizations best interests by trying to replace its creator and curators, white people with poos niggers and shitskins

There's nothing wrong with wanting less government and taxes.

you willing to allow all kinds of sacrifices for the poor arent you

He doesn't have the party support for anything else. That should have been apparent over the last 18 months. He won in spite of the rnc, not because of it.
Because of that his "lesser"ness is basically squashed.

How is massive taxes going to put more money in my pocket? All that's doing is transferring money from me to some welfare dependent people so that hurts both me and the welfare dependent by trapping them in the system. If you want higher wages for worker then efficiency has to be increased. Also higher mimmum wages cause rising prices for all income groups. The left would be better if they stuck to trade union matters

actually they do vote for their economic interests.

Globalization, NAFTA and free trade is not in their economic interests. open borders is not in their economic interests.

The only people who benefit from open borders and free trade are the rich elite. The washington establishment does their bidding. That's why both parties are fucked up and Trump needs to raid the GOP and recreate it as a populist party.

You say that like its a bad thing. Being content with what you have, as long as you're working for something better, is quintessential to being happy.

he says as the government grows another $650 billion for military spending

Both groups are generally unskilled and do not make good workers or entrepreneurs

no you're content with what the poor have.
the rich shouldn't feel any discomfort at all, right?

>voting to allow Paco and Lupita to enter the country and take public assistance for their 12 children and extended family is in my white interests
>voting for more black hand me outs is in my interest as a white guy

Who pays taxes dickhead? Only one group in America pays taxes. The rest are parasites.

Lmao,and voting for the Democratics (who want nothing more than to utterly destroy them & everything they love) is a better choice and totally isn't agiants they're interest
Sage boys,sage

Wtf are you talking about, you can eat a healthy balanced diet on a very small wage (eggs are one of the cheapest foods ever). I'm not for buying them steak for every meal if that's what you mean. Steak is for the working class.

> 1 post by this id
> slide thread
> lefties so egocentric and elitist, they think they can tell others what their personal interests might be
> saged as a matter of course.

2018 will be interesting, basically a make or break for his first 4 years.

and you can live a long life sleeping in a cardboard box in a warm state. that's fine for you but you want others to do it

Poor Southerners actually voted Democrat until it became blindingly obvious the Democrat party is the part of hating white people.

Why do lefties believe that economics is a zero sum game? In voluntary transactions, both sides win. People don't usually get rich by taking from other people; they get rich by transacting with lots and lots of people and, thus, making their lives better.

Basically, they ascended the economic ladder to the top. I was poor, I got through it. I still had friends to laugh and play with. Not a big fucking deal. If you want to, you can get out of a personal economic slump with the most minimal of effort.

and you want to pauper the working class to fee parasites.
fuck off leafty leaf.
shouldn't you be licking le weed man's scrotum right now?

also, still saging



don't you want people to be poor?
isn't that really what it is?
I scraped by fuck everyone else

If they want to live in a cardboard box sure, if not then there are plenty of opportunities to get out of that slump.

I don't think life should be one big game of surviver

some people can't and never will be able what about them?

No, I don't want people to be poor, if they don't want to be. That's why I'm not for incentivizing it. I'm not sure why you or other democrats want people to be poor, except you can use it as an excuse to expand the power of the state.

Is it that hard to get a job? No its not and by having massive taxes you make unemployment go up and so it becomes harder to get a job.

They are such a low minority that they don't bear mentioning on a federal or even state level. Local charities and shelters propped up with donations could easily take care of them.

>No, I don't want people to be poor, if they don't want to be. you know ppl that want to be poor?
incentivizing it. like outsourcing jobs to china?
oh wait you wouldn't wanna make the rich uncomfortable

>Kek, Faggot there is no reason white working/middle class men voting democrat for section 8 more brownise america

Why Should I voting redistribution of wealth by gender and race?

When you motherfucker never give to affirmative action for white working class?

When White middle class who already has personal insurance also pay extra "Obamacare" Social-security tax

Hurr Durr frightened white kid waving some flag are more responsible to inequality than A banker , businessman like warren buffett and jeff bezos

Go Fuck yourself race baiting scum

massive taxes? where does all that money go, to the poor?

so you don't actually give a fuck.
you know tax money goes to churches now for programs for the poor.
kind of an incentive to keep people poor

>You fucking uneducated poor "white privilege" trash why don't voting us? REEEE

You wanna vote? Than how about stop insulting and race-baiting

Are you retarded? Fcuking Democrat abandoned white working class, and sucking banker cock long time aga

fucking democrat keep saying "Evil white men do this, do that"

but never mentioned "evil corporation" do this or do that

How much specifically goes to churches?

Aye! More rich folk means more plunder!

you have a computer, google it

no, you think it should be one big game of candyland, because you reason like a child.

there will always be winners and losers, the only quuestion is who decides who wins annd who loses
you think the state should decide, and provide everyone with a participation trophy
i think I should decide whether i win or lose, and bob should decide whether he wins of loses, and chuck should decide for himself, and andrea should too...

thats the difference.

european prisoners are better off than some ppl on welfare

You are making the claim. Source it.