Show of hands who wants tenga to wreck that chidori

show of hands who wants tenga to wreck that chidori

I'm gonna be kind of mad if it doesn't happen desu.


I do.

Chidori is literally the cutest.

Reds are made for each other, desu desu

NTR doujins when?

Do they all feel her getting fucked?

Clearly the best pairing.

Can someone please post the latest version of this with all the others included?

Are people enjoying this show ironically?

Every time I watch this and Mayoiga I suffer a minor nervous breakdown knowing the same writer was behind Anohana and Mayoiga is several magnitudes more entertaining.

I guess I should expect as much from such an overrated studio.

I mean if I literally never thought for myself and simply endlessly regurgitated the asinine opinions I read on an imageboard, I could see where you're coming from.

hopefully thats the final stage of being a kiz


Your sentence was hard to read but this is my first time on this board in months, user.

>literally never thought for myself and simply endlessly regurgitated the asinine opinions

Replace "opinions" with "tropes and archtypes" and you have this show's creative process in a nutshell.

If Tenga came inside of Chidori's virginhole, would he experience the feeling of being cummed inside, or would it amplify his own orgasm?

When they all eventually pair up, will they have to address the issue of simultaneous orgasms? How would they even work out when they're allowed to fug and when they aren't. Or what if two of the pairs happen to have sex at the same time?

This show maybe crap, but it's a goldmine for doujins.

I would Chidori for myself

Chidori is just too cute for a faggot like Kacchon

Because this dumbass show doesn't deal with pleasure but only pain. God this show sucks.

>"We're connected by our wounds"
>wow why do they only focus on the pain and not pleasure this show is garbage

I think the user questioned the premise, not the logic of the show.

>yfw everyone is able to feel Chidori's hymen rip when she loses her virginity

She would bring you dinner everyday.


I can already see the NTR doujins with Kacchon feeling the pleasure of Tenga having sex with Chidori.


I want Sonozaki to NTR Chidori

I want Tenga to remain a bachelor while Chidori keeps suffering for being a retard.

All the girls are part of Kacchon's harem.

nah he needs to tear her apart

Name of the viking rune movement illusion from the countries beyond the silky way trick?

We're she to not, it would disrupt the established paradigm.

Imagine Sonozaki NTR'ing Chidori with MC while Tenga is NTR'ing MC with Chidori, all at the same time.
Meanwhile, Maki is raping Yuta, and Nico bites Purple's dick to make him cum.

>Maki is raping Yuta
Yuta is for pure handholding only, do not lewd him.